heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:10 AM
mike he's not here to answer it thats my pic. up there. jeff is fast

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:13 AM
LMAO Heather Mike is asking you both it don't matter who I kinda want to
know too

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:16 AM
it would take way to long to explain in one of these posts. but i do
think part of the nature of mikes question was whether or not its all
his idea and if he's a good hubby to me.

yes, he is good to me.
and this was my idea not his. i'm the bi one and after a few yrs of
marriage i had to let him know there was more i wanted, but there is
also a lot more involved than simply just that, there are a lot of other
beliefs affecting it as well, that i wont get into on here right now.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:22 AM
Hmm that could be true Heather what you said about Mike but what I was
wondering and knowing that there are places that you can go to find
women like you, Why on here when some of the women on here like you are
single and you are married don't you think Mike question to you might be
a litle right as maybe being a little selfish Not trying to up set you
just asking a question ok :)

michael1313's photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:56 AM
yes Shadow,,,this was my question...isn't that just a little
selfish,,,and rubbing th single folks's nose in th fact that we are
single,while Hearther and Jeff are married,looking to hook up with
another...a THIRD PARTY???

some folks get ALL th

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:08 AM
we're not rubbing anything in anybody's face mike. we're here looking to
meet people just like everybody else. and no it is never selfish to have
love to give. loving families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
jeff and i feel lucky that we have so much love to give. i'm not
parading around here all "im married and your not u sorry bunch of
suckers" i've never had an attitude like that. just because you or
others here may still be looking for their #2 and we're looking for our
#3 doesn't mean the space in your heart for someone to love is any
emptier than ours.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:14 AM
Don't get me wrong heather I like talking to you it's just a question
thats all and if you are saying we are all sorry bunch of suckes what
does that make you? Question Heather have you ever had this kinda
relationship with your hub?

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:19 AM
shadow what i'm saying is that i've NEVER implied that anyone on here
was a sorry bunch. and i don't understand where mike got the idea that i
ever did. i was referring to mikes suggestion that we're selfish people
and that makes me upset. i've had plenty of conversation with you
shadow by email that u know i have a true heart. i'm not offended by
your question or your curiosity in the least bit shadow.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:38 AM
OK :) I know Mike can be a litle rough But what I'v come to see and know
from kowning a few women that ar Bi have told me 9 out of 10 times sense
they have tried to have a relationship with a couple that sense the
women know how to please eachother more then the man does that comes a
problem unless you have been through this befor and have an
understanding on that subject so I see most women on here that are bi
that will not be willing to engage in a relationship like that so i
would think that it is just as hard to find that as the same as me
looking for what I'm looking forSee being young and bi I would think
that that would be all most inposable to happen because most don't reliz
what ther looking fore. I was married and I was with her for 6 years I
left her because of the drugs and finding out after we were married she
didn't want kids so where did that leave me after six months after we
were married. and that is another thing to think about bringing a kid
into the world in that situation is something that can happen and how
would you feel if it was her that got preg and not you. See there are so
manythingto think about doing this and what you could lose by not
knowing what you are really asking for out of that person.

rain027's photo
Sun 01/14/07 10:05 AM
Hi Heather's Hubby Glad you could join us. How's business??

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 10:33 AM
these are all things that have been discussed in great detail between us
for a couple years.

if everybody really is curious you guys can check out a very informative
web site called u don't have to join to read the
ariticles and things joining is just for using the community like on
this page, but from the home page u can read many many articles,
excerpts from books and studies and even personal experiences and
history's from other cultures other than our own good ol america about
polyamory and the people who believe in it and practice it. the guys
that write these articles and things are much better at explaining this
stuff than i am.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/14/07 10:37 AM
Hmm I would think if you going in to this then you would be able to
explain because you are putting someone else life in you hands if you
were to say anyhow Take it easy :)

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 10:39 AM
its because i don't feel it necessary to go into all that in the public

TheShadow's photo
Sun 01/14/07 10:46 AM
OK I see that you might scare people lol JK I hear you :) Hmmm maybe IL
just send a email IF you reply ? lol

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 10:53 AM
that would be just fine. i would be more than happy to talk to you about
it in great detail through email. I just don't want to make people who
might not be interested or care to know about it endure seeing it on a
thread all damn day. ya know. real personal stuff like some beliefs and
lifestyles should be discussed on a more personal level i think.

michael1313's photo
Sun 01/14/07 03:48 PM
Heather...I'm sorry if you misunderstood my question...
and if I implied you were selfish...
we also have had our talks as you know...
I only asked that question for another,
who is too shy to ask herself...and asked me to...

please accept my apology here...

it was not my intent to anger you in any way...
and thank You for your answers...M.

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:03 PM
thank u michael. whoever your friend is. its alright to ask me questions
don't think i'm unapproachable, i'm not judgemental. feel free to email
me with whatever questions u have. thats a little bit better format for
that sort of thing than the public forums.

widowerseeking's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:24 PM
not making any accusations, but I know that pic of jeff is not new, I
can remember seeing it someplace before. In fact at this point would not
surprise me to find Jeff is just an alter ego. just a gut feeling I
have, he does not exist.

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:26 PM
widow. jeff is my husband i sat here in fron to the computer and took
that pic of him myself. if your that disbelieving i'll give u his last
name in an email and you'll find him in the yellow pages he does exist
he's sitting right here next to me playing on his playstation.

heatherrae's photo
Sun 01/14/07 09:29 PM
as a matter of fact would u like to have me put up a pic of us sitting
next to each other. not that u deserve to see it after a dumbass comment
like that.