Community > Posts By > thickumz22

thickumz22's photo
Mon 08/10/09 03:09 PM

The symbolizing sun blazes,

The mighty lion roars,
A gorgeous Gladioli blooms,
Gold and fiery shades soar.The Sardonyx for a person born,
Between July and August you know,
A day which starts off the week,
It's the almighty Leo.


Natural, warm colours invite you,
And an Aster for the added touch,
The beauty of the Fertility Goddess,
Takes over the

Sapphire and such.
It's an Earthy sign and adaptable,
Planet Mercury to rule,
Virgo the most beautiful sign,
Anyone born one isn't a fool.

thickumz22's photo
Mon 08/10/09 12:52 PM
The wind cuts right through my veins the
blood in my eyes death is feign
Wondering if i will ever be truly free
Cause the Blind leads the blind but who leads me
high from a blunt dipped in fantasy

I Reek

Floating in sanity I sink

Engulfed in the inhumanities

Of life....

I have lost the peace deep in my souls vanity
and swallow my burdens with strife...

It is squeezing the life out of me
And I can't breathe
I've put out my hand
Somebody take hold of it please

Cause every second I live, the harder I'm squeezed
Somewhere along the lines i was blinded
They took away the chains yet I am still binded
I'm past rock bottom

I can't see up

I'm trying but I have no luck

My faith is obsolete

And every minute that i breathe
I'm that much closer to defeat
Then the shadows to creep
So like Mary I begin to weep
no strength


hung -over

I'm weak

My eyes compressed wide open
But It still feels like I'm sleep
A flood in my soul because pain has sprung a leak
I realize this is not a dream
For I have been dealt the face cards of reality

Memories are all that's there
The emptiness inside no one cares
The love is gone no love to share

My soul is gone I need a spare
I'm falling catch me please...

So I can

Put my soul at ease...

thickumz22's photo
Mon 08/10/09 12:13 AM
Im from Queens

thickumz22's photo
Mon 08/10/09 12:05 AM
Hello Ivan.....where are you from?

thickumz22's photo
Sun 08/09/09 02:25 PM
You STOLE MY COOKIE??????? rant

mad explode mad explode mad

thickumz22's photo
Sun 08/09/09 08:47 AM
Edited by thickumz22 on Sun 08/09/09 08:49 AM

Maybe this is a dumb question but

How many adults can say that they:

1. Never drank while under age? I was 15 (drinking age was 18)
2. Never drove while drunk? I drive better drunk
3. Never tried reefer? hahahahahahaha
4. Never had sex before they were married or a legal adult? I was 13

Just wondering :smile:

I didn't Drink while I was under age.

No I didn't an I don't smoke weed.

I don't drive drunk an I didn't have sex until I was 21......So you need to change the way you think about ppl. YES im 1 of millions who did the right thing!

and I guess I did the wrong thing then?

who are you to say what is right or wrong?

Im a young girl who is sick of the Stereotypes that ppl on this site have about young girls doing wrong.THAT'S WHO I AM!

thickumz22's photo
Sun 08/09/09 08:43 AM
Thank you very much.I do my best to keep myself an my siblings busy so they really don't think about Drinking or having sex an the whole 9. An I don't drink in front of my siblings so they don't feel pressured to do so. But at least your learning or have learned from your mistakes when other don't care about themselves or the decisions they make.

thickumz22's photo
Sun 08/09/09 08:05 AM
Im very sorry if I came off snobbish. I do apologize about that but I just get a little upset because a lot of ppl stereotype just because ppl before me or younger then me have messed up. I try my best to be a good example to my siblings.

thickumz22's photo
Sun 08/09/09 01:29 AM

Maybe this is a dumb question but

How many adults can say that they:

1. Never drank while under age? I was 15 (drinking age was 18)
2. Never drove while drunk? I drive better drunk
3. Never tried reefer? hahahahahahaha
4. Never had sex before they were married or a legal adult? I was 13

Just wondering :smile:

I didn't Drink while I was under age.

No I didn't an I don't smoke weed.

I don't drive drunk an I didn't have sex until I was 21......So you need to change the way you think about ppl. YES im 1 of millions who did the right thing!

thickumz22's photo
Sat 08/08/09 08:27 AM
I understand what you mean peachrype but at almost every party now a days say "18 to party & 21 to drink. peachrype have you taken a look at how some of these girls dress or look? 15&16 year old girls looking like they are 20 maybe older

thickumz22's photo
Fri 08/07/09 05:25 PM

Shining eyes and stolen glances
small clues to your sacred secret
Missed opening lead to lost chances
Memories you haven't built yet
Every ounce of joy coupled with sadness
Each of your smiles stunted and caged
Your deep love disguised with emptiness
To hide scars from this war you've waged
I sit back and marvel at what I can observe
Proud of your determination, your strength
I hope and pray from this course you'll not swerve,
Continue running this race through its full length.

thickumz22's photo
Thu 08/06/09 10:25 PM
Superman wins hands down!superman has only one weaknes kryptonite! But Batman is human an so is spiderman....superman will out live all of them!

thickumz22's photo
Wed 08/05/09 01:44 PM
Stormy Weather

Howling winds, trees surrendering their stance
Darkening clouds, lighting flashing
A rock cries out, "Where is my hiding place?"

The seas curls and laughs, awaiting its prey
As the lost treasure deep within seeks a rupturing depart

A young, troubled soul searches for a brand new start...

Thunder booming, echoes the land
As the heaven orchestrate its renaissance
Conquering the wondering in breathless awe

Suspended animation causes an unseeingly frightful sight

A moment of grace, the unspoken word, encourages a soothing revival,

to a cold and somber world...

thickumz22's photo
Wed 08/05/09 12:31 PM
Thanks....if you have any topics or ideas you want me to write about just let me know

thickumz22's photo
Wed 08/05/09 10:37 AM
Deep stares speak words unspoken,
Hands run wild,
Freely over warm soft sweet skin
Kisses so intense so slow, so warm…
Sweet moans can be heard on the other side of the door,

One whispers to the other “I want more”,

Deep stares speak words unspoken.
Hands run wild,
Slowly down to the core,
For a moment there is a pause…

“Are you sure you want more?”

Question answered by a kiss,
Hands run down,
Into the unknown,
Welcoming her lover with no hesitation...

A smile to let her know she has reached her destination
Deep stares speak words unspoken,
Bodies entwined,

Sweet moans now deeper,
Sweat trickles down one’s spine,
How divine loves passionate lil’ crimes.

More rapidly the movements become,
Moans now screams,
Before the climax is reached,

I wake up only to find this was but a dream

thickumz22's photo
Tue 08/04/09 10:57 PM

thickumz22's photo
Tue 08/04/09 10:40 PM
Why do you look like "Popeye"?

thickumz22's photo
Tue 08/04/09 04:35 PM
The Bahamas & Porto Rico

thickumz22's photo
Mon 08/03/09 12:39 PM

thickumz22's photo
Mon 08/03/09 11:47 AM
A big kiss ((MWHA))