Community > Posts By > whitewolfus007
i think you should drug test to become us citizen alone with read and write the english language and when you do enter you have 1 yr to become us citizen or your ASS GET SHIP BACK WHERE YOU CAM FROM
adopted in to abusive house
all i know was what i found out was that my real parents were coming back to get me but before they did it was 2 late i was gone but it doesn't made how the mistake was made what matters is why hear of babies gett switched at birth back in 73-74 god know how the system worked but i have calmed down some and i'm just shifting everything around but you all are right it doesn't matter what happened in the past it's what i choice to do with the future if i dwell on it to much then the pian comes back but if i just sit back and focus on life and finding my soul mate then it's still there but it doesn't hurt as much.
adopted in to abusive house
i'll think about therapy ,but right now i'm tring to forget or to just ,adjust to it yeah i hurt but you know.i learned life goes on and maybe oneday i might see thing diffrent which what ever the reasoning is or was i just hope that they know i forgive them and i pray that god will have murcy on their soul ,and may the one who sent the letter keep a clean thought and didn't do it out of spite(sent me the letter) for i hope that they can live with them self becouse if it was me i would have left it alone and not told a soul for maybe someone diddn,t want me to know and still don't
adopted in to abusive house
well i have decided not to react to anything ,i never new who my real parents were but my mom the one that raised me was really abusive so i figure if my real parents gave me up then they either didn't want me or they died so i'm alone and i decided to go on with my life like i never recieved it becouse i fell appart yesterday really bad ,so thank everyone for the advice they gave and to the new friends i have made and my god walk with you all in what ever it is that you do for the rest of your lives for i relized it doesn't matter where you came from or who its what you r and what you stand for as a person that makes life better and who you spend your time with .
daniel from ga |
adopted in to abusive house
well i don't know if i should jump for joyor cry but deep down inside i feel betrayed by everyone,i got ten aletter in the mail from a i guess friend today that told me i was adopted out as a bby by mistake and gotten lost in the system,the person sent proof with the letter and forgot to sign it so how should i react,i feel like my life was nothing but a lie i have noone to hold me or just to help me through this ,so i want to go crazy, well i'm going to bed and hopefully wake up and this day would never happed(how likely is that)please someone help before i go crazy....
adopted in to abusive house
well i don't know if i should jump for joy or cry ,but i feel betrayed bye everyone ....i got a letter in the mail from some person today that told me i was adopted out as a baby by mistake and the got lost ,recent events how ever says that someone a heart and told me with proof so how should i feel or act i feel like my life was nothing but a lie and have know one to hold me or be here with me so i'm going crazy ,going to bed and hopefully i'll wake up and this day never happened (how likely is that) good night and plz help me figure this out someone all check back on here later
what my life was like as a kids and the hell i went through ,i just found out i was adopted,how should i feel ,someone tell me plz.
thank you cuteand scttr,that means a lot ,i have try so hard to repair the damage relationship with my mom but it didn,t do any god so now i have no family i have a few good friends but they live hundreds and thousands of miles away ,i came here to meet someone that will love me and that i or will let me love them just as much when i started this it was something i got off my bulletin and coped for it said to i really didn't know what would come of it or how to respond to other ppl for at first i blew up and i relized why and the demons that are in my closet from when i was a kid are coming out i spend more time crying and wondering why we spend our money on taxes and the goverment just don't care about the kids they take them from the wrong families and sometimes they just don't take i have call them like 10 times a month begging them to put me somewhere else but they come out and as soon as they left ,the 2by 4 or the wooden paddle or the thick leather army belt would come out and the cothes would com off and we would get soak down and then beat ,but that was the the best ones it wasn't so bad ,i can tell stories to everyone of you that would make someof you want to kill her but i figure its not worth it anymore i like to be left alone and far away from them the only person i miss really bad was my grandfather on my dad side he ws a good man and my hero he tried to save us but nobody listened he tried to kid nap us but she called police filally he died in 82 six months later we found out he died and i was crushed beyond repair .my life now is simple and i know what i want from it and yes i want to be a father a good one like my grandfather was and i want all the things for them i never had and the love and respect but the system doesn't work the way it should and it just makes me sad to think and to know their are children that are being treated just like i was if not worse and there is nothing i can really do to change it but pray.
see i know how it works i was on them when i was just a little boy ,and yes its not right but my mom never worked becouse the goverment payed for everything al the way down to the clouths we had on ,and yet my mom did sum hoorable stuff to us kids where was the defax or the children ppl then ,they didn't care my mom abused us kids really bad and all i wished for was for someone to take me away from there ,the system needs work and your right each month they need to show where the money went and for what purpose it was for ,
you know in reality ppl should just give up becouse no matter what you do or say it's not going to make a diffrence.ppl will always find away to abuse the system and it's not fair for us tax payers to support the habit .and we do and there is nothing we can do about it .
