Community > Posts By > DippyHippy

DippyHippy's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:54 PM
I have tried but I feel bad leaving those people in their **** and piss, or making them wait for care that they don't deserve to wait for. I mean, it's not like an office job. These are people, and a lot need constant attention.

Believe me, I wish I could not do her work. I think I would start to enjoy my job again.

DippyHippy's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:49 PM
Boxer briefs with a hole in the crotch.

DippyHippy's photo
Fri 02/06/09 08:45 PM
Edited by DippyHippy on Fri 02/06/09 08:46 PM
You know, as hard as it may be to believe, at my job I work my ass off. And my job really does involve working your ass off, I've lost 50lbs the last three months. I don't mind my job, I love it actually. I get to interact with people all the time, I get to help them pretty much live their lives. It is very fulfilling. However, there is a girl I work with who does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

Okay, there are 3 halls of people, 3 aides. In all there are around 40 people we must put to bed a night, around 15 per hall (give or take). Tonight I wrote down all the people I laid down (this includes brusing their teeth, taking them to the bathroom, getting them dressed for bed, and then finally lifting them into bed)and my list had 28 people on it. It should have only had 15, but I covered her hall as well. And tomorrow will be no better.

I'm on my 5th day in a row and my patience is wearing thin. I tell the charge nurse about it but nothing gets done. I have exhausted all my resources... What should I do? If I continue on to tomorrow and it happens again I feel like I'm going to blow up on her...

I'm so ****ing tired.

DippyHippy's photo
Thu 02/05/09 09:17 PM

Hi Janis!

Dont ask me to take a little peice of your heart, im afraid this 16 year old is already taken!

oh gosh, ur a gas!!! lol

crackin me up here buddy.

DippyHippy's photo
Thu 02/05/09 09:13 PM

Hi, im 16.

lol yeah and im janis joplin.

DippyHippy's photo
Wed 02/04/09 10:55 AM
Even if my family is full of hippies, I've still always been the black sheep. I have found that there are other black sheep around in my family too. People have lots of secrets.

DippyHippy's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:29 AM

Not bad for hip-hop. Some good beats. Not my cup of tea though.

Funny thing is I thought it was a black guy but it's actually this Jewish looking gangly white guy... I didn't believe it at first.

He sort of reminds me of Matisyahu.

DippyHippy's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:12 AM
Well... I have dated older men a lot and I figured maybe the reason it hasn't worked out is bc they are not close enough to my age.... Get at me if you live nearby and want to hang out.

DippyHippy's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:09 AM
I was smoking with my cousin the other day and I heard the song Daylight by Aesop Rock. It's probably the best song ever.... Anyone ever heard of it? You can hear it on my Myspace, it's the first song.

DippyHippy's photo
Mon 02/02/09 02:49 PM
It's stalking if you're checking them out and they don't know about it and aren't okay with it.

DippyHippy's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:00 AM
Thankyou.... This should be titled THE MIND OF A SLUT.... Of any girl who ever got pinholed as the "slutty girl".

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 01:20 PM

Move to Las Vegas and become a dancer or a hooker, you will make more money and you may enjoy the work.

You are beautiful, so take care of that body if you are going to use it or show it off. Don't get hooked on drugs and know that pot can land you in jail and it can decrease your sex drive eventually.

They will LOVE you in jail. Do you go both ways? You might consider it if you continue in the sex and drug lifestyle.

Enjoy your life but be healthy, get regular exams for sexually transmitted diseases.

This is not a judgment, it is advice and suggestions.

I wish it would slow down my sex drive!

Also sex is like a genie. Once you get it out of the bottle it does not want to go back in.

I am not insulting you but PLEASE....

Abstinence after the fact?

Also 4:20 is not like Alcohol or Meth or any of the other powder and pill forms of altering one's state. Some of us who do 4:20 do so because it puts our feet on the ground while others enjoy the uplift making a bad day tolerable. It is not like Alcohol where people become charming or funny in their own minds.

If you want a serious snapshot of what being around real drug addicts is like go to You Tube and look up "Rats on Cocaine." It should have been called "Rats on Meth!"

I also have a distinct problem with Abstinence because it is a lie the way it is presented. It will, mind you WILL fail like the efforts of the Women's Temperance League and prohibition.
Between cultural pressures and the Media there is no hiding away from it. Some women like sex a lot and people get all freaked out about that. Saying SEX in America is like yelling Fire in a theater.
All I can say is Have fun with it. Just be careful!

AndyBgood, you are a good person and you have a smart mind and good heart. I have considered pornography before, and honestly may eventually. I think I would genuinely like it...

