Community > Posts By > dallaschase

dallaschase's photo
Sat 01/03/09 04:24 AM

dallaschase's photo
Sat 01/03/09 04:23 AM

ahh onnt avvv duuu tone ouwn nuttin!

...ya know? (marines)!?...

dallaschase's photo
Sat 01/03/09 03:00 AM

dallaschase's photo
Sat 01/03/09 02:55 AM
oh no......not again!.......nooooooOOOOO!

dallaschase's photo
Fri 01/02/09 01:03 PM
did anyone catch that interesting convo. on this other page...(up 1).....(maybe down 1)?_ .........."the ladies are all ruined">chase='s........confused, and a bit excited!:)......but...mostly...(huh)?

dallaschase's photo
Thu 01/01/09 12:02 PM
Chase is no stalker..........but doesnt mind admirers. If a chick threatened me Id check her up! just me. like alicia silverstone in poison ivey_ now a dude stalker would probably worry me! cant see that happening though! stalkers are fanatics. some people cannot deal with their popularity. some have no idea their popular.

dallaschase's photo
Thu 01/01/09 11:58 AM

dallaschase's photo
Thu 01/01/09 11:45 AM
so did anybody respond to what I asked?......are women stalkers dangerous to guys>......cuz I revel in the idea of being an object of affection!.....HEHE!

dallaschase's photo
Thu 01/01/09 11:41 AM
Still looking for My Dallas Princess!_Chase

dallaschase's photo
Thu 01/01/09 11:17 AM

angel is a walking encyclopedia brittanica!.......hehe
......Chase luves angelin darkness......

dallaschase's photo
Thu 01/01/09 11:15 AM
angel is a walking encyclopedia brittanica!.......hehe

dallaschase's photo
Thu 01/01/09 12:09 AM
I was kinda called a stalker for that...(leaving online messages). like the girl above said...."ugh"!

dallaschase's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:45 AM

dallaschase's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:43 AM
mtv-twins...twins...twins...Xxinfinity> how do you pay for the air time?

dallaschase's photo
Wed 12/31/08 03:28 AM
single for forever now!

dallaschase's photo
Wed 12/31/08 01:51 AM

ok, I was wondering, about this control issue......if a stalker were to aquire control, are the results more than often negative? or, in some instances does allowing this control end up ok.......I realize the danger....but I am a guy. besides women stalkers do exist! I just dont think Id be able to say no to that weak?!!!

if I gave it up, would she definately hurt me is all Im sayin.......

dallaschase's photo
Wed 12/31/08 01:49 AM

women are the deciding judge of both.......haha_Chase!
for real its true!

soooo which ever one they make easier on ya!-:)

dallaschase's photo
Wed 12/31/08 01:48 AM
women are the deciding judge of both.......haha_Chase!
for real its true!

dallaschase's photo
Wed 12/31/08 01:43 AM
ok, I was wondering, about this control issue......if a stalker were to aquire control, are the results more than often negative? or, in some instances does allowing this control end up ok.......I realize the danger....but I am a guy. besides women stalkers do exist! I just dont think Id be able to say no to that weak?!!!

dallaschase's photo
Tue 12/30/08 09:51 PM
ahhhh its great to be back!........(ella)