Community > Posts By > vize93

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Tue 08/05/14 07:56 AM
dear sparkyae5, ha ha) will explore that…..thanks for sharing my friend))

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Tue 08/05/14 07:55 AM
dear bluskyj, thanks for sharing my friend, will do that))))

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Tue 08/05/14 07:54 AM
Dear klc , I thought of taking one, but, I don't like the way certain jobs are anyway and therefore right now I guess I have to do it all by myself ,and maybe with help of some people ......thanks for sharing:))))

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Tue 08/05/14 07:50 AM
Dear Datwasntme, thanks for sharing my friend…….:)))) yes my friend, will hunt for it)))))

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Tue 08/05/14 07:24 AM
ha ha:))):smile: ....

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Tue 08/05/14 07:22 AM
Edited by vize93 on Tue 08/05/14 07:22 AM
Mannnn!!!!!, i just hate the capitalistic society.....I don't want to work for a corporate world and I am not sure what I want to do.....I want to work at a place where i can talk with people throughout the day and a place of interaction and right now I am doing my engineering and the thought of working with machine my whole life doesn't sound good....I don't know how to figure out the place where I want to work..a job that I like....any ideas......

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Tue 08/05/14 12:53 AM
:smile: happy rock it yoooo:)))

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Mon 08/04/14 10:37 PM
:smile: greattt yo, its my holiday time tooo, but, its gonna end soon......places to travell??..catacombs of paris!!!!!!!!!!, istanbul(galata tower) city in japan.........shanghai (china)...Buenos Aires (Argentina),,,,,india!! it yo, there's a and decide......have a blast , have great fun, have a safe and happy journey:smile:

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Mon 08/04/14 10:17 PM
:smile: waving ........hellooooooooo...aaaaaa:))lol.....its my holiday time and i am just chillin out a bit........:)))