Community > Posts By > TimW357

TimW357's photo
Tue 01/06/15 06:26 AM
You look great. I don't believe that, in general, we're supposed to be judging the actual attractiveness of the person in the photos, just how well the photo portrays that persons physical appearance. In that case, your photo is pretty good, I'd say. Your face is quite clearly seen, there are no big sunglasses or tons of hair covering it up. Your figure is also clearly seen, and the photo in general is well-lit, in focus, and well-framed. It usually seems a nice thing if there is more than one photo...not necessary, but "nice". (Since you asked, for what my opinion is worth...yes, I think you look "sexy"!)

As for your profile...I don't know that I would call it "boring", necessarily. What you wrote was okay, if perhaps a bit short on details. In other words, I would say that it would be helpful if you could be a bit more descriptive of what kind of man you're looking for...what qualities he should have, etc. Likewise, give a little more info on yourself, your hobbies, what you do for fun in your spare time, what kinds of things you would like to do that you haven't done yet. Things like that.

What you have is fine, as far as it goes. You should just try to expand a bit, add some details.

Best of luck to you!

TimW357's photo
Tue 01/06/15 06:05 AM
Okay, I'll accept the "dare".

There's really not much to review. I mean, your pictures are okay. They could be a little bit better in lighting/framing, but for "selfies", they're quite decent. And...there's more than just one, so that's a good thing.

But, as far as any sort of description of what you're looking for in a man, or a description of yourself, your interests, your hobbies, your hopes, dreams and said, "Hi". So, yeah...I'd say you might want to put together a little info there concerning those things...who you are and what you're all about, and who you're searching for.

Anyway, that's my take on it. I hope it was a little helpful.

Best of luck!

TimW357's photo
Tue 01/06/15 05:51 AM
I have to agree. It's a good looking profile.

You have very nice photos (you're quite attractive, by the way), your face is clearly visible, no big sunglasses or poorly-lit rooms, etc. It's great to be able to actually see what someone looks like.

Your description of yourself, as well as what you're looking for in a man, seems nicely detailed and descriptive.

I don't believe I would change anything either. I also appreciate that you included an age range "filter" on your messages.

The only thing I would say, is this: If, over time, you cared to add a little bit more about some of your life story (places you've traveled to, jobs that you've held, events you've attended, etc., obviously without revealing too much personal info), I think that might provide some nice "color" to help flesh out what makes you tick. Not anything "necessary", just a small observation.

I would be terribly surprised if you did not receive a lot of responses to your profile. It looks that good!

Best of luck!

TimW357's photo
Tue 01/06/15 05:30 AM
So, after clicking on your profile, it occurred to me that you're likely more interested in what women might have to say about your profile, and not so much concerned about some guy's opinion.

However, since I'd already clicked on your profile...I decided I might as well give you my quick assessment of it, since you'll probably see that I looked at your profile, and I didn't want you thinking that I'd looked at it for any other reason....y'know?

So, anyway...I think it looks fine. You've got a pretty good pic...what I mean is, your face is very easy to see, no sunglasses, decent lighting, well centered, etc. Your description of what you are seeking seemed reasonably well-thought out. From my point of view...I thought it was fine!

I hope that was helpful. And now...I'm not going to click on any other "dudes" profiles.

Best of luck!,