Community > Posts By > ezeht

ezeht's photo
Sat 10/25/14 12:11 AM
Edited by ezeht on Sat 10/25/14 12:41 AM
Well I have talked to 35 said woman in a week- 99% said in my state with in an hours drive or few hours drive in next state around me- every last one is fake- with in a few days has some excuse to ask me for money.

Most all of them soon after talking say they are in africa for whatever stupid reason- and is a lot of copy and paste- they are super perfect blaa blaa looking for this that that this and the other super perfect and is no natural flow to the conversation and no english is not native- the usage is wrong.

1 was said in Britain- tried to run I'm a new model and my agent left me here and trying to get the money my dad left for me- he was from here can ya send me 15.000 pounds for lawyer fees sent some fake name and addy blaa blaa after 2 days- and baby we can be together and live well off the money.

Another worked me all this last week until today finally asked me for money and is said in Spain for an operation for a ruptured appendix- like im stupid thats something they operate on right away-- but they was making her wait because she had no money and was waiting for the money to come and has her own home here in NC blaa blaa- she needed 8,000 for that..

Ive had them ask for money for cell phones what ever- military need a ticket home- LOL one girl said lives in DC wanted bus money to come see me- nope i will pick ya up-- well can ya send me 150 dollars to get me hair done-- she is a said model and cant get her own hair done or wash it her self-- please. Another said has her own jewelry business and in africa buying jewelry and cant pay with her credit card to get the stuff through customs or a plane ticket or what the hell and leading up to asking me help-- I kicked her-- she lovely and in africa all alone and they dont take credit cards- please. Need money for a ticket to catch a jet back home and or to you- its always to where you live-- they said have their own places here but wish fly straight to you- and naturally if send them money on day they should leave and can scam ya more- well I got robbed or the seat price has gone up- save me honey save me.

35 som itches ran 10 diff scams on me-- I have not talked to a real person yet said lives in America-- funny thing is maybe not women at all is some african man and they get photos off of facebook someplace..

Well I cant type worth a chit and I am pretty stupid- my spelling and grammar etc suck and I offer my messenger addy because the chat here is junk and barely works- and well the forums is no better than the built in mail system and the forums is not private-- if I wish to talk to everyone sure I post here but I am not into orgys or gangbangs. Ya really do not know who you are talking to here either. I am not a phucking scamer- I am just a simple man that was not an office jock.

This is a free site and every cursed hated by the gods african is here trying to scam people looking for a friend or love and it is sickening. God can not kill them or fast enough because idiots keep trying to save them. God does not give a damn about the low life aztards-- let them die- we will have less problems-- You should be shot in the face if you send aid or money or meds or anything else to that continent- You are retarded- Go sail the waters and hope pirates highjack eat ya or something or aids or ebola or some other cursed bullchit thing- Save them like stray dogs and cats and chit. Let them eat each other and die-- You can bet if any of them girls in them photos was over there they have been sold as sex slaves raped and or killed and eaten by now and not in no certain order- only idiots wish to go to africa- they should be shot in the face- period..

Yes I am pretty pissed off- a lot of time wasted on no good trash but I still have my money and I hope if any of them are reading - I hope it was the money you tried to get from me is what might keep you alive and your family or village- I hope you borrowed money to use the net in a cafe and cant pay it back and now you will be killed and all in your family and village killed also- I am with god- turn my back on you and wish you all dead and burn in hell.

For you other idiots- nope sorry no racist or bigot here either- my wife and kids of my loins was black-- but you some itches call them toms- they are not black or islam enough for ya- you know who you are- but have the nerve to call others racists bigots etc. Oh yes thats right- only whites can be called racists and bigots- I forgot. Well thats right liberal democrat civil rights and freedom of speech of ya now isn't it. People are a damn joke :(


ezeht's photo
Tue 10/21/14 12:11 PM
Nice :)

ezeht's photo
Mon 10/20/14 09:18 AM
99.9% of the said girls and profile here are fake- or everyone i've talked with- all fake and scams. all 26 of them and is a waste of effort.

pretty sick actually- sad :(

ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 12:43 PM
Edited by ezeht on Sun 10/19/14 12:47 PM
Lol you do know its just a story right- but is pretty typical of a woman- Be it on the net or in person/ real life.

It is rare a woman ever cares about a man personally- all she ever cares about is herself and what she can get or take- is stuck on herself and herself only.

Just because I wrote it does not mean it actually happened- call it fiction-

Lol the same thing when a woman says she loves you- pure fiction and nothing less :)

ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 02:50 AM
* I whisper softly while we are very close- ->

I wish you to know my Sweet Love-

While we sit out on this wonderful night-

The sky is but a little thing because the stars sparkle in your lovely eyes.

The heavens and myself are graced with Thee- Milady.

