Community > Posts By > LUNG1954

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 12/13/23 10:04 PM
US President Joe Biden said that Benjamin Netanyahu has "a difficult decision to make under his hard-line government. This is the most hard-line government in the history of Israel," adding that the Israeli government "does not want a two-state solution." Pointing out that support for the Israeli military campaign is waning amid the heavy bombing of Gaza.

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 12/12/23 11:03 PM
The song Long Live Palestine started in Sweden

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 12/12/23 10:59 PM
During a tour on the border with Lebanon, the Israeli Minister warned Hezbollah and Lebanon, saying:
“Beirut residents may end up in the same situation as Gaza residents.” He added, "Our large air force is directed towards the north, and we used only 10% in Gaza."
An Israeli raid targeted a pickup truck in an orchard southern Lebanon, about 45 kilometers north of the border. It was the first strike deep into Lebanese territory since the start of the fighting in Gaza.
It is noteworthy that the exchange of bombing and gunfire between the Israeli army and Hezbollah was limited to the border area between Lebanon and Israel, since the beginning of the war in Gaza. However, this is the first time that Israel has carried out a strike against a target so far from the border.
Maronite Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros visited southern Lebanon to express the presence of the church alongside its children. The Patriarch met with clerics from various sects to confirm their demands calling for the preservation and security of Lebanon.
Their Eminences the Maronite Bishops held their monthly meeting, headed by Patriarch Mar Bishara, and with the participation of the General Superiors of the Maronite Orders. They discussed church and national affairs. At the conclusion of the meeting, they issued a statement that stated the following:
1- The parents express their deep sadness over the war taking place in Gaza, with its terrible tragedies and horrific scourges.
2- The fathers consider that the Lebanese state must be fully characterized by its constitutional institutions, and must have an effective tool to defend the country and its people. He must also be given all necessary means, including weapons, equipment, and others, so that he can carry out his duty in preserving the state and society by spreading security, peace, and reassurance to all the Lebanese people.
3 - As we approach the glorious holidays, the parents hope that the situation in the south will stabilize and peace will return to its villages on the border strip, so that every home can experience the joy of the holiday and enjoy the joy of its lights, and so that our children spread around the world can come to Lebanon and meet their families. Lebanon is counting on their arrival as the basis and support for creating an atmosphere of economic and social stability.

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 12/12/23 10:59 PM
Edited by LUNG1954 on Tue 12/12/23 11:01 PM

LUNG1954's photo
Sun 12/10/23 12:37 AM
An Israeli special force tried to free the captured Israeli soldier Sa'ar Baruch, in Gaza.
Hamas broadcast a video of an attempt to free him. At the beginning of the video, Baruch appears talking about his age, his family history, and his place of residence. He said that he is from the Yeri settlement (in the vicinity of the Gaza Strip) and that he wants to return to his home.
After that, Hamas said in writing in the video, “The Zionist force infiltrated the prisoner’s place of detention at dawn through an ambulance and took cover behind humanitarian organizations, in flagrant violation of international law. The force was discovered and dealt with fire. The clash led to the death of the captured soldier, Sa’ar Baruch (25 years old), and the seizure of the force's communication device, weapons and equipment. In the last video clip, the captured soldier Baruch appeared dead, covered in blood.
Simultaneously with the publication of the video, the Israeli army announced that two soldiers were seriously injured during a “failed” operation to release prisoners held by Hamas in Gaza. He added, “No kidnappers were freed in this operation.”
A Hamas spokesman announced that Hamas fighters "thwarted an attempt to free captured soldier Sa'ar Baruch, which led to his death in addition to the killing and wounding of a number of other Israeli prisoners due to the barbaric bombing of the Gaza areas."
Hamas insists on not releasing Israeli prisoners unless Tel Aviv agrees to release Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons.

