Topic: Today
ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 01:36 AM
Edited by ezeht on Sun 10/19/14 01:36 AM
I got a message from her today..

She close to my heart a far away sent word today- for a while she has been away.

What can I say- I have sit and wonder where and how she is- I care about and think of her and the nice times we shared each day- I enjoyed her company in every way...

I love her even tho I have not seen her in person- never heard her nice voice- never touched her soft hair- never tasted her sweet scent in the air..

I have missed her these last few days- Keep her well and safe- to my Lord I pray..

On this day I get a message from her- I have met a wealthy man- I have not much time for you anymore- I must go away :(


Astrid's photo
Sun 10/19/14 01:47 AM
Awww that is so mean..

Hugs for you broflowerforyou

AMILIA1724's photo
Sun 10/19/14 01:50 AM
That's life...
Don't stop searching the right one,good lucky..

AMILIA1724's photo
Sun 10/19/14 01:55 AM

Awww that is so mean..

Hugs for you broflowerforyou

(((Astrid))) are you ok now?flowerforyou

MK2's photo
Sun 10/19/14 02:00 AM
you are a winner, don't need that in your life drinker

Astrid's photo
Sun 10/19/14 02:00 AM

Awww that is so mean..

Hugs for you broflowerforyou

(((Astrid))) are you ok now?flowerforyou

I am ok now, thank you...having high hopes for tomorrow toohappy flowers
(((( Amilia ))))

AMILIA1724's photo
Sun 10/19/14 02:18 AM

Awww that is so mean..

Hugs for you broflowerforyou

(((Astrid))) are you ok now?flowerforyou

I am ok now, thank you...having high hopes for tomorrow toohappy flowers
(((( Amilia ))))

Don't worry my friend he is just around the corner looking at youoops

ezeht's photo
Sun 10/19/14 12:43 PM
Edited by ezeht on Sun 10/19/14 12:47 PM
Lol you do know its just a story right- but is pretty typical of a woman- Be it on the net or in person/ real life.

It is rare a woman ever cares about a man personally- all she ever cares about is herself and what she can get or take- is stuck on herself and herself only.

Just because I wrote it does not mean it actually happened- call it fiction-

Lol the same thing when a woman says she loves you- pure fiction and nothing less :)

ezeht's photo
Sat 10/25/14 11:31 AM
Edited by ezeht on Sat 10/25/14 11:42 AM
Guess ya is mostly true.

I have come to the conclusion most of my probs have been younger women 18 to 25. They just wanna have fun a beer a pizza and hot sex and soon on to the next.

Is easy enough for me to pick them up if wanted- but have not dated or touched a woman in 20 years now. Been hurt heartbroken forced myself to be alone and gave up on such things and life and myself in general really. I would rather be alone vs hurt again or catch some std or have babies I will only have to pay support for- from sleeping around. Had more than my fair share of women when younger and from all over this world.

I always wanted more and came from broken family and abuse. Love and my own family always meant more to me vs most- I tried really hard to be good and sweet and tender all of it- but fail- just not met the right girl I guess and is more women on Earth vs men- but not met the one that just see' something special in me and just loves me and can not think of a day without me.

Sure if in love and feel she is my best friend and we will stay together Id love more children and would love and be beside her until my end- she my last love and if stays with me- my 1 true love of all of my life.

Yes as said I came here in search of a chat friend- If things was to go more ya its welcome- but I do not expect it and as said would rather be alone vs hurt- being a lone is safe- but the thought of my next 20 or 30 years alone dying alone and not loved bothers me some- I know Id die hating this world and the gods- which I do now- no one to love or care about- no one loves me it is hard- I do not care if I wake another day- is the truth.

Ya I think the girls I picked for a relationship was young and immature- I think 30 ish lil more less is good- normally ready to settle down start a family etc etc- and well I like attractive and sexually active women- I am a man and tho alone am still active- all works fine. Lol do practice sometime in my spare time- ha ha ha :P :) I would love to have the family Ive always wished for and love my children and see them grow up and go to ball games or school plays- be a real parent and love their mother with all of my heart and is what I always have been- I never mattered as much and sucks azz.

I say I will be alone and or am cursed for the rest of my life- is not so much I wish to be alone- its more no good woman will ever love or want me- So I try not and think about it and hide away in my pc games and takes my mind off of things and depression- Ive hurt a lot in my life and maybe a lot more vs many-- my wife was one heartbreak to many-- Took me a long time to get over it and this last year trying to put myself back together- no love or encouragement it is hard as hell for me or to motivate. I am honest and do not feel weak for saying so- but is the truth.

But is life- I was 52 yesterday and alone and a lil sad like I am on most such and holidays- Maybe I will be a lone maybe not- maybe I will live 30 more years or die in the next second- we do not know- So.

Laters :)

Amelinng's photo
Sat 10/25/14 06:40 PM

I hope you don't mind this belated wish, eseht!!!

Amelinng's photo
Sat 10/25/14 06:55 PM
Most of us on Mingles have gone thru' a heartbreaking episode or more, and we are finding our way out to the world. Friends are good....we need their shoulders to cry on, someone to rant on and who will listen without passing judgement, and to just hug you!!

All that resentment, grief, anger and bitterness pent up and festering needs to go. Good that you have opened is a beginning!

I hope you will find some fun and peace here amongst some of us who are genuine folks!

As for the 'unreal' people and scammers.....if they bite, bite back! Like Devildog mentioned in the 'scammers' thread:

Although, once in awhile, when time allows., I do like to play with them a bit. before I "chuck them"..sometimes to the point of sending them a Western Union tracking number of 1800EATS#*T.. it may be juvenile.. but it feels good.

ezeht's photo
Sat 10/25/14 09:44 PM
Edited by ezeht on Sat 10/25/14 09:53 PM
what you do not understand is i am always open and like to talk- i have nothing held back- I say what i think or feel is how i am - period.

I am pissed off i can not delete my posts in the threads ive posted in or started- i do not care to be a part of this forums or groups or anyone anything else here.

I am sick of this site- all the fake profiles and forum trolls. Goddamn 1 lil bald head boy looking monkey- ask her if wanna be friends she blocked me- I was only nice a nice message- phucking people here are retarded nutjobs and if not that they are scammer africans.

Yes you are nice- angel seems nice- I wish you well

see ya............

Amelinng's photo
Sat 10/25/14 09:56 PM
It is ok...just leave the posts there!

If you want to do have the right to, but it would be better if you try to tone it down a bit, cos' not all women are like that, and so you will offend those who are not! Maybe, qualify your statement by stating that fact?

I am sorry you are having a hard time on the forums, but some of us are, someone will also want to rant on you! Why not just post on something fun.... no rants! Just have fun and let that frustration be kept wrapped up first! Send your rants to my mails.... I promise I won't attack you! flowerforyou