Community > Posts By > comtogether

comtogether's photo
Tue 08/26/14 10:58 AM
Edited by comtogether on Tue 08/26/14 10:59 AM

If you would have listened to me about 2 years ago none of this would have happened. IT remains to be seen if she will listen and further more if you will all listen.

Not really possible as I did not have the issue 2 years ago.
Thank you for your input.

Yes, you did you had similar issues. which where caused with the updates,but again not listing to the whole input

comtogether's photo
Tue 08/26/14 10:26 AM
You know its funny and very sad at the same time. I give her the exact same advice of not doing the updates. All I get is laughed at and banned.

Now the credit is given else-ware. Whatever.

My advice is again

1. Start with a fresh format SP3 XP no updates.

If you can if you have at least 4 gigs of ram and a dual core.

2. get win 7 ultimate x64 sp1which you can download from microsoft for free. then you have to buy the serial later on.

3 . Go to pclinux os get the lite version if you have less then 4 gigs of ram:

Lite version:

Normal version:

64 verions is for if u have more hten 4 gigs
then again its in the programming like I said before corporate greed.

As the pcliuxos "32bit" reads all my 32 gigs and 8 core.

If you would have listened to me about 2 years ago none of this would have happened. IT remains to be seen if she will listen and further more if you will all listen.

comtogether's photo
Wed 08/20/14 10:22 AM


i buy most of my computer software from this site if you phone stephen at customers service he do good deals.

Yeah they started with Amigas . Oh by the way. ALtex is good over here in Texas. Best buy is 35 . Which is very good for a Video Card.

comtogether's photo
Wed 08/20/14 08:56 AM
I agree why cant they make it simple. you know more power more graphics. Just say so and not go back and forth gee wizz, and Im a great IT guy . Just think what it does to a the end user.

comtogether's photo
Mon 08/18/14 10:38 AM

for starters.

You need to have a 30o watt power supply.

best to have 500 watt.

for when you get a pny or evga = nvidia chip set just cheaper $35 at Best Buy.



Either way you need the power

on the side of the video box it says a minimum of 300 watt. Thats just for the Video card alone. So its best to go 500 watt again antex cool master $75 tops ATX design . If thats what your motherboard is. I hope you dont have a dell. If you do - thats not good news.

comtogether's photo
Mon 08/18/14 10:21 AM
Both suck both are true 8bit cpus just layerd/

xboxone has a better cpu.

Nitendo has the better cpu with the true 64bit RISC

PS3 has the true 256bit cpu and true real-time multitasking still
So stick with the ps3

comtogether's photo
Mon 08/18/14 10:20 AM
Avg is second best . It protects you in -real-time.
Bitdefender is best period.
Both can be gotten for free.

comtogether's photo
Mon 08/18/14 10:19 AM
Just use linux live cd

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