Topic: to my angel
theronin75's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:26 AM
days go by bringing hope
the moments better and better
the sweet instances with you
you make me grow
mistakes i've made many
but you give me stength
courage to change
put me on the right path
happy are my days
soon, to soon i guess
your path will fork
my job done
so prepare you i will
give you all i know
the love,tolerance and patience
you taught me so well
is the best gift i'll ever give

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:27 AM
A beautiful poem for your lil one :)

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:38 AM
Sweetie, she will ALWAYS need her dad.

You are soing an awesome job with her.

LAMom's photo
Tue 01/16/07 08:43 AM
Awesome!!!! The love for a child is the greatest of all.
You are a incredible Daddy!!!!

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Tue 01/16/07 09:47 AM
Letting our children go and grow is the hardest part of being a
parent...Well done...

michael1313's photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:14 AM
good words...
I'm a daddy that had my daughter go her own way,
on her own path,in her own time,
and now I'm a GrandFather,
happy in the choices she made from my wisdom,and teachings...

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:41 AM
Very good theronin nothing like the love of a child

Cybear's photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:43 AM
Wow!Theronin,I loved that so much.Can I ever relate to this.Hmmmmm!Well
yeah,I have 3 precious & beautiful~blonde haired,blue~eyed
daughters.There is nothing more precious to me on this Earth than them.I
would forsake all including my life in a red hot second for any of
them.They are Jessica~24,Crystal~21,Loran~19.Fortunately our marriage
held out long enough for all 3 to be raised by us both.All 3 are
attached to both myself & my X equally.But now that they have become of
age they're all in college,boyfriends etc.But when that day comes for me
to hand over my daughters in marriage that will be the most heart
breaking days of my life,but of course I'll be elated and joyous for
them but yet saddened at the same time. I can tell you this for
certain,I will not ever be far from them in mind,heart and spirit.For
all the days we spend on this Earth,we will always be there beacon of
strength,hope and all the love we have instilled into them.Wow!I guess
you really struck a chord with Cybear on this one.I Thank You!so much
for sharing this with us.Godspeed!You're Friend,Cybear.

karmafury's photo
Tue 01/16/07 11:13 AM
Well said Son.