LUNG1954's photo
Thu 12/07/23 12:49 AM
The issue of Palestinian refugees
Written by researchers Francesca Albanese, at the Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University. And Damian Lilly, Head of the Protection Section at UNRWA
The displacement of Palestinians is the largest refugee situation in the world and the longest in duration. In 1948, the State of Israel was established, and the Palestinians’ right to self-determination was denied, their property was robbed, and they were exiled from their land.
Then Israeli laws and policy sealed the fate of the Palestinians, and 750,000 of them became refugees in 1948, as it prevented them from returning to their homes and made them stateless. As for the Palestinians who remained in Israel, Israel did not allow them to become Israeli citizens. Since 1948, the displacement of Palestinians has increased, many of whom still suffer from discrimination, poverty, and loss of rights.
The United Nations General Assembly has taken hundreds of resolutions reaffirming the right of refugees to return to their country, while compensating them for the harm they suffered. The Security Council has repeatedly stressed the need to achieve a just settlement of the refugee issue, but none of these resolutions has been implemented. Negotiations took place that extended for years and years between the two parties, including the Oslo Accords. However, the conditions of the Palestinians did not improve, despite the Palestine Liberation Organization’s recognition of Israel.
Millions of people remained without a political solution. Because the most difficult challenges are the lack of political will, the failure to return homes to their owners, the failure to compensate them for the harm that befell them, and the mass deprivation of citizenship. Then there is the lack of meaningful member state support to ensure the ethical application of international law, so the issue of Palestinian refugees has been left unaddressed.
The 'deal of the century' announced by the US government in 2019 widened the difference between the two teams. So the United Nations refocused the debate on refugee rights, because it is a must.

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 12/06/23 10:08 PM
The two-state solution ends the Arab-Israeli conflict
British writer Matt Hill said that the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is very simple and is the establishment of two neighboring states, one for the Israelis and the other for the Palestinians.
He explained that there is a comprehensive peace plan through the two-state solution, which receives widespread support, and requires courage from both parties to accept it. It consists of dividing the land between the Israelis and the Palestinians, so that the name of one becomes Israel and the name of the other becomes Palestine, and they live side by side.
The writer added that there are borders between the two sides that are internationally recognized, and they go back to the 1967 borders, which separate the two countries, and the two parties may need to make some amendments or exchange some lands between their countries.

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 12/05/23 10:06 PM

i told you the history of them, the left the arab countries, promised they could return, week later the Arab counties denied them back in their own country.

i know you hate isreal i already know that, it is a given even though they only protected themselves, so your blinded by your hate to see the truth.

I do not hate Israel.
The problem continues because America and Israel rejected the United Nations resolution regarding “two states, Israel and Palestine,” side by side within safe and recognized borders, and the borders of the State of Palestine will be “based on the pre-1967 borders.” In addition to "a just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue in accordance with United Nations Resolution No. 194."

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 12/04/23 01:02 AM
The Palestinians have the right to remain on their land. Forcing them to leave by force is considered a war crime committed by Israelز

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 12/02/23 10:48 PM
In 1917, the Balfour Declaration declared British support for a “national home for the Jewish people” in Palestine. The declaration was made in a letter written by Britain's then-Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, to Baron Rothschild, a leader of the British Zionist movement. The letter was endorsed by Britain's then-Prime Minister David Lloyd George, who became a Zionist in 1915.

