JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Wed 10/29/14 09:51 AM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Wed 10/29/14 09:48 AM
You give God honor when you choose to forgive others that hurt you. You give Him honor when you choose to respond to situations not by reacting with revenge or with your fleshly desires but with your highest values. You give Him honor when you reflect Jesus'� love in your life; not just to people who love you back but to people who hate you. That's our job and when we spend an eternity with Jesus, we are going to be spending an eternity giving honor to Him and we will do it gladly and happily because we've become united with the one reason for everything.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 10/26/14 01:01 PM
Too often we take our faith seriously in the wrong ways. When we present only the somber, quiet side of faith, without expressing the joy, the result is not always so attractive. Christians have gained the reputation of not being too much fun, and nothing should be further from the truth. Being a Christian is the most joy-filled and lively experience we can have. Others need to see that. Live the happiness, laughter, and singing of being a Christian, so the whole world might know.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 10/21/14 07:47 AM
"This, Christian, is what you must do. Sometimes, like Paul, you can see neither sun nor stars, and no small tempest lies on you. Reason cannot help you. Past experiences give you no light. Only a single course is left. You must stay upon the Lord; and come what may -- winds, waves, cross seas, thunder, lightening, frowning rocks, roaring breakers -- no matter what, you must lash yourself to the helm and hold fast to your confidence in God's faithfulness and his everlasting love in Christ Jesus." -Richard Fuller


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Fri 10/17/14 09:09 AM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Fri 10/17/14 09:11 AM
We all build our lives, much like a carpenter builds a house. Our home-building materials are "what"� we build our lives with and include characteristics such as faith, love, grace, mercy, forgiveness and kindness (or their opposites). Our workmanship looks at the "how" we build our lives. Are we living purposefully, pursuing excellence, working with all our hearts, in the name of Jesus and for His glory? Or, has shoddy workmanship been the story of our lives? Don't forget that you are building your own house and you'll live in it from now until eternity.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sat 10/11/14 01:13 PM
Every morning we are credited with 86,400 seconds. No balance is carried into the next day, and every night erases what we fail to use. If we use it in the wrong way, that time is lost forever and cannot be reclaimed. Un-budgeted time gravitates to our weaknesses, is stolen by others, or wasted on the unimportant. We gotta budget our time.

JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Mon 10/06/14 08:40 AM
The spiritually dead cannot see what we see or hear what we hear. You've seen them ... wandering the earth by the thousands: milling in and out of theaters and shopping malls, driving on the freeways, mowing their lawns, and dragging themselves through life. Like weary prisoners who march until they drop, the spiritually dead walk without hope, defeated prisoners of a lie. They believe the lie that they will live and die, and nothing lies beyond.�One day the trumpet will sound, but they will go on with their weary lives - - - typing, welding, baking, and driving as though nothing had happened. Those who are spiritually alive will hear the sound no one else hears and skyrocket into the presence of God (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17).


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Mon 10/06/14 04:41 AM
Notice the path that leads you into sin and the end result. The tool of sin is lust. Your own lusts, desires, wants, and cravings grasp for what you should not have or do not need. The device of sin is enticement. Sin uses your lust to draw you away from God and toward the world. Like a fish lured by bait or an animal enticed by a trap, you find yourself drawn away from the safety of a loving Father and into the arms of the devourer. The effect of sin is death. Lust conceived, bears sin. Sin gradually and seductively steals from you until you are robbed of life itself. The only way out of sin is Jesus. Turn away from sin and toward the way, truth, and life.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 09/21/14 10:08 AM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Sun 09/21/14 10:07 AM
"Cradle to the grave is a short ride and you don't know if you'll be arriving at your destination years from now or seconds from now. Either way, all that paper ... that car ... that diploma ... that bling ... that house, nothing can be taken into heaven except one thing. You've been offered this free gift of Salvation. Consider taking the steps to accepting it." -Dwight Williams, Executive Producer #LightTheTriad @williamsdwight3

JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sat 09/20/14 11:51 AM
Don't waste your pain. If you hide it and hold it back, it doesn't do any good. But if you're honest with God and yourself and with other people, God can use the thing you hate the most in your life, that you're most disappointed by, and that you wish had never happened. God says, "You can’t change what happened to you. But I can use it for your benefit and for my purposes. When you're willing to share your brokenness, I can use it to help other people."


