Community > Posts By > eartwoymn

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Fri 12/12/08 04:45 PM
i feel sorry for the kids having to wear does this mean the kids get to pick out their parents

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Fri 12/12/08 04:44 PM
thanks samaranj...i think there is a stigma attached to people going on sites like this...then sometimes people tend to live out the stereotype in the way they people start believing that they will "never find their someone"...first you have to look within and find your own soul to be able to even think about connecting with someone elses...whatever happened to feeling good about yourself..without the superficiality....and knowing who you were inside and truely liking have to see the beauty within to see the beauty in someone else...

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Fri 12/12/08 04:20 PM
i dislike it when someone asks the "what do you do for a living question" the reason is because i dont think a career path or job truely defines the person...the "who are you"question and "what are you about" much more realistic...

not that i am unreceptive to hearing about someones day..its just if i am getting to know who someone is..i want to know the core of that person..not what they had for lunch or who pissed them off at work

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Fri 12/12/08 04:06 PM
socrates wasnt saying that wisdom requires ignorance as skyhook stated...socrates wasnt even talking about amounts of knowledge...he was talking about being open...being able to grow always being hungry to learn more and never learn enough about anything in the insatiability...

when i think about .."knowing that we know nothing"...i think about what it means to be a parent...and no matter how much knowledge we get from whatever always comes back to being open to differences in that individual...and grow as a compassionate human being within and making choices that are altruistic and not being afraid of not having all the answers...

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Thu 12/11/08 10:47 PM bored...anyone here...

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Wed 12/10/08 08:01 PM
why is everyone so obsessive about aging process and meeting someone...i realize that when we all grow older its a natural part of life...but please..give me a break..what is wrong with being single and enjoying it..when the person that is supposed to come into your life gets there its when you dont look for them...i am open person to meet lots of people and learn and grow..but to sound so pathetically depressed about being alone...i am not...embracing life and the moments we have and looking within to grow is what life is really about...people can sulk about not having life as planned as they thought they would from teen yrs...or they can live it...moment to moment with realistic expectations...or and to the comment about becoming older and "less tolerant" ...thats a can grow as a person regardless of age or anything else..we may all be bombarded with all that life has to offer (postive and negative) but regardless of all the things ingrained along the way..choices make us who we are or who we want to be...