How Did Balfour Declaration Change History of Palestine?
The British started facilitating the immigration of European Jews to Palestine. The Jewish population increased from 9% to over 27% of the total population between 1922 and 1935.
The British mandate was designed to offer Jews the ability to establish self-rule at the expense of Palestinian Arabs, despite the caveat in the Balfour Declaration that "nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 12/02/23 10:28 PM
History of the Question of Palestine
At the end of the First World War, Palestine was among the several former Ottoman Arab territories which were made mandated territories by the League of Nations. The relevant provisions of the League’s Covenant (Article 22) referred to these territories as “certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire [which] have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative assistance and advice by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory”.
All but one of these Mandated Territories (categorized as class “A” Mandates) whose independence was provisionally recognized became fully independent States, as anticipated. The exception was Palestine where, instead of being limited to “the rendering of administrative assistance and advice” the Mandate had as a primary aim the implementation of the “Balfour Declaration” issued by the British Government in 1917, conveying that Government’s support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”. This commitment was included in the mandate for Palestine, formally allotted in 1922 to Great Britain by the League of Nations, without having ascertained the wishes of the Palestinian people, as required by the Covenant.
During the 25 years of the Palestine Mandate, from 1922 to 1947, large-scale Jewish immigration from abroad, mainly from Eastern Europe took place, the numbers swelling in the 1930s with the notorious Nazi persecution of Jewry. Over this period the Jewish population of Palestine, composed principally of immigrants, increased from less than 10 per cent in 1917 to over 30 per cent in 1947. Palestinian demands for independence and resistance to Jewish immigration led to a rebellion in 1937, followed by continuing terrorism and violence from both sides during and immediately after the Second World War. Great Britain, as the Mandatory Power, tried to implement various formulas to bring independence to a land ravaged by violence. A partition scheme, a formula for provincial autonomy, a unified independent Palestine were all considered and abandoned, and in 1947, Great Britain in frustration turned the problem over to the United Nations.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 12/02/23 09:31 PM

This is what actually happened in Gaza
The oppressed Palestinians triumphed over arrogant Israel
Israel did not win, even though it killed more people and destroyed half of Gaza’s homes with the support of many countries, led by America, and Israel failed militarily and politically.

you dont know history do you.

Arab armies for forcing Palestinians to leave, promising they could shortly return. 1949

ARAB countries lied to the Palestinians saying they could return. they are still lying to them.

arab countries do not care for the palestines, you do but you dont know history.

all the money get they turn into bombs, we give them more, they turn into weapons.

this is what Israel says not the facts

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 11/29/23 10:15 PM
The USA and Israel must agree to the UN resolution on the "Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine" for "two States, Israel and Palestine side by side within secure and recognized borders" together with "a just resolution of the refugee question in conformity with UN resolution 194". The borders of the state of Palestine would be "based on the pre-1967 borders".

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 11/29/23 04:21 AM
The War in Gaza: Israel Will Win Militarily but Not Politically
By Ian Dudgeon
Israel is expected to win its military war against Hamas in Gaza, but it will not win politically. The challenge for Israel and other key stakeholders is to find a political solution that creates post-war stability and shapes a long-term peace settlement that is a win-win for both Israel and Palestine.
Most support a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Is Hamas winning the war?
By Yuval Noah Harari
As the bodies keep piling up, who will win this war? Not the side that kills more people, not the side that destroys more houses and not even the side that gains more international support — but the side that achieves its political aims.

Israel-Hamas war: 'Israeli leaders haven't understood that in asymmetric warfare, the weak usually win out over the strong'
Historian Sophie Bessis wrote;
Twentieth-century armed conflicts have shown that when the dominant refuse to acknowledge the demands of the dominated, the latter radicalize and are convinced that only violence can free them from oppression.

This is what actually happened in Gaza
The oppressed Palestinians triumphed over arrogant Israel
Israel did not win, even though it killed more people and destroyed half of Gaza’s homes with the support of many countries, led by America, and Israel failed militarily and politically.

LUNG1954's photo
Sat 11/25/23 10:26 PM

without the Jews state of Iseral the Palestinians would not exist. if all the Jews in Iseral disappeared tomorrow the surrounding Muslim countries would go to war with each other to see who would get the most land of Israel once the dust settles the remaining Palestinians would be eliminated and no one would say a thing because it would be Muslim killing Muslim.

The proof is that in all the Muslim countries surrounding Iseral the Palestinians are contained in refugee camps they haven't been allowed to integrate into the countries they have moved to.

The problem continues because America and Israel rejected the United Nations resolution regarding “two states, Israel and Palestine,” side by side within safe and recognized borders, and the borders of the State of Palestine will be “based on the pre-1967 borders.” In addition to "a just solution to the Palestinian refugee issue in accordance with United Nations Resolution No. 194."

LUNG1954's photo
Fri 11/24/23 03:38 AM
Israel’s lies about October 7 incursion fall apart
Israel has used the October 7 “Al-Aqsa Flood” incursion to mount a genocidal assault on Gaza. The official narrative from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, repeated faithfully by his imperialist backers, is that Hamas carried out an unexpected and unprecedentedly barbaric assault and must now be wiped out at whatever cost.