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sat 09/20/14 09:47 AM
We would like to believe that the world that we live in, the success that we have, and the accomplishments and achievements that we have amassed, is based on our own strength and our own value. Unfortunately, this is not true. Whatever it is that you have, if you are honest to yourself, can be traced to somebody else. Eventually, if you are honest enough, you can trace it to God, because God is the author of all good things.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Fri 08/29/14 08:52 AM
Everyone has to eat. Everyone has to work. Everyone has to take care of themselves. This is all indisputable. This applies to all human beings. The difference between people who are happy, who feel fulfilled, who feel complete, and live life with meaning is not what you think. It is not the amount of money they make. The difference does not lie in how much respect or status they get doing what they do. The difference can’t even be found in the glamor the world finds in their lives. Nope. The difference between truly fulfilled people who live life to the fullest and those barely hanging on regardless of their material and status rewards often boils down to one thing: passion.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 08/26/14 09:06 AM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Tue 08/26/14 09:10 AM
God's promises in the bible have always been about one thing and one thing alone: God's glory. The enemy has done a spectacular job of distorting God. From a bully to a genie to a butler, the devil spews out lie after lie about the character of God. A sincere and honest reading of the bible and Jesus' words regarding the power of faith leads to one conclusion: God's promises are all about His glory and our salvation. This means, the promises must lead to God's agenda, not ours. This means that instead of praying that our problems disappear because it would be more convenient, we should pray that the outcome be in accordance with God's will. Put His agenda front and center in life. This is hard to do because we are all self-absorbed and self-centered. We measure the world based on our needs and concerns. God is above and beyond us. He is the center of gravity for everything that was, is, and ever will be. Our needs, our concerns, our prayers, and our lives should be centered on His will.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Mon 08/25/14 08:56 AM
As religion continues to be eclipsed as a provider of significance, humankind is left searching for other sources. From the increased interest in book writing, to social networking, to extreme sports and hobbies, it is a quest clearly observed. Nonetheless, the quest to find significance apart from God is hardly a modern phenomenon. The desire to make a name for oneself is as old as the hills upon which we have built our grand towers and conquered great cities. The drive to define significance on our own is as ancient as the Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel. The aspiration is nothing new; book writing is just one more outlet.

But what is interesting, in terms of understanding human history and behavior, is that we should have this longing for significance in the first place. If we are merely products of a wholly indifferent materialist universe, why are we not more at home with our own insignificance? Why should we seek a transcendent sense of meaning at all? Unless, indeed: there is something about us that is neither temporal nor insignificant.

Within the Christian worldview, the cry of the heart for personal significance is a cry the Christian has owned and contended with. When a person answers the call of the Lord to “come and follow,” they admit they have found in the person of Christ an answer to a cry they were incapable of answering personally. When Jesus proclaimed, “Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it” he was stating something essential for the one searching for significance. Knowing who we are and what we need is the starting point for what we will become. The quest for personal significance commonly among us today reverses this, telling us that we must first become something in order to meet our own needs and make a name for ourselves.

Christ is the one in whom our lives find their greatest significance because He is the only one who accepts who we are and offers us what we need. Is my search for significance really panning out? Will writing a book or climbing the corporate ladder really hush the cry within me? What if attempts to define life’s meaning apart from God will always be empty? For significance, like life itself, is not manmade.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 08/24/14 08:50 AM
"Put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." -Ephesians 4:22-24

This means you are going to have to do some putting off and you are going to have to do some putting on — and the putting off has to happen before the putting on. It's just like trying on clothes in a store. Before you can try on the new stuff, you have to take off the old stuff.

You're going to have to let go of the old attitudes, the old thought patterns, the old images that you've been living with so you can put on the new garments God has for you as you are renewed and made more like Christ.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Mon 08/18/14 10:03 AM
A dollar is just a scrap of paper, printed in green ink. What gives it value is the promise printed on it by the government. Because we take the government at its word, we believe the dollar’s promise and the dollar becomes valuable to us. Similarly, the Bible is just a book. Its pages are loaded with words just like any other book. What gives it value are the promises represented by those words and the One who stands behind them.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 08/12/14 11:58 AM
Pride's goal is to make us independent of God, duping us into believing that we are in control of our own fate and are able to call our own shots. What audacity we possess as humans to think we can live life on our own when, whether we admit it or not, we are totally dependent on God. Pride convinces us that we can play God, worshipping ourselves while erecting false idols shrouded in rebellion and sin. Pride is the universal religion of hell and a deadly poison.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 08/03/14 11:02 AM
You only have a certain amount of emotional energy. In a conversation where you’re trying to resolve conflict, you can either use that energy to fix the blame or you can use that energy to fix the problem. You don’t have enough energy to do both. So you’ve got to ask yourself what’s more important, to blame the other person or to resolve the conflict. Fix the problem, not the blame.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Thu 07/31/14 10:09 AM
Gratitude changes the lens through which we see the circumstances. Thanksgiving changes our perspective despite broken dreams, broken relationships, tumultuous circumstances, and unfulfilled longings. As you praise God for who He is and thank Him for what He’s done, your perspective of Him grows larger and your problems grow smaller. As a result, you will experience a deeper sense of intimacy with God as the emotional gap between what you know to be true and how you feel at the moment closes.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Fri 07/25/14 04:39 PM
The River of God first flows to our ankles, covering our spiritual walk. It then rises to our knees, covering our prayer lives. And finally becomes so deep that we must swim in the River, allowing it to take us with its flow. Keep walking with Christ into total immersion in The River of God.

(ref: Ezekiel 47)

JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 07/22/14 06:29 AM
"I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours." -John 17:6-9
