Community > Posts By > HarleeQuinn

HarleeQuinn's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:25 AM
Huzzah for computer literate people! See, I know nothing about the hardware, I just know stuff like "I want that to look pretty".

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 04/06/09 06:55 PM
I'm a big World of Warcraft player, but I know a decent desktop can run it. I wanna start playing other MMOs too. Maybe even Unreal Tourney 3...dunno yet, I suck at FPS...

So, yeah, definately games.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 04/06/09 06:50 PM

Girl + Snake = Sexy


Girl + Girl = Even Sexier

Waht about Girl + Girl + Snake?

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 04/06/09 06:39 PM
I think they're crap. Pure, unadulterated crap.

Just kidding. They're awesome. I'm thinking about buying an Aurora, added random stuff of course. I think it came to $2,500 something. Is it worth it? Or would I be able to get a cheaper just-as-good computer at Best Buy?

Basically, is it worth wasting my entire fast-food salary on one?

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 04/06/09 06:24 PM
Thank ya kindly :3

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 04/06/09 06:13 PM
Hello. Looking for people to message me. I'm quite bored with life. Maybe some prety ladies message me?

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 04/06/09 06:12 PM
Gah. I wish life would stop punching me in my gut....

Now I'm back peeps. Looking for some locals to message me. Blaaah

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 11:34 PM
Heeey, my thread got moved to chit-chat...oh whale.

My problem with Marvel is simple. It has too many "UH-OH!" Heroes. There's only so many scientific experiments gone wrong that I can handle. Spiderman UH OH! Got bit by a radioactive spider. Hulk UH OH! Gamma sickness. IronMan...I like IronMan...and Capt. America is just dumb.

I mean, yeah, DC has basically a god. Superman. He's an alien though. Marvel, actually HAS a god. Thor. Now, Marvel addicts say that Superman is cheap, how cheap is a friggen Norse god?

I just think DC is a lot deeper.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 11:09 PM

Why would I put a mallet on a boat? I'm confused! Or maybe my German's not that good. You've got me jumbled in the brain now >__<

You could use that mallet to fend off pirates.

True...very true...

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 11:05 PM


On das boot.

Why would I put a mallet on a boat? I'm confused! Or maybe my German's not that good. You've got me jumbled in the brain now >__<

Boot. was English...makes more sense now.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 11:04 PM

I never really got into comic books. My mom would never let me read them. I did get into manga over the past few years though.

I read a bit of manga now. I used to hit it hardcore, but it just sorta faded for me. Most of the series got way too long for my ADD to keep up with. I like shorter series. Unless it's Batman related, obviously.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:47 PM


On das boot.

Why would I put a mallet on a boat? I'm confused! Or maybe my German's not that good. You've got me jumbled in the brain now >__<

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:43 PM

Welcome. Bipedal hyena. happy

Marvel > DC


Oh you are sorely mistaken about the Marvel/DC standpoint, my good sir. But I shall restrain myself.

Drop the mallet.

On your foot?

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:37 PM

Welcome. Bipedal hyena. happy

Marvel > DC


Oh you are sorely mistaken about the Marvel/DC standpoint, my good sir. But I shall restrain myself.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 10:31 PM
Looking for decent comic book nerds (No Marvel fans, bleeeehhhhh on you Marvel) (Okay, fine, Marvel fans, but you have to like DC too) (Especially Batman) to talk to. I just got out of a pretty bad relationship, and looking to make some friends and move on. Things are rough for me now, but I'm trying to see the silver lining!

Give me a shout after checking my profile if you likes.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:24 PM
Yaaay pictures ^w^ Made my day better.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:12 PM
Yeah, yeah, I know. I just want at least one thing to work out >_< Bleh on life.

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 09:04 PM
Boop boop. Check out my profile. I've been on here before, thought I had found my Mistah J, and he just turned out to be a little boy in clown makeup. I want the real deal! No fair :(

HarleeQuinn's photo
Mon 02/02/09 08:59 PM
Actually, I did meet the love of my life here. We dated for 9 months. Moved in together, he asked me to marry him, and we were so happy. I really thought we were going to make it.

And then I found him cheating on me *grumble grumble*

So, now I'm back. There are nice people here, you just have to look.