The World Must Wake Up to Israel's Lies
Israeli propaganda is deemed necessary by its patrons or allies to justify its massacre of the Palestinian people.

Netanyahu says Israel will destroy Hamas in Gaza war

Israel has set itself a stiff challenge in aiming to vanquish Hamas. But an even bigger question looms: Once in Gaza, how and when does Israel get out?

Israeli Leaders Say ‘Now Is Time for War’ and Vow to Wipe Hamas ‘Off the Face of the Earth’

Later news

Israel-Hamas truce begins, hostages to be released
A four-day truce in the Israel-Hamas war began on Friday, with hostages set to be released in exchange for prisoners in the first major reprieve during seven weeks of a war that have claimed thousands of lives.

LUNG1954's photo
Wed 11/22/23 12:22 AM
Israel lies
Israel: Hamas-Built Fortified Tunnel Runs Under Shifa Hospital
Israel published video of what it described as a tunnel dug by Palestinian militants under the Gaza Strip's Shifa Hospital, a focus of its search-and-destroy missions against Hamas militants.
In update on operations at Shifa, the Israeli military said its engineers uncovered a tunnel 10 meters deep and running 55 meters to a blast-proof door.
This type of door is used by the Hamas terrorist organization to block Israeli forces from entering the command centers and the underground assets belonging to Hamas," said a military statement accompanied by video showing a narrow passage with arched concrete roofing, ending at a gray door.

Later news says:
Barak causes storm by telling CNN Israel helped build some spaces beneath Shifa

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said bunkers underneath Shifa Hospital in Gaza had been built by Israeli engineers decades ago and were later used by Palestinian militant group Hamas.
Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have targeted Gaza's biggest medical facility which it said was the site of a Hamas command center, a charge denied by the group.

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 11/21/23 11:49 PM

Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

as for hamas they are proving thier love by killing people in isreal. babies, kids, moms, dads etc. dig tunnels under hospitals.
and running and hiding when isreal troops come out. oh and they say death to isreal iran does in parlament. and death to united states. sad then they say they know religion.

all they love is death

you wrote:
i just read that Israel built the bunker under the hospital in 1980s. hamas must have expanded on that.

LUNG1954's photo
Tue 11/21/23 12:25 AM

Because u love Israel u are looking for news which agree with the Israeli propaganda even if it is false news. For example the Biesecker reported from Washington said;
Israeli survivors recount terror at music festival, where Hamas militants killed at least 260
A video obtained by The Associated Press shows young people attending the Tribe of Nova Trance music festival near Kibbutz Re’im in southern Israel being attacked by Hamas militants on Saturday. (October 9).
Saturday’s attack on the open-air Tribe of Nova music festival is believed to be the worst civilian massacre in Israeli history, with at least 260 dead and a still undetermined number taken hostage. Dozens of Hamas militants who had blown through Israel’s heavily fortified separation fence and crossed into the country from Gaza opened fire on about 3,500 young Israelis who had come together for a joyous night of electronic music to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Sukkot. Some attendees were drunk or high on drugs, magnifying their confusion and terror.

But later a new report revealed that an Israeli military helicopter opened fire on Palestinian gunmen but wounded Israelis participating in a festival during Oct. 7.
Haaretz reported that the military helicopter arrived at the site of the festival and opened fire on the gunmen but also wounded several festival participants.,also%20wounded%20several%20festival%20participants.

LUNG1954's photo
Mon 11/20/23 12:14 AM
A video on social media shows a close assault on an Israeli tank recorded by a helmet-mounted camera. The fighter from Hamas’s extensive underground tunnel network to take up a concealed firing position by which a column of Israeli Merkava tanks is rolling.
Once the tanks have passed, the fighter sprints up to a tank and manually places a shaped-charge armor-piercing grenade on its side hull. The hanging steel balls and chains used to protect the vulnerable area between the rear turret and hull from rocket propelled grenades (RPGs) is clearly visible.

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