Community > Posts By > tubbiguy

tubbiguy's photo
Tue 08/27/19 05:35 PM
I think it depends what you are looking for. Mature age people are often looking for friendship, company, conversation etc in which case, age is of little import. However, if one is looking for a relationship age has more bearing. In the end, think it comes down to attraction - its difficult to form a relationship at any age if there is no attraction.
Many men (me) suffer from what psychologists often refer to as the "Peter Pan" syndrome - Peter, in the story, never got any older. Some guys are like that - internally, they remain at about 35 years old, while the outside grows wrinkled and infirm. They see women of their own age group as akin to dating mum.

tubbiguy's photo
Sun 12/28/14 01:50 AM
For most of us here, Australia is HOME.....what more does it need to be? As someone else noted above, go visit some other countries and you will soon realise why we love this country so much - you can get job or Centrelink will help you to, fresh air, good food, reasonable prices, ethical (in the main) police, freedom of speech, access to the world via the net......and the list goes on. Its surprising how many of those things are simply out of reach in many other countries.

tubbiguy's photo
Sun 12/28/14 01:36 AM
I think that sex and the desire for it is a very personal and individual thing - probably different for all of us. I recall going through my teen years with a pretty much constant "boner". As we age however, there is no doubt that the hormones subside and we go through declining stages of activity in the libido. For guys, there is the added complication of "performance anxiety" - if we meet the right lady, can we still leave her smiling? Of course, there are also those "little blue pills" for special occasions.

tubbiguy's photo
Sun 12/28/14 01:29 AM
Being a guy, I have to admit that we are very visual creatures and do tend to gravitate toward "eye candy". Having said that, the young cuties usually lack maturity at best and intelligence at worst. Men hardly stop to consider that while they find these girls VERY attractive, how might the girls view THEM? Young cuties are not interested in dating their grandad (unless they are looking to improve their financial situation). Also older guys often have health issues like blood pressure, diabetes, weight etc and a weekend away with a youngster would likely kill them. We all need to be realistic, consider what we find attractive, BOTH physically and emotionally and also consider what we have to offer in return - a little self assessment might help us positively adjust our expectations.