Community > Posts By > Dured72Alder

Dured72Alder's photo
Tue 03/13/18 10:10 PM

How we are is something always open. Yes, there ares the basic's of ho we are; like owe upbringing, the way life itself shape owe perception of our and won-self. It's coming through sensitivity, that filters on not. We are not completely in control but we are responsible to assume our choices and mistakes. « That's ho i am» can be an affirmation of something usually suspect by others, especially our pears, and community, as being untrue. I am changing: but as i go along i see that there ares somethings that i not comfortable whit, that i dont like to be part of, or simply doing. And yes, it's difficult to say «i am», since there ares so many codes, so many that are insidious, that we feel the need to say «i» in an affirmative way, sometimes, because we get tired of explaining yourself to others, as if we needed to justifie yourself to others. The more you feel that you need to explain, the less you feel like doing it. It's a « take me as i am » , statement: yet, usually it is taken as a way of ex-capping, or being stuck in the way we are. It's partially true: but it say more on the person ho judge! It means, most of the time, that they dont take people as they are. They push there insecurity on the other won. For myself, i change, i will change, i am open to change, but if you push: it's just the way i am!