Thank you for your company :)


ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 02:38 AM
Edited by ezeht on Sun 10/19/14 02:36 AM
I wish you was sleeping beside me- I wish you- Milady- was asleep in my arms-

I would be still while watching you sleep now- A soft whisper telling you how lovely you are while you rest peacefully- Thanking you for your love and warm soft body next to me-

Would tell you your hair smells so wonderful you make my mouth water and my body crave you- I can taste you in the air- You taste so delicious for we can only taste that which we smell- It's almost like being in a pastry shop or a candy store- I am helplessly overwhelmed-

I would pray over you and thank the gods for you and ask the gods to keep you safe and well- and please let her heart me mine forever and or until my very end-

Yes- I would let you sleep even tho my will is weak and I wish to gently touch you and your hair- wish I can wake you and make love to you again and again- Will look into your eyes and tell you I will never hurt or neglect you- I am yours as long as you wish it of me-

I would look into your lovely eyes and gently kiss your soft sweet lips and tell you- I love you- while I make tender passionate- very sensual love to you-

I would with all of my heart do anything to please you and take my pleasure in doing so- I would taste of your love and sexy body and press into you through out the night and into the morn- Anytime you wish of my love- I am yours only-

Nothing on this Earth or of the stars would mean more than you or being close to or making love to you-

I would wake each morn to the smell of your gorgeous hair- wake to the sight of your lovely face and smile- I would thank you and the gods for the honor and privilege waking in such a way- Every new day beside you would be wonderful- how can it not be- I am blessed with that which is You-

I am not asleep but I sit here and dream of You....


ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 02:11 AM
A lovely Lady around and about some flowers- A Flower in her hair-

* I think-

The Sweet Goddess of the Flower-

She looks and smells so Pure Delicate and Sweet-

She is Elegant Dainty- She is Fragile-

Her life giving Nectar Nourishes and Fulfills....

Oh how I wish to be a Bee or a lovely Hummingbird- I could taste of Thee...


ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 01:36 AM
Edited by ezeht on Sun 10/19/14 01:36 AM
I got a message from her today..

She close to my heart a far away sent word today- for a while she has been away.

What can I say- I have sit and wonder where and how she is- I care about and think of her and the nice times we shared each day- I enjoyed her company in every way...

I love her even tho I have not seen her in person- never heard her nice voice- never touched her soft hair- never tasted her sweet scent in the air..

I have missed her these last few days- Keep her well and safe- to my Lord I pray..

On this day I get a message from her- I have met a wealthy man- I have not much time for you anymore- I must go away :(


ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 01:28 AM
Thanks for reading.

I like to write and or whisper such- tho my actual skills are poor- I do like to utter such things lol.

I think of myself as a warrior poet :)

ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 01:13 AM
* She ->

I want to be the wind, so I can stay with you always and protect you. When you close your eyes and feel the wind against your face its my touch, when you feel it whispering, its me whispering to you my love.

* I ->

I wish I was the leaves that gently tussle in the trees- Wish I was the flowers that gentle sway as though in a slow trance like dance in the moment you pass by and through me..

I wish your sweet words was spoken to me.....


ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 12:55 AM
Angels look upon the Women of Earth- desire her and weep- for they can never have her.......

It has been said that once upon a time the Women of the Earth was so beautiful that Angels desired and lusted for them and was jealous of Man.

Said " The Angels looked upon She of the Earth desired Her and wept- for they can never have Her."

The Angels became rebellious resentful- coveted Woman and in his jealousy of Man threaten to mutiny against God.

Angels went before God and plead the case- "Lord our God- We your servants from the beginning and most loyal beg of Thee to hear us." ""God said- speak..."".

"Our Lord please show us mercy for we are weak- We fear damnation and separation from Thee our Lord- We humble and wish not our Lord's wrath- Please hear Us.".

"Please have mercy our Lord for many have transgressed- Please end us now- cast us away- end our existence- We are weak and failed You our Lord.".

"Many of us have contempt for Man and are jealous of He- We covet and desire the Women of Earth. We your most loyal our Lord suffer our duties and it is so for that is which you created us for.".

"We feel shame and low for our Lord loves Man more than us- Man has Woman to love and go into- Mate- the two become one."- [ In such times the words to go into means- to have sex -make love- mate- In this time to go into a Woman you was joined as mates even if no ceremony- etc.].

"Please our Lord have mercy upon us- Grant us our only wish to have ever been asked of Thee- Spare us our transgressions- Allow us a time we can woo/ court the Women of Earth- If we love each other allow us to take mates or many of us shall surely perish our Lord..".

God's heart softened and He wept- God granted his loyal servants his wish- God allowed them a time to woo Women and take wives- God gave permissions the Angels could stay on Earth or bring His mate back to the heavens if they so wished..

It has been said or thought that- This might be a time when the Earth gained great knowledge and wisdom of many things and Man progressed- It is thought maybe this is a time in which demigods roamed the Earth- The offspring from these unions of Earth Woman and Angels.

Some think maybe Giants or Goliath etc could have been one of these offspring. Some can Argue and in a word- God Himself sired Mary and she bore Jesus the said Son of God. Such unions are not impossible- that is if God or Angels exist at all... Some can make the point Extraterrestrials would be Gods to us and maybe we- even the offspring of them- ET would be far advanced than we and nothing is impossible.

