Community > Posts By > Rchione

Rchione's photo
Mon 04/14/14 11:05 AM
hehe even my dog thought it was funny :)

Rchione's photo
Sun 03/30/14 12:35 PM
flash on you, first flash, light lighter than air nicer than cake ...

take you in register, unforgoten, how could I why would I.

bumps now and then, never fails to amaze, never fails to please,

please could I have coffee, please could know your name.

all was seen, all ways hoped to see, never dare to hope ...

charmed enchanted enlightened by who you are, maybe what you are.

why me what have you/we in mind? dare I hope for friends ..

good friends, good friend dawning like summer morn?

bright chat, bright lass, in gasp, in grasp? in sight, in grasp?

too light too bright for my eyes, are you for these eyes?

relax stay still, dont think, dont think it could be, but then why WHY?

reach for the light, mind the light, come into your light.

imagine that bliss ...bliss imagine.. to walk to your garden,

to hold that moment, to be cared for a seed loved by you.

fold me in the earth, drip your love on me, let me see the light,

strech for the dawning day, lift from slow earth breath light.

and love? maybe.. too...maybe?


Rchione's photo
Sun 03/30/14 12:17 PM
I send you love and ask God to surround you with Angels... you are so loved :) they will help you:)

Rchione's photo
Sat 03/29/14 12:11 PM
is love an emotion? or is it the most powerful force in the universe and beyond....what do you think it is?

Rchione's photo
Fri 03/28/14 10:20 AM
I'm with you on all you have to say hay here love and peace to you and all readers

Rchione's photo
Fri 03/28/14 10:18 AM

Work on yourself, personal growth, so you become truly happy and discover and feel that we're all one.
If you're truly happy and positive, you will automatically make other people feel better, maybe encourage them to work on themselves, or do things, that make them happier as well.
When we all live from the heart (a lot more) as opposed to from the head and ego-driven, the world would be a much better, healthier and nicer place. So many people are unhappy, get burn-outs or depressed because more and more ppl sense that the way things are now sux. Esp young ppl and children are fed up with everything, don't have any motivation to do anything.

Anway, personal growth is what I've been working on for years. Apart from that, I do what I can to pollute the environment as little as possible, so separate waste (plastic, green & garden stuff, bottle bank etc.)
And I that try to grow things in my garden that help nature, flowers that will feed butterflies, bees, bumble-bees, frogs and so on.

All this is basically Love, which is what it comes down to if we want to make this planet a better place.

Rchione's photo
Fri 03/28/14 10:17 AM
Edited by Rchione on Fri 03/28/14 10:21 AM

Rchione's photo
Thu 03/27/14 01:23 AM
Well lets all get charitable with each love yeah anyway hehe have fun :)

Rchione's photo
Thu 03/27/14 01:18 AM
Hi welcome :)

Rchione's photo
Thu 03/27/14 01:15 AM
Edited by Rchione on Thu 03/27/14 01:15 AM
How do we make friends on here because its not working for me...
everyone seems to be so reluctant to communicate. look I don't bite, well not much anyway, I'm not a stalker, I'm happy to make friends with anyone, who would like to be a friend. I know its mainly for finding a partner on here but lets open up and chat a bit no? :)

Rchione's photo
Thu 03/27/14 12:59 AM
Hi franky hope your ok. ty for the welcome hows the weather in Liverpool, here in central france its nice and sunny love and peace to you :)

Rchione's photo
Wed 03/26/14 12:41 PM
I would say this is a hard thing to do. So what I try to do is make myself as loving as I can. What would you do?

Rchione's photo
Wed 03/26/14 12:33 PM
most of what is said about the illuminatti is in fact about people of material power. but they are the false illuminatti. the true illuminatti are the illuminated people in our world. are you one of them? if so I would be happy to here from you. false illminatti to you I send love and ask you to open your eyes and have compassion.

Rchione's photo
Wed 03/26/14 02:05 AM
its eternal, no big bang, it all works, because of a double helix spiral, which returns as what we think of as antimatter, its going in both direction, this will continue for ever as will our spirits or spirit which are/is essentially what we call love. peace and love to everyone :)

Rchione's photo
Wed 03/26/14 01:54 AM
got to let the chickens out lol :)

Rchione's photo
Wed 03/26/14 01:49 AM
hehe add me too but I'll do what I like lol. :)

Rchione's photo
Wed 03/26/14 01:48 AM
mine's being a know it all lol...:)

Rchione's photo
Mon 03/24/14 07:39 AM
peace and love to everyone....

Rchione's photo
Thu 02/27/14 11:56 AM
Hi hope life is good for you, love and peace to all :)