Community > Posts By > singledad1b

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Mon 09/24/07 01:59 AM
how many foreign fighters came directly from our country to fight in wwII? do you know? did you know that california was attacked in wwII? do you know that japan actually bombed the U.S. in the war? do you know how many mexican-americans fought in wwII, and do you know how many mexican-americans are currently fighting in Iraq?

yes i support the border fence, but not to keep them out but to keep the terrorists out!

Mexican-Americans are and always will be an integrall part of us as a nation so how do you feel about that fact?

what kind of border controls do you want to see?

what do you want to see for imigration reform?

me myself, i feel that America needs to push for treaties or just plain co-operation with mexico! i feel that we should not be buying and selling with china as much as we are. i feel that there are people right on our border that would benefit greater from our economy than we should be giving china. im not racist against china but i think we are looking in the wrong place for our products, we have closer resources that could bring nations toghether closer to our borders. the border fences would cost less if they were built at the southern tip of mexico. they are not a threat and never will be. they just want to be us, to live like us, and to be as patriotic as us. why have we denyed them and gone to china whom really doesnt care for us. lets face it, they have been behind many war's that we fought, but on the enemy's side! why would we go to the extent that we have with them. they have poisened our toys, hacked our military, probed our defenses, and stolen technology! has mexico ever done!mexico has tried every year to create talks with us but the politics of it have kept this from happening every year. this is why we have open borders as we do. finally within the last 10 years we are making strides to rectify this dilema but we still went to china first! why? politics! this is just one veiw and i would like to hear another view!

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Mon 09/24/07 01:09 AM
ok, so who thinks hillary would be best for us? o'bama? mccain? gulianni? whats up ! what do you think about these people? which one do you think will do the right thing and be the best person for the job?

my personal thought is that in this time of crisis in the world i do not want someone in office that has never run a business or held an office. how do you think they can run our country if they have never run anything?

on the job training is not what we need right know! im talking hillary & obama. do you really think they will be trying to look out for us or trying to learn how to run the country in this time of need?

hillary has some limited experience but with major war looming in front of us do we really want to have someone who is learning as they go or do we want someone who knows?

whats your thought? i want to hear the other side! who can respond to this with real talk?lets hear it!

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Mon 09/24/07 12:37 AM
hey i dont know gary.....but i will tell you one thing.......this is a dumb string! and blondy WHAT? do you even know what you are talking about! you dont seem to have much above your shoulders. can you please give a real concious thought or are you just.....that.....!

read between the lines!

no photo
Mon 09/24/07 12:27 AM
do you beleive in god?

do you beleive we go to heaven when we die?

do you beleive we are here due to a higher power, and what higher power do you think it is?

do you beleive anything about the big bang?

do you beleive that we are the only race or beings in this universe and why?

do you beleive we are the only solar system in this galaxy?

do you beleive we are the only galaxy to ever exist?

i dont want to see postings of someone elses thoughts just yours!

what is your honest beliefs?

will you tell me or will you just forget?

lets see!

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Mon 09/24/07 12:17 AM
ok ill bite! no more long trails of other peoples writing's tell me what you think personally. lets go from there. i have an open mind. i beleive there is life other than earth. however i do not beleive that aliens are eating people. you dont know me but i have traveled the world and have heard stories of such things but only when people have been drinking and later found that they were only playing on the small amount of stories that have existed since the beginning of time as recorded. if you can show me proof of what you say, i will listen! please understand, i have every available research methods at my disposal and i can and will do my best to counter your claims unless i can find this so called proof! what is your position?

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 10:29 PM
your facts are a little wrong barbie get them right then talk

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 10:24 PM
i dont like greenspan either but if all anyone has to do is talk crap then it means nothing. i dont have to post links or anything i just dont like to see people say something when they dont have a clue! im not saying u dont have a clue but i do not accept one sided veiws. show something from the other side and come up with a sumation that makes more sense. i will not even check your links untill you show both sides. one side is not enough to give a proper opinion. do your research a little better and then lets debate this issue. that is when you find middle ground that works for everyone. free speech is great but it fails when you only give one side. remember the old addage, there is two sides to every story.

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Sun 09/23/07 10:15 PM
hey barbiesbigsister, you better check your writing and your facts before you open your blond mouth. you are the epidamy of a blond.

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Sun 09/23/07 10:11 PM
just a bunch of morons surmising what they think is write and wrong! stop! you are all wrong because you have to disagree with everything anyone writes. cant you find middle ground! if you cant then stop trying to prove a point that you cant prove. because everyone else knows the answer but you! dumb****s!!!!