"" The Angels looked upon She of the Earth desired her and wept- for they can never have her.""

I can personally sympathise with this the desire of a Woman and the plight of those Angels- Lust for and crave Her- Need her and would / have begged the Gods for Her.

I would be very Joyous and Content and most Loyal unto She if so blessed with a good and Beautiful Woman and we was very much In Love. I would love Her with all of my heart- never harm or hurt her or break her heart in anyway or purposely- not until my end- my last day and breath upon this Earth- She would be everything to me..

I can understand the pain these Angels anguished over- For I also look upon the Women of this Earth and yes some- they are so very Lovely- I covet them and wish for a mate and can go into Her and sire offspring..

I as with many Angels would argue- Woman is the most Beautiful thing the Gods have ever created... I also wish to perish if the Gods not grant my one wish....

** I did not imagine this- I heard the story long ago and is thought true- some forgotten pages that did not make it into the Holy Bible maybe. I added my twist and or thoughts hereafter.

It is an amazing story I think. Angels have sinned and ready to sacrifice themselves. Angels can not fight God- for with a wave of his hand can destroy all that is. A story of Gods love and mercy. A story of truth- for Woman is the most lovely thing the Gods have ever created. I hope you enjoy :)

I also weep- For I can never have Thee// Her.........


ezeht's photo
Fri 10/17/14 01:12 AM
Of the more than 20 said women I have talked to so far- every last one is nothing but a scam- one working me now for a operation and is said in Spain- not NC where the profile said.

Geez- what a waste of time- All I hoped for was a nice lady friend to talk with- who knows the future.

Came here was not looking for a date site- google search had this site for global chat rooms- I just wished for a lady to have nice conversation with- was lonely. Thought well maybe chat rooms open if start an account- is not the case or that I've seen.

Some low life people on this planet- try and scam people looking for a friend or love- no wonder the said gods hate them turn their backs on them curse them and try and see them all dead- are just pond scum. Idiots try and save and carry them- for what. God does not give a chit about them- why should we others- let em eat each other rot and freaken die already. Sick of it :(

ezeht's photo
Sun 10/12/14 11:52 PM

ezeht's photo
Sun 10/12/14 07:25 AM
Edited by ezeht on Sun 10/12/14 07:30 AM

Had one yesterday that has been working me for only 3 days.
Copy paste a lot of long perfect junk- and no flow to conversation.

I am so so from Va blaa blaa am a model- my friend and I went from state to state- she hooked us up with this model agent and look us to the EU and now I am in Britt.- but I wanted to be here anyway my parants now dead are from here and I am trying to get my inheritance my dad left me.

My agent left me and I am low on cash but will be ok-- next day- sent me some name of a lawyer and lawfirm and having probs with fees to get her dads money and asked me for 15,000 pounds plus more for a few other things-- I am so sorry to ask baby but can be with you soon and we can live happy on my dads money blaa blaa..

This is my first test model job- now I do not wish to be a model anymore blaa blaa- gees

I laughed so hard- knew it was all a scam just waited until ask me for money-- I kicked and reported here as scam. Sad thing is it is some idiots in this world that would have sent money...

ezeht's photo
Thu 10/09/14 08:59 AM
Edited by ezeht on Thu 10/09/14 09:03 AM
LOL franky

sorry edit and added to my post

ezeht's photo
Thu 10/09/14 08:41 AM
Edited by ezeht on Thu 10/09/14 09:11 AM
In the few days I have been here- I have kicked and reported like 8 said woman for African love scam junk. Can even read about it on the net and is a big racket. Out of the 9 woman I have tried to contact and said lives in my state- 8 of them are actually in Africa and have asked me for money- its sickening. The one woman I am talking with said- she has had same probs- only is said men trying to African scam her..Thing is you do not know if man or woman on the other end.

It is real common on these date sites- They use some woman's photo- say they live in America maybe even your state. Conversation does not flow naturally they copy and paste a lot of junk and you see it over and over again.

They are the best thing god ever made and looking for the same- they are the moon and the stars and think you are also- They move fast into I think you are wonderful and I love you and can't wait to see you and start my life with you- within a few days or a week find some reason to ask you for money- normally so they can come from Africa someplace to be with you and tho their profile says they live in America etc.

Naturally you send them money for a ticket- the day they are said to depart and if think can scam ya farther they have some excuse like- I got robbed or when I called the ticket cost one price and now has gone up what ever dollars- can ya send me more money sweetheart..

Friendship and love takes time-- you see a woman in a photo said lives in America and looks like a million bucks- not in her right mind would just be in Africa- much less have to ask anyone for anything- If can travel to Africa or any place else in the world you best believe she has money to get back home or anyplace else she wishes to go and does not have to ask you for anything- and if so its a scam-- kick delete and or report them...

I do not know if is a topic here about the said love scams- if not it should be- I would start one with this post and it should be stickied. Its ridiculous and is a lot of lonely and stupid people in this world or on this site that are easy targets for them that will scam them. Many sites post such warnings...

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