Community > Posts By > roughrouge

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/15/07 07:14 AM
thank you txgal. i'm writing a actually, it's my main project entitled
'A Fall From Innocence"

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/15/07 07:04 AM
Txgal I did write it...glad you like it thanks...Ziggi the idea of
lasciviosness is from the good proverbs and you're right there is a
sequel to he posted later...thanks

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/15/07 06:22 AM
A Virgin's Tale
Young Chambers pulled into their driveway and killed the motor of his
car. His parents were away for the night. He was home alone. His
girlfriend was attending an all girls slumber party and he didn't feel
like hanging out with the guys tonight. He got out his car and went
inside. He took a quick shower and jumped into his pj's. He heard the
family clock chimed 10:00pm. The window blinds in his bedroom was open,
the only light on in his room was his nite lite. He went over to the
window and was about to close the blinds when he saw her. The new
neighbor next door. The blinds on her window was pulled all the way up
and he could clearly see her silhouette form through the thin curtain
covering the window. She pulled off her blouse as he stood dumfounded
unable to move. She wasn't wearing any bra. The nipples of her soft
breasts were standing to attention. She slowly caress both breasts,
closing her eyes and throwing back her head. She suddenly turned her
head in his direction, he ducked below his window. Was she able to see
his shadow on the wall behind him due to the soft glow of his night
light? He wasn't sure. He slowly raised his head above the window sill.
He quickly ducked again. ****! She was still looking in the direction of
his window as if she knew he was looking at her. He got on his knees and
scrambled out his room and made a mad dash downstairs. His heart was
pounding and it wasn't because he has dashed out his room. He turned on
the television in the living room, made his way to the fridge and got
himself a drink and gulped it down. He went back to the living room and
was about to sit on the sofa when the doorbell rang.
Was it her? It couldn't be he told himself, you're being stupid. She's a
married woman. He went to the front door and opened it. His jaws dropped
in shock and his mouth hung open. It was her. Gawd she was lovely, and
married, he quickly reminded himself. He guessed she was about 35yrs.
old but looked 25. 'May I come in?' she asked pushing her way past him.
'Su..sure' he stammered. 'Pl..please'. He felt like an idiot.
She told him they had a lovely house.
She spoke and her lips dripped honey, her words smoother than oil. He
quickly tried his utmost to compose himself. Gawd, he kept thinking to
himself, she is an angel. He realized how desperately he wanted to touch
her and the very thought scared the living daylights out of him. This
was a woman, not his girlfriend. All they ever did was hold hands and
kiss. He was certain that she could do things to him that had never been
done before. He felt a massive erection beginning to stir and he
instinctively cover himself with both hands. She smiled and he quickly
turned away in embarrassment. He couldn't possibly embrace the bosom of
another man's wife? That would be like scooping burning coals into his
lap. But yet, she captivated him so with her eyes and he so lusted her
in his heart. She came up behind him and he felt as if his entire body
was on fire. To make matters worse, she began to whisper erotic words in
his ear. He couldn't fight it anymore and didn't want to. He became
ensnared by the words she was whispering in his ear. Her persuasive
words led him astray and there was nothing he would not do for her. He
turned and looked her in the eyes and managed to asked, 'you're husband,
where is he?' She smiled into his eyes and replied, 'I've fulfilled my
vows to him and he left on business for the night. He'll be back
tomorrow evening. Come, I missed having a young stud deep inside me.'
She took him by the hand and led him into the bedroom. She sat him on
the bed and slowly undressed in front of him. His eyes was glued to her
lovely body he'd never seen anything that stunning in his entire life.
He was so hard it hurt, it felt almost unnatural, he knew that what he
was about to do was definitely unethical. If his parents ever found out
they'd kill him but he didn't care anymore, he couldn't even if he
wanted to. He was way beyond the point of caring. She approached him,
pulled his pj's off and pushed him backwards on the bed. He closed his
eyes as he felt her soft warm body covering his, her soft breast were
pressed into his chest and her dripping orchid was resting against his
massive erection. She kissed him deeply and tenderely then moved down to
his nipples. He never thought they could be this erect, she began to
caress them with her tongue and he could feel his jucies flowing out of
them sending lightning sensations throughout his body. His testicle
began to churn and his entire body got numb with desire. She went down
and took him into her mouth and swallowed him. He was in heaven. If this
was a dream, he never wanted to wake; if he was in a trance, he never
wanted to be revived; if he had died and was in the after world, he
never wanted to return. She pulled out from between his legs and sat on
his massive erection, he'd never in his life felt such sweet sensations.
She was warm, wet, and flooding all over him. She continued to ride him
intensifying her strokes, he was coming, he was coming as she cried out
again and again with desire, he felt himself erupted inside her flooding
her with his little soldiers. Afterwards, they lay spen in each other's
arms enjoying the warmth of their bodies. After what seemed like an
eternity, she rose pulled on her clothes, kissed him and swiftly left.
Her soft steps puttering down the carpeted stairs.
He got up and once again took a quick shower and returned to bed. Try as
he may, he couldn't sleep the rest of the night. Counting the minutes
and hours as they dragged by. He couldn't get her out his head. He
looked once more at the clock. It was 3:00am. he had to see her,
regardless of the cost. He got out of bed and went nextdoor. He put his
finger on the door bell, gritted his teeth and rang it. She opened the
door and quickly pulled him him. They didn't say a word to each other,
they didn't need to the look in their eyes said it all.

roughrouge's photo
Mon 01/15/07 06:04 AM
My Fair Lady

My fair lady, distant yet near,
Is the lily of the valley, like the bright morning star.
My fair lady, so true so dear,
Is the epitome of creation, dearest of them all.

She look me in the eyes and whisper in my ear,
'Awaken love my darling, for it so desires,'
Touching you so gently, you burn like fire,
Your passions, your lions fueling your desires.
Fragrance of your perfume blossoming the air,
Your taste more delightful than precious myrrh.

Free as the night without distractions of the day,
My fair lady approaches, she's ready to play.
Her lips dropped sweetness, her soft eyes like doves,
Her breasts twin towers, her orchid like myrrh.

Fifty queens there may be and a hundred concubines,
But my love my fair one is the goddess of them all.
Come, my love, let us go to the country side,
let us enter your vineyard and let it flow like nectar,
My sweet divine.

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:37 PM

Strength Of A Woman

The fragnance of my charm , wafted about the house
As I waited for my lover, my lover to return.
I have taken off my robe, shall I put it on again?
I have washed my feet, must I soiled them again?

Then I heard him in the distance, my heart began to pound.
I got drunk with desire, intoxicated from beyond.
How beautiful his sandaled feet, his legs like graceful jewels
His navel a rounded goblet, his sword a swollen head.
His neck the ivory tower, his head a crown of gold
His eyes a pool's desire, awaiting for my love.

His hand upon the door latch, my lover has come home
He wants to plant his chosen fruit inside my aching lyons.
The fragnance of his maleness, made me giddy in the head
I will open up my orchid, to bury his purple head.
His fruit is such a sweet taste, upon my hungry tongue
He is a garden fountain, flowing like lebanon.

The sweet taste of his kisses, I'll cherish till it's morn,
The warmness of his body comfort me till kingdom come.
I opened up the door, my fingers dripping myrrh
My heart sank in sadness, my lover nowhere to be found.

I heard retreating footsteps, upon the pavement stone,
My lover has departed and left me all alone.
Dejected, I fell upon the floor,
My life a reeling madness,
My heart broken and torn.

Triumph and disaster has visit me today,
I've met with both imposters and treat them just the same.
I will not back down from adversity, but stare it in the eyes,
I will pick up all the broken pieces and put it all together.
I am a strong woman and will find my life's desire.
I am a strong woman and will find my life's desire.

Mark Hill 2007

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/14/07 08:14 PM
thanks for the advice. new to this & didn't realize I needed to post
poems in the poem area.

roughrouge's photo
Sun 01/14/07 07:59 PM
...Original Poem....

Strength Of A Woman

The fragnance of my charm , wafted about the house
As I waited for my lover, my lover to return.
I have taken off my robe, shall I put it on again?
I have washed my feet, must I soiled them again?

Then I heard him in the distance, my heart began to pound.
I got drunk with desire, intoxicated from beyond.
How beautiful his sandaled feet, his legs like graceful jewels
His navel a rounded goblet, his sword a swollen head.
His neck the ivory tower, his head a crown of gold
His eyes a pool's desire, awaiting for my love.

His hand upon the door latch, my lover has come home
He wants to plant his chosen fruit inside my aching lyons.
The fragnance of his maleness, made me giddy in the head
I will open up my orchid, to bury his purple head.
His fruit is such a sweet taste, upon my hungry tongue
He is a garden fountain, flowing like lebanon.

The sweet taste of his kisses, I'll cherish till it's morn,
The warmness of his body comfort me till kingdom come.
I opened up the door, my fingers dripping myrrh
My heart sank in sadness, my lover nowhere to be found.

I heard retreating footsteps, upon the pavement stone,
My lover has departed and left me all alone.
Dejected, I fell upon the floor,
My life a reeling madness,
My heart broken and torn.

Triumph and disaster has visit me today,
I've met with both imposters and treat them just the same.
I will not back down from adversity, but stare it in the eyes,
I will pick up all the broken pieces and put it all together.
I am a strong woman and will find my life's desire.
I am a strong woman and will find my life's desire.

Mark Hill 2007 kindly respond

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