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Sun 09/23/07 09:58 PM
WHAT!!!!!! you freaks! the only reptile im afraid of is the mojave green. and most people dont beleive they exist either. i have news for you.....they do exist. in fact if you can find and catch one you can get money for it at edwards afb. as a teen we use to hunt and sell them. they are worth $1000 if u get one. the problem is that they might get u and give u nightmares!lol lol lol. just kidding! just adding some foder for the mentally deranged!

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:49 PM
wow how late can you be. do you want to clarify your question?

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:39 PM
if you know anyone who smokes there is a new product to help. it is a man made chemical and we do not know all the facts on it, however it has helped many people quit. it is called chantrix. it blocks the receptors in the brain that receive the nicotine. therefore, eliminating the so called need to smoke. the biggest factor against smokers is the hand to mouth syndrome which is all up to the individual person. you must find an outlet for this. but without the nicotine asd a driving factor it is definitly a great way to help smokers. some can do it cold turkey but others need just a little help. if everyone was to stop smoking tomorrow we would not have this issue of global warming as pressing as it is today. did you know that over 80% of the population of china smokes? if they all quit tomorrow, how much polution would no longer be contributing to the problem? this just actually crossed my mind and i would like to know if anyone has a model that will tell us this answer? how much less polution would be emmitted into our atmosphere if everyone was to quit smoking. if you ask me cigarettes should be illegal before we even think about pot. the pot problem is minor compared to the tobacco problem!

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:26 PM
cheers to you steve. you are a gentleman and a scholar. it is nice to see someone gets it! i agree with you too. if we were in office we could change the world. just simply by having 2 different views that come together in the middle......democracy at work! cheers to you steve. good man!

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Sun 09/23/07 09:19 PM
well we dont have to worry about him. we will be in another war wether anyone likes it or not. wether a dem is in office or a republican. they will start it and israel, U.S., France, England, and many arab countries, will come together to stop the bastard. i just hope that it is done better than iraq. history does repeat itself and we will not be able to avoid the coming conflict. world war 3 yes! we will see rogue nations stand against the already created coalition. if you think that there is not a coalition of forces you are gravely mistaken. we are ready to pounce. just let them flinch once. we will take them out! so far as him speaking....let him! it wont change anything!

no photo
Sun 09/23/07 09:05 PM
one other thing....alll chemical drugs(manmade) are horrible. i can not stand tweakers or crack heads. they need help! and a lot of it.

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Sun 09/23/07 09:02 PM
i beg to differ steve. if i didnt have it i would not live very long. about 2 weeks. i have a disease in my intestines that purges my system due to the muscles contracting when i eat. without it i WILL die. i agree that we need to regulate it better than it is but i still stand on one thing. the pharmacuetical industries have time and again tried to keep it illegal for there own profit. we need to find cures and regulate the industries that make their money on human suffering. if it is made illegal people WILL die! that is a fact. if you need more info check out "the emporer wears no clothes" by Jack Herer. did you know that if we produced marijauna industrially we could run every car in the world on hemp oil with zero emissions. and it doesnt need any fertilizer (which, if you check your facts, is the #2 major cause of pollution to our oceans)and the industrial grade is not smokeable. well im sure people will try but it has less than .01% of thc the active ingredient that actually gets people stoned. i do agree with you in part howver i feel that if people like you and me come to gether to adress this issue we can create a new way of using this product for the benefit of all. it takes both sides to find the middle ground that is best for all. so tell me what does a negative and a positive together make? the answer is simple....Americans standing up for what is right! and making it work in the right way for all to benefit.

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Sun 09/23/07 08:35 PM
this guy is a moron! you must be a democrat! right wing right? get your head out of your ass dumb****. some people will not survive without it. yes there can be abuse just as with anything. what about alchohol? its legal but it kills millions of people. weed doesnt kill people. for most that use it medically, it helps them to eat. especially after kemo. if it is made to be illegal completely thousands if not millions of people will die. why dont you focuse your energy on the things that create cancer and make them illegal then maybe we will have less of a problem with the abuse factor. find a cure for cancer or hiv or the many other debilitating diseases that people have that put them in the position to have to use it medically. look at the big picture! end the diseases, regulate the pharmacutical industries, and end the suffering of millions of people worldwide and i wont say another word. untill then, dont contribute to the problem, be an integral part of the solution to the problems that exist.