thank you ,i'm tring to learn i don't know eveything ,i do know that the kids need help and just maybe someone will find a way to do that and make it work
hey to start off lulu sorry for attacking you ,well the safety of the children are important and if the parents are on illegal drugs then the kids need to go toa relative who is not on drugs and they should get the money to support those kids.ppl need to realize life is short and many ppl waste it becouse they can i use to be on drugs hard drugs and i quit been clean for ten yrs.i made it with out the system some ppl can't and that is fine but ,the goverment needs to find a solution for the problem .i get drug tested and so do many other ppl and if your not using and you working and you ned help and the welfare system want to test you you should be proud very proud that you know yours is clean .the salvation army ,before they put peaple in shelters or try and help them get back on their feet they do a drug i just think that the goverment needs to find a way and help ppl with out give them money so that the ones that abuse it won't go and spend it on drugs ,may be give the food but just enoughtto feed them for a week or two while they find a job specially if they are into drugs or something.
well before i go to WORK(not sitting on my ass smoking crack lulu)i have to say you must be either on drugs or something the children matter not the parents and if the parents are on drugs then they need to be taken away any ways ,you just need to get a grip becouse i don't think you anti drug ..........if more ppl thought like you did then everyone would be on drugs
WELL lulu what ever your name is ,i 'm not saying let the children starve ....if the parents can get wellfair and food stamps do to drugs ,take the children from their homes and put them in foster care or with other relatives intill the parents get their act straight .if they can then they deserve what they get .life is not easy or hard but you got to want it in order to make it if i can go from being homeless to having everything i need and want legally,and without using the system when i had the chance or bumming from other ppl or stealing.ppl need to just sit back and look at what is going on in this goverment and not vote for any office official ,ppl need to start voting none of the above ,or they need to put hillary clinton in the white house maybe she will change it becouse bush is **** up royally,sorry but ANY BUSH FANS WELL ,HE NEEDS TO TAKE ALL THAT MONEY HE,S MAKING OFF THE OIL AND BEING PRESIDENT AND ALL THE MONEY HE'S WASTING AND AND USE IT TO PAY FOR THE WAR SINCE HE DID IT OUT OF RETALIATION FOR IS FATHER AND BROTHER AND WHAT EVER ELSE HE DID IT FOR ,BECOUSE I KNOW HE DID NOT DO IT DO TO TERRORISM ,BECOUSE IF HE DID THIS WAR THING COULD HAVE BEEN OVER A LONG TIME AGO AND ALL THOSE TERRIST OVER SEAS WOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD .I WAS THERE ON 9/11 AND I WAS NOT A SIGHT YOU WANT TO HAVE POP IN YOUR HEAD EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AND DAY .TO THIS DAY IT DOES AND WHATS WORSE IS THE PRESEDANT SAY THE WAR IS FOR THOSE WHO DIED IN 9/11 HE LIED .HE JUST WANTED TO **** THOSE PPL UP BECOUSE HE COULDN'T FIND THOSE WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRUCTION THAT BUSH CLIAMED THEY HAD .WICH SO FAR STILL TO THIS DAY DO NOT HAVE.THIS WORLD MAKES ME SAD AND THE PPL IN THE US NEEDS TO STOP AND THINK AND ASK QUESTION FOR THE GOVERMENT TO ANSWER ,AND I F YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU HEAR DON'T VOTE FOR THEM AND IF YOUR NOT A VOTER THEN SHUT THE **** UP ,FOR YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS TO TALK OR SAY WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES .
it doesn't really matter all i'm saying is that they goverment needs to figure out how to control their spending for its only putting us in more dept.ppl who work and try and make that can't that needs help them out but the ones that does drugs and the ones that sit on their asses needs not to get welfare and stuff you can do something to make money legally ,you who are lazy and just want to lay down and have kids get a life a job or just disappear for we the ppl of the us have no use for you this might be the land of the free but it's not lets take advantage of it.we have ppl over sea fighting for my freedom and the freedom of others and are dieing at least the goverment can put a stop to the ones abusing the system.for how r they going to stop dictatorship in another counrty if they can't stop ppl from abusing the welfare system it's for ppl who need it not for those who wants not to work for a living ,i lived on the street for 3 yrs and i brought my self out of it myself ,i picked up cans work for temp and did all kinds of stuff and i did it with pride and not once did i ask anyone for money food or a place to stay .i can say i did this all on my own with a 7th grade education .why can you bums and system abusers get off you ass and be real GET A JOB .
they can also limit the number of kids they have like if they have 2 kids already let them know that intill they become fianacially independent they can not have any more kids or they will loose their benifits .
well you know they can aslo make these ppl hold a job part time if goig to shool and full time if not in school ,and if they get fired or quite then they have 30 days to get a nother job or they loose they loose it .
why don't they make everyone on welfare take a drug test for then they can use the money for making the school system safer for our kids
Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as they see fit.
In order to get that paycheck I am required to pass a random drug test, which I have no problem with. What I do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who don't have to pass the urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check? Because I have to pass one to earn it for them. Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sit on their butt using my taxes to get high. Could you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check? Repost if you agree... |
well let's see if i was a nut be the kind that my girl likes best when i find her so she can eat me all the time........but i already have 2 nuts why would i like to be one ?
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