How much control 85% or better,What is the cost , Very strong winds, large hail and it will get larger, Floods, More large Tornadoes, And my guess is we will stop the four winds as found in Revelations, The green house effect is causing the earth to heat up and causing the glaciers to melt. Those glaciers have been here for many years, when they melt , what will happen to the space where ice use to support the earth. If that space stays open ,good, if it starts to fill putting earth where ice use to be , we will see many earthquakes in places we never seen them before. The earth will try and repair what man has done to it. Where those large masses of ice in Alaska that is melting,, the land that sits on top of that ice is falling. All of this is setting the stage for the big one. The sea life is changing so fast , even sharks food supply continue to get smaller , now they fine man a nice meal . As earth heats up, how will we grow food. The heat from the sun will dry up the water supply in few years to come.Read: REV: 16:12. Also the earths Axis has tilted to the degree that lot of rain we use to get for our crops , Now it is going into the desert. Read: ISAIAH: 35.(use a paraphrased Bible). Read:Psalms:92:12-15. We are starting to see today , the green house effect on the weather . What will the heat be like this summer, it will get hotter each summer. Read:REV:16:8-9. No one has the answer to what we will face ahead but all say , it will be bad. Lot of the effect are here now. It has started. Our way out: Read:II Chronicles 7:14. There are some that say Jesus Christ is one of God angels. Read: REV: 22:9. Now Read ISAIAH 43:10. Jesus Christ is Jehovah, The Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ , They are the same person , only one GOD. I keep it simple I love all three in the order God the Father, God the SON, God the Holy Spirit. What could start the earths axis to go into a tilt? Man has set off many bombs that is strong enough now to start the earth to go into movement. Then there is : The old dragon, god of the air, sat an, lucifer: I WILL TURN MAN AGAINST HIS BROTHER UNTIL MAN IS NO MORE. Look into my photos for THE TREATY THAT WAS SIGN IN THE UNITE NATION NOT TO USE WEATHER AGAINSE ANOTHER NATION. |
How much control 85% or better,What is the cost , Very strong winds, large hail and it will get larger, Floods, More large Tornadoes, And my guess is we will stop the four winds as found in Revelations, The green house effect is causing the earth to heat up a , we will see many earthquakes in places we never seen them before. The earth will try and repair what man has done to it. Where those large masses of ice in Alaska that is melting,, the land that sits on top of that ice is falling. All of this is setting the stage for the big one. The sea life is changing so fast , even sharks food supply continue to get smaller , now they fine man a nice meal . As earth heats up, how will we grow food. The heat from the sun will dry up the water supply in few years to come.Read: REV: 16:12. Also the earths Axis has tilted to the degree that lot of rain we use to get for our crops , Now it is going into the desert. Read: ISAIAH: 35.(use a paraphrased Bible). Read:Psalms:92:12-15. We are starting to see today , the green house effect on the weather . What will the heat be like this summer, it will get hotter each summer. Read:REV:16:8-9. No one has the answer to what we will face ahead but all say , it will be bad. Lot of the effect are here now. It has started. Our way out: Read:II Chronicles 7:14. There are some that say Jesus Christ is one of God angels. Read: REV: 22:9. Now Read ISAIAH 43:10. Jesus Christ is Jehovah, The Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ , They are the same person , only one GOD. I keep it simple I love all three in the order God the Father, God the SON, God the Holy Spirit. What could start the earths axis to go into a tilt? Man has set off many bombs that is strong enough now to start the earth to go into movement. Then there is : The old dragon, god of the air, sat an, lucifer: I WILL TURN MAN AGAINST HIS BROTHER UNTIL MAN IS NO MORE. Look into my photos for THE TREATY THAT WAS SIGN IN THE UNITE NATION NOT TO USE WEATHER AGAINSE ANOTHER NATION. |
:Ways of weather control: Low frequency E L F waves can cause earthquakes, guide hurricanes, HAARP has the technology and others. Who are we as man is fighting,Matthew: 24:24 each other Ephesians: 6:12- 18. Who are Powers and Principalities? Look in a good dictionary and look under Celestial Beings or Hierarchy and you will find that they are Angels. Most angels that left with satan are Powers and Principalities. The fallen angels are Demons Luke: 9:42. Why is it so Hotttt? Revelation: 16:8 , if you would read all of the 16th chapter you can see Whats Ahead for Man!!! even the Big One!! All God want is for us to give Him The Glory that God is Due. |
Shorten time and other large earthquake, nuclear bombs generates the same effect. Why is time being shorten ? Answer: Matthew 24:22.Also 11 Chronicles 7:14 .
Edited by
Wed 03/03/10 07:34 AM
The earthquake has cause our days to be shorten, Do the Bible agree ? Matthew: 24: 22 .
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Wed 10/21/09 07:40 PM
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Edited by
Sun 09/27/09 08:17 PM
:Ways of weather control: Low frequency E L F waves can cause earthquakes, guide hurricanes, HAARP has the technology and others. One of satans greatest tricks he plays on man: satan made Man a god. So now Man has to deal with God and satan.John: 10:34-36. Who are we as man is fighting,Matthew: 24:24 each other Ephesians: 6:12- 18. Who are Powers and Principalities? Look in a good dictionary and look under Celestial Beings or Hierarchy and you will find that they are Angels. Most angels that left with satan are Powers and Principalities. The fallen angels are Demons Luke: 9:42. Why is it so Hotttt? Revelation: 16:8 , if you would read all of the 16th chapter you can see Whats Ahead for Man!!! even the Big One!! All God want is for us to give Him The Glory that God is Due.
You can put in your computer Environmental Modification Techniques and pull up a Treaty or put in Treaty Number (Top left Corner) and pull it up.
How much control 85% or better,What is the cost , Very strong winds, large hail and it will get larger, Floods, More large Tornadoes, And my guess is we will stop the four winds as found in Revelations, The green house effect is causing the earth to heat up and causing the glaciers to melt. Those glaciers have been here for many years, when they melt , what will happen to the space where ice use to support the earth. If that space stays open ,good, if it starts to fill putting earth where ice use to be , we will see many earthquakes in places we never seen them before. The earth will try and repair what man has done to it. Where those large masses of ice in Alaska that is melting,, the land that sits on top of that ice is falling. All of this is setting the stage for the big one. The sea life is changing so fast , even sharks food supply continue to get smaller , now they fine man a nice meal . As earth heats up, how will we grow food. The heat from the sun will dry up the water supply in few years to come.Read: REV: 16:12. Also the earths Axis has tilted to the degree that lot of rain we use to get for our crops , Now it is going into the desert. Read: ISAIAH: 35.(use a paraphrased Bible). Read:Psalms:92:12-15. We are starting to see today , the green house effect on the weather . What will the heat be like this summer, it will get hotter each summer. Read:REV:16:8-9. No one has the answer to what we will face ahead but all say , it will be bad. Lot of the effect are here now. It has started. Our way out: Read:II Chronicles 7:14. There are some that say Jesus Christ is one of God angels. Read: REV: 22:9. Now Read ISAIAH 43:10. Jesus Christ is Jehovah, The Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ , They are the same person , only one GOD. I keep it simple I love all three in the order God the Father, God the SON, God the Holy Spirit. What could start the earths axis to go into a tilt? Man has set off many bombs that is strong enough now to start the earth to go into movement. Then there is : The old dragon, god of the air, sat an, lucifer: I WILL TURN MAN AGAINST HIS BROTHER UNTIL MAN IS NO MORE. Look into my photos for THE TREATY THAT WAS SIGN IN THE UNITE NATION NOT TO USE WEATHER AGAINSE ANOTHER NATION.