Community > Posts By > AnthemSteph

AnthemSteph's photo
Thu 03/28/19 09:01 PM
Hello Motown. Yes. My first post. Until now I had nothing to intelligently offer the forum. So instead of post just to post... I kept quiet. I don't even volunteer comments to those I see on the site because I would rather have those that want to communicate do so on their own terms. Not to see me as chasing someone. I feel my situation is such that there are going to be very few ladies that are open enough to desire any kind of a friendship, let alone a relationship. They know who they are, and how they feel. I don't need to go bothering every lady on here who may not be.

Storm: I appreciate your comments. I assure you there is NO photoshopping. I want people to see, and accept me, as I am. Not trick them into anything. That's like putting a picture of a Ferrari in a sale add and when someone comes looking they see a 1966 Fairlane. They would turn and walk away without a word. Now, you please understand where those like me are coming from as far as the "male in a lesbian body" statement. Without knowing how those like me feel, think or mentally process anything you would not understand. So much of me IS female. To focus on the physical body is only looking at half a person. How a persons brain develops from conception is still being examined by medical science with more and more being understood every day.
As for your first comment about posting being upfront and honest - YET I'M MALE WITH A FEMALE PROFILE. I refer again to what I just said above. You are focusing on the body. Is it the genitals or the brain that should dictate? This debate has gone on for so long. To go a bit further - there is no PROPER place for me to post. Should I post as someone that presents female in the male for female section? Two problems with that. 1) I would find no ladies there that desire my "type" there. They are looking for 100% males. 2) Males would bombard me with either hate speech or as so many already do - not read the whole profile and think I'm female and try and approach. Either way it's not ending real pretty and a total waste of time.
Why post in female to female? My thought was this would be the section that would be the most likely to have accepting bi- or bi-curious ladies. At the very least have ladies that are open minded just looking for friendship.
Unless you have walked a mile in my heels you just couldn't understand the hardships someone like me goes through. But I really do appreciate you taking the time to comment.

AnthemSteph's photo
Wed 03/27/19 05:57 PM
Is my profile written wrong? Am I in the wrong section (women for women)? Or maybe it’s just who I am? I’m trying to be honest and up front on who I am without pulling any hiding or surprises. But have been totally unsuccessful in even finding new female friends. Sure, I get catfished to death or the attemped hustles from gold diggers. But real? Nope. I'm looking for serious suggestions please. Save the sarcasm and whit.