I will never quit smoking weed. Ever. I have smoked since I was 14 and I will never quit. So enough is enough. I know its bad for your lungs and you can go to jail... Move on lol.

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 11:08 AM
I have this bud I call Vagina Weed, because it smells like God's Vagina... If God has a vagina.

And it's colorful, and I sort of wish real vaginas were as colorful.

I love weed and vaginas!

God I'm stoned.ohwell

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:56 AM

I am writing this letter to you. A letter that you will never read. With a gun and your **** you changed me. I will never be the ****ing same. You made me desperate in so many ways. Desperate for male idealization. I grip onto my sexuality as a weapon. I hurt myself with every man that ever got the best of me, then left. Like you ****ed me and left me. Gun to my head, please just pull the trigger. Put me out of my misery... I was ****ing fifteen. How was I supposed to give you what you thought you needed? Why couldn't you just have killed me? You threatened my life but instead took my childhood. From the moment I met you I was broken. And I held it all inside for so long that you became a part of me. No matter how hard I tear at my skin you are there. You made me ashamed of what I was so I could never be anything else. If only you could see me now. A broken woman in search of redemption... Attaining only disgust at what I have become. Because of you I will never know love. And love is all I ever wanted.

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:55 AM

I have allowed my social awkwardness to bleed into my friendships. I am no longer comfortable around anyone. I feel constantly on the edge of society. Like a leper, no one can touch me. I feel like a prostitute that has already been used. It all comes from inside me; everyone treats me the way I should be treated. Partially alive I sit and wallow in my own grief. No one could ever understand the emotions inside me. Fear, regret, complete loneliness. Looked upon as a toy with chipped paint and no batteries. I am so broken they don't even play with me anymore. I'm in the pile of everything else left behind. They all move forward into marriage and relationshihps but I am so stuck here. I cannot communicate through my lips... Only with my body. My message is so unclear that even I cannot understand myself anymore. I was always my biggest critic. I can now allow them to take over. Just take over so I don't have to see what I really am.

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:47 AM

I don't see anything wrong with smoking pot but I don't think it's wise to admit to illegal activities in a public forum, just saying.

I would agree but my myspace says it too so I guess I'll get fired if they don't like it. I am honestly one of the only ones that shows up to work where I work tho... And the rest of them are sober. It's actually me and another girl that smoke pot all the time and we are the favorites around there.

And thanks for the great, nice, open personality Jim519. I may be loose, but I at least sort of expect a guy to pretend to be nice lol.

Oh well, I'm gonna smoke a bowl lol.

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:42 AM

Show your boobs laugh

rofl you wish honey, don't you wish....rofl

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 10:25 AM

You should just hint at 4:20

I also appreciate the magic leaf myself.

There are a decent number of Social Nazis on this site looking to find any reason to look down their noses at anyone. i already ran across my share.

You do come out a little on the slutty side as well they way you are describing what you are looking for. I am not trying to be insulting. It is just going to be a creep magnet.

I will give you props for honesty. I am personally tired of all of the "proper" women who villianize sex in their profiles. Part of the reason I am here is I am looking for a relationship that involves it. At least you are not shy about it! That is refreshing. Just try to put yourself out there with a little more decorum. Coming off like a free meal is not good.

Well, my job knows I smoke weed and I'm actually one of their best workers. I'm not retarded, I wouldn't put it out there if I wasn't confident in myself. If you get busted smoking weed, you are irresponsible. I never go to work high, that is irresponsible. Those people need me in my best mind possible, and it's not when I'm stoned.

And I am a slut, well was a slut. I don't know how to do the relationship thing. Men take me and leave me and that's just how it has always been, since my very first time having sex. Sex is important to me, and I think any woman that says different is just too ashamed to admit it... However, I have treated myself to many hamburgers instead of steaks, so maybe people saying I'm loose isn't so bad. I can take criticism with the best.

I will not get into it about pot with anyone, considering no matter what points I may bring up everyone has their own opinions (as silly and unscientifically supported as they are). Just one question... My grammar may not be perfect, but do I sound like some dumb stoner? Plus, my dad is an abusive alky and I cannot stand alcohol, it tears me up in so many ways.

DippyHippy's photo
Sun 02/01/09 08:44 AM
Love to know how you rate me and my profile. I try not to come off as too loose but whatever. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get some lol....

DippyHippy's photo
Sat 01/31/09 11:15 PM


I just looked at DippyHippys pics....

Woooooooooo Hooooooooooo!:banana:

She is smokin hot yall!!!!!!!!pitchfork

No.... You're smokin!love

But anyway, sort of off topic, but I'm SO WASTED RIGHT NOW!!!! It's my 19th bday today, WOOOOO!!!

I'm too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts.:banana: