Turning People Down
I've been single for some time now, but seem to turn down alot of pple. either they are too young, too old, just looking for sex, no job, no car... At my age, I just want a grown up to spend quality time with... Are you serious |
genuinely finding love
Is there a man here who really wants to pursue a woman? Because I've noticed some men here who chatted once, and then, after I reply honestly, they disappear or something like that 🥺 zalyn grace do you really communicate |
Why? This is the question we ask ourselves when we hear about the misfortunes and calamities in the world. We are all concerned about why there is so much hatred and suffering in the world. Similar questions were asked even by people who had strong faith, for example, the prophet Habakkuk. God hates evil and suffering even more than we do. Then why is there so much evil in the world? The answer is in the Bible. Why do people suffer? 1. Many priests and religious leaders claim that people suffer because this is the will of God. Others believe that God decides in advance what misfortunes will happen in a person's life. Still others think that people (including children) are dying because God takes them to his heaven. But that's a lie! Job 34:10 says, " is unthinkable for the true God to act wickedly, for the Almighty to do wrong!" People believe that God is to blame for all bad things. After all, it is he who rules the world. But 1 John 5: 19 says "... the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one." And the Evil (Satan) is very cruel, because of his influence, people also become cruel. 2. Another reason is that when Adam and Eve sinned, they stopped being perfect and passed on sin to their descendants - you and me. Sin is another cause of unhappiness. Because of their sinfulness, people compete with each other, fight for power, fight, oppress each other ... It is rightly said in Ec 8: 9 "...during the time that man has dominated man to his harm." 3. Another cause of unhappiness is "time and chance." This means that a person can get into trouble simply by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. God is not guilty of people committing crimes, fighting and oppressing each other. Nor is it His fault that earthquakes, hurricanes, floods occur ... Why does God allow us to suffer? In the Garden of Eden, Satan deceived Adam and Eve and declared that God was a bad ruler. Satan wanted to convince people that he (Satan) will rule better than Jehovah and people do not need God. The first people believed Satan, they thought that they themselves would decide what is good and what is bad. Jehovah did not begin to destroy the rebels. He acted wiser. God gave Satan time to prove that he was right. God gave time to people so that they could prove that they can live and manage themselves well without Him. For thousands of years people have tried to control themselves, but they have not been able to do it well. And it became clear that Satan is a liar and people cannot successfully rule each other without the help of God. As Jeremiah 10:23 says, "I well know, O Jehovah, that man's way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." ask God |
Merry Christmas everyone!! merry Christmas beautiful woman |
I'll make u wet
I guess he just discovered Viagra. you are very funny |