Community > Posts By > casi_espanola
movin to NYC from Finland
Funny you say that considering when she came over, she was mugged during the 2 weeks she was in NY.
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Tue 03/17/09 08:27 PM
I haven't been here long, but I made a lot of friends and actually plan to see them later this year; yes, I keep in contact with them everyday via Skype, cell, MSN, and facebook actually. I made friends in France, Italy, Poland, and Spain and plan to see them this summer since I will be in Europe for almost 3 months, and they even call me on a daily basis; it's kind of cool to receive calls from different countries :] The particular ones I made in Florida and California, I will see in the fall and winter. I've been continuously communicating with them daily since I've joined this place, which is good so far and that is what I came here to do :] Way excited cause they're awesome people :] Go Mingle. |
A little guidance please...
Next time you ask her to hang out, make sure you establish that it's a date by simply saying, "Hey, you think you'd be interested in going on a date?" If she says sure, then obviously she's interested. If she gives you those "Oh, I don't mind hanging out but I don't see you in that way," then you know. It might be awkward after that but it won't last and you guys can resume just hanging out as pals; after all, you're just stating you have a simple interest in her and not confessing your undying love or anything. You should realize by your past mistakes that you should take the initiative to just simply ask a girl, especially if there are no signs to read off from. Now stop dwiddle-dwaddling here and go get her, tiger. But in a nice and respectful manner lol. |
Why we hate France
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Sun 03/15/09 11:08 AM
Right...cause we, as such perfect Americans, and others are any better in history, words, and actions. This is interesting news and I agree it's ridiculous, but don't try to act so high and mighty about it - you're just contributing to the common notion of how Americans think they are so great. And no, I do not "hate" France, but their politics and government does need work. Oh but then do many others. |
I'm curious by looking at most of the people's responses but...does anyone have any idea what is even going on in Mexico right now? The president just declared a "war" against the raving drug cartels that killed over 7,000 people since last year that's taking the nation by storm. Even the U.S. is supporting Mexico with back up and has been coming up in the news lately. It's a global crisis and some predict it could be like the second Pakistan(which is on the verge of collapsing). With that is stated that Cancun is considered "safe" for tourists to go at the moment since most of the battles are being fought in cities like Tijuana, Mexico City, and such. Someone suggested for you to go downtown....well police right now are asking people to stay away from the downtown area and their have been reports of violence. My friend went anyway and he said he was fine, but it's still is nerve-wrecking as daytime shootouts are becoming more common. I'd say do a little more research about Cancun's condition at the moment just to get a better idea. But, viva el Mexico, and I guess it's best to go down there now before what is becoming a civil war boils over. Have a nice trip! |
Yes, No, or Maybe - part 5
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Wed 03/04/09 09:40 PM
Yes, I can be quite quixotic. Have you ever lied about your age? |
movin to NYC from Finland
You seem like an awesome chick, and I would love to~ Good thing you're coming in the fall cause I'll be in Spain, France and Italy the whole summer, plus I'll finally be 21 years old haha. My name's Jenn, you? An early "Tervetuloa!" :] |
9~ :] |
I don't like to rate profiles- just wanted to say Hi and Welcome ![]() LOL then why are you in the "Rate My Profile" forum... :] Anyways, thanks! *waves back* |
I just finished two research papers this evening and was getting bored so I decided to amuse myself with judgmental aka honest comments about moi out of pure curiosity~ Soooooo bring it! >:] *goes off to get some coffee* |