Community > Posts By > Raven_MacLean

Raven_MacLean's photo
Mon 03/02/09 04:53 PM

That's why I always ask first. So tell me does a person who is always answering their cell phone on a date really bother you?

absolutely. can't stand it. if you need to check msgs, go to the restroom. and please for heaven's sake, don't be texting the whole time, either.

only exception I can think of is if you're, say, on call or waiting for a jury. but seriously, I know you're into me and all but if you're trying to squeeze me in between appendectomies, maybe we should reschedule.

I went on a date last night with someone from on here who seemed to be permanently glued to his cell phone. It is not only rude but makes the other person feel like they are a 3rd wheel. honestly, I was tempted to tell the guy that maybe he should invite whoever he was talking to out on this date instead and to take me home.

So yea...Cell phones really SHOULD be shut off on a first date.

Raven_MacLean's photo
Mon 03/02/09 04:35 PM

I agree with Raven there might be the few but for the most part NOT. I mean I think it strange with all the sexual diease out there when someone comes on to you the first date. But I guess the internet is a easy way of free sex for some.

you are very right. More and MORE I'm seeing men that EXPECT a woman to be completely free with her body on the first date and when I try and talk to a man on the net, they nearly ALWAYS try to get me to "cyber sex" with them. It's ridiculous! Men REALLY have to learn to tone down the hormones a bit. No respectable woman is going to want to be with a man who acts in this manner. I could paste a few conversations I have had with various men just to prove my point here, but I think you all get the idea.

Men have to start acting like gentlemen again, not sex crazed dogs in heat!

Raven_MacLean's photo
Mon 03/02/09 01:29 PM

?....maybe it is just me...seems like I constantly get replies to my comments and more often than not, it is the ladies who initialize contact in the first place. And WITHOUT is always the women who bring up the subject of sex first.

That's funny, because I get messages all the time from men I never met before and first words out of their mouths are things like, "Do you like sex?" or "Wanna see me cum?" or "wanna f**K?" I mean for REAL people! I'm pretty sure women do NOT come on like THIS. In fact I'm pretty sure they would be a bit more subtle about it.

Raven_MacLean's photo
Sat 02/28/09 06:57 AM

Well...I like to consider myself among the women with good morals and values. I'm not one to talk about sex online with someone I barely know. I don't sleep around. In fact I take sex very seriously and view it as an expression of love, not just a way to feel good. I think the majority of our problems as a sexual culture is that we have begun to view sex as casually as you would a handshake.

When people begin to see sex that casually, the odds of finding someone who will really be committed in a relationship becomes increasingly more difficult.

I constantly run into men that come on like a dog in heat. I keep expecting one to start peeing on my leg or something. I mean...if you could SEE HALF of the messages I get from men, you would **** yourself with the way they talk to me. They say things that even HUSTLER wouldn't print, and expect us to swoon over them. SOME even get offended when you DON'T! it's rediculous.

I can only imagine, probably gets worse depending on what pictures are posted bigsmile I've tried initiating contact here but it never works, then the ones who contact me are either flaky, fake, or they email me once and then never again. (I guess I'm a good timekiller until the ones they really want to talk to get back to them or something.) Funniest thing to me is how many millions of threads are on here about how there are no good guys left, where are they? where did they go? why are we all jerks and blah blah blah (the only thing that even comes close in number is all the lame "there is no God" threads)....meanwhile...those of us "good guys" who do make the effort never get anywhere anyway, if I could ask for any one thing on here i think my one and only wish would be for more courtesy, I take the time to reply to all of my messages whether I'm interested or not, sure wish other people would do the same instead of just blowing people off etc.

Well, I suppose that's why they call it the dating "game". HAHA! cuz everyone's out to play or be played now-a-days. and for those of us who don't like to play, we are stuck on the sidelines waiting for the cast offs. By the time we get them, they have been destroyed by the game or they have BECOME the game. Either way, we all get screwed in the end.

best advice I can give is something you are already doing to begin with. And that is replying to all messages, and keep an open mind. Because you never know when that RIGHT person will cross your path. But remember, Thomas Eddison, when asked if he got discouraged when making the light bulb, said..."Certainly not! I learned 9998 ways how NOT to make a light bulb." Well same thing goes with dating really. and life in general.

Raven_MacLean's photo
Fri 02/27/09 06:24 PM
Well...I like to consider myself among the women with good morals and values. I'm not one to talk about sex online with someone I barely know. I don't sleep around. In fact I take sex very seriously and view it as an expression of love, not just a way to feel good. I think the majority of our problems as a sexual culture is that we have begun to view sex as casually as you would a handshake.

When people begin to see sex that casually, the odds of finding someone who will really be committed in a relationship becomes increasingly more difficult.

I constantly run into men that come on like a dog in heat. I keep expecting one to start peeing on my leg or something. I mean...if you could SEE HALF of the messages I get from men, you would **** yourself with the way they talk to me. They say things that even HUSTLER wouldn't print, and expect us to swoon over them. SOME even get offended when you DON'T! it's rediculous.