Community > Posts By > OMGitsANDREW

OMGitsANDREW's photo
Sat 02/14/09 02:00 AM
I'll admit that I did not read every post in this thread, but I read some of them and I think a few were off-topic a bit so I don't mind skipping to the end :)

In answer to the original post, I must say:

My friend, there isn't anything wrong with you. However, I would suggest that you be careful what it is you hope to obtain from a relationship. When you say "he was your only source of happiness" it implies that you aren't satisfied with the other areas of your life, and that you are looking for a relationship to escape from your problems. However, a relationship will not make you happy - a relationship can only build on the happiness that you already have.

It's quite possible he's just not into you, or that he wasn't satisfied with the relationship. It's not about saying the right things or agreeing with all his ideas/plans/thoughts. You need to make sure you're being your own person. Nobody wants to date a robot (except for swingers just looking for sex)! He wants to date a person who has their own thoughts and their own ideas. Being a yes-girl just leads you down the path of abusive relationships and controlling boyfriends.

Not everyone is made for everyone. I can relate, from personal experience, that it's hard to move on from someone you thought you were in love with. We imagine our life with a person, and when they're gone it's hard to imagine anyone else - but it's not impossible. Only in time will you really be able to accept that.

You will date other guys. You will have boyfriends. You will get married, have a family, and be happy. And it won't be with him. However, even though we KNOW this is true, the hardest part is to EMBRACE it - and hope for the future that has yet to take place. You can't drive a car forwards when you're trapped looking in the mirror.

I hope that helps!


OMGitsANDREW's photo
Sat 02/14/09 01:51 AM
Let's here it for the good ol' fashioned 408 area code of San Jose (and adjacent towns/cities).

Anyone in the area looking to make a friend? Don't hesitate to leave a comment here, or send me an eMail!

Guys: Friends are never a bad thing!

Girls: Looking to date? Fantastic! Looking for a friend? Fantastic!

Don't be afraid of meeting new people. Opening new doors leads to new hallways, which in turn can lead to new doors. You never know where life will take you :)


OMGitsANDREW's photo
Sat 02/14/09 01:38 AM
In my experience, girls like funny guys...but only as friends. Being funny kinda makes girls feel like they're good friends, like they're "one of the girls."

Girls: You say you want a guy who makes you laugh, but in your experience, has that normally been the case? What are your opinions? I can only say from personal experience that either humor makes them just my friend, or I'm lacking something else entirely :-P


OMGitsANDREW's photo
Sat 02/14/09 01:35 AM
Howdy there, folks.

I'm totally new to internet singles stuff, but I seriously LOVE getting to know new people, so if you're lonely and want a friend, feel free to send me a message :)

I'm a pretty flexible and relaxed guy, but I'm also quite playful and affectionate. If anyone is around who wants to have some fun gettin' to know each other and maybe even going on dates (oh my gawsh!), don't be shy :-P
