Topic: SWINGING....
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Tue 09/05/06 11:31 PM

glide's photo
Wed 09/06/06 01:26 AM
yes because i love women and love to make them happy, explode if ya know
what5 i mean!

lonerider47's photo
Wed 09/06/06 05:46 AM
it of course if the feeling is right an the women is reseptive then yes
but without feeling in the heart its not worth the effort

lanse's photo
Wed 09/06/06 06:24 AM
Swinging: Think not. I enjoy women too much, respect women--even
prostitutes--respect them that I would not enjoy looking at them with
other men leerung and gyrating about. Now, I have been with more than
one woman at one time--but thier choice. But trading my partner with
another couple--think not--besides my partner was always the best--why
trade down.

no photo
Wed 09/06/06 07:24 AM
No way would I ever do anything like this and if my husband even
mentioned the word I would knock his head right off.

no photo
Wed 09/06/06 04:25 PM
Not for me.

no photo
Wed 09/13/06 05:49 PM
I've thought about it and if we both agree it's something we would like
to try together then so be it. I would try it with one other person at a

unsure's photo
Wed 09/13/06 06:06 PM
No I would never do that. If I am with someone, why would I ever put our
relationship into jepordy like that? Could you imagine seeing your mate
with someone else..I would think that you would not enjoy yourself
because you would be wondering if he is liking her better then you.
I have confidence in myself don't get me wrong...I am just not stupid to
put myself in that type of a situation.

tretia's photo
Wed 09/13/06 06:16 PM

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 09/14/06 12:31 PM
I'm with lanse(Jim) on this one...why the hell would I trade down? ;-)

Sweety185's photo
Mon 10/23/06 04:45 PM
Very interesting. The guys all say yes, the women all say no. LOL Of
course, every guy wants a harem. Would you be as willing if it were 2
guys instead of two women?
Yes, I would do it for, and with the right partner. Bringing others
into sex where you are vulnerable or in bondage requires a great deal of
trust. Mainly that your main partner can control the situation and keep
you both phyically safe, mentally safe and safe from STDs.
It wouldn't ever be my first choice, especially with a woman,that
wouldn't do a thing for me. But if I made my partner happy, and I loved
him I would try it. Matter of fact there are only 3 things off limits,
I'll let you wonder what. <Wink> But they are off limits for the man I
trust most in the world too.

Scufboy's photo
Mon 10/23/06 04:53 PM
Swinging is such a broad topic. I had a great time with a couple of
girls one night. Nothing bad about it. That night was good fun. Nothing
bad came of it. I always worried if I was with 2 girls at once and they
both far exceeded my "abilities" that I would look bad. NOT THE CASE.
There is to much to do (no pun intended) for anyone to keep track.