JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 02/22/15 11:17 AM
While we did not love God, He loved us. While we did not look for God, He looked for us. The love of God is an active and seeking kind of love. His love is looking for ways to express itself toward us. When He paints a beautiful sunset, He is expressing His love toward us. When He speaks through the pages of His Word, that is His love toward us. When He was dying on the cross, He was proclaiming to a lost and dying world that He had a very real and undying love for us. For God so loved the world... it doesn't get any better than this. (1 John 4:19)


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 02/10/15 03:20 PM
All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a country of their own. And indeed if they had been thinking of that country from which they went out, they would have had opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them. -Hebrews 11:13-16


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Wed 01/28/15 12:38 PM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Wed 01/28/15 12:39 PM
Dear God,
Teach me to pray. When I open my eyes in the morning, teach me to pray, when my head rests on the pillow at night- teach me to pray. When troubles, successes, sadness, and joy come my way, or when I fear, teach me to pray. When I am calm and resolved, when I plan and when I fail, and when I consider how very little time I have on this earth, O Lord, teach me to pray. In Jesus' name always, Amen. #williamsdwight3


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Mon 01/26/15 11:39 AM
Maybe the fury of whatever storm you're facing dims God's voice and blurs his presence. You might ask, "God, have you forgotten me?" How can he be present in the midst of the hell you're going through? But regardless of the storm's intensity, you remain in the forefront of God's thoughts. He's thinking of you, sustaining you, comforting you, giving you strength. Whatever challenge you're facing isn't the worst thing that could happen to you. The worst that could happen would be for God to forget about you. But he hasn't yet, and he never will.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sat 01/10/15 05:26 PM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Sat 01/10/15 05:27 PM
If you're going on dates with different men and feeling disappointed in what you're finding, you're setting yourself up for a tough road of heartbreak because you have put your hope in them, which is not of God. God is about wholeheartedness. He doesn't want your heart to be fractured by you putting your hope and trust in uncertainty-someone or something that He did not call you to or assign to you. So save yourself the distress. Don't throw the righteous pearls in your heart to pigs. Don't let the enemy wear you out, disappoint you, diminish your faith or harden your heart through your own foolish choices. If you do, you will struggle to love the promised earthly husband God has chosen for you.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Wed 01/07/15 11:03 AM
To re-order your life God's way, it'll take some gut-level self-evaluation. You'll need to do an inventory of every area of your life. You'll need to take a look at your relationship with God, your spouse, your kids, and your co-workers. You'll need to look at hurts, habits, and hang-ups that may be bringing you down. Nothing can be off limits.�It's not easy. It can get messy. It's always tough to turn from sin even when it's tearing us down.�But you can't find healing otherwise. Healing apart from repentance can't last.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 01/04/15 08:48 AM
Our culture has made very little of heaven and tried desperately to create heaven here on earth. Advertisers bank on the idea that people really think this is as good as it gets. Modern man engages in ceaseless activity and amusement to distract himself from considering what comes next. Even the prayer life of Christians shows just how little we think of heaven. We spend more time praying for the sick (which keeps them out of heaven) than we do praying for the salvation of unbelievers (which could keep them out of hell).


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 12/28/14 01:49 AM
Your resources belong to God, your reputation belongs to Him, and your time belongs to Him. When your enemies bring pressure on you, malign your reputation, or steal your resources or your time, the Lord invites you to make a transfer of ownership and put your complete self into His hands. This makes room for His vengeance and His agenda. He is your defense and your ally. This is the path to true liberty and true power. Every time someone harms you, it's another divine opportunity to shout to the world that the Lord owns you and will defend you according to His righteousness.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Fri 12/26/14 11:24 AM
Prosperity is not just about riches and fame. Prosperity covers everything that concerns you. When you are prosperous, you will not lack in health, relationships, supernatural power to serve and help others, wisdom, insight, knowledge, all the fruit of the Spirit, creativity, strategy for everyday life, as well as all of your needs being met. Don't get caught up into thinking that prosperity means that you will be a famous celebrity megachurch pastor or TV evangelist. Prosperity means that you will not lack any good thing the Lord has designed for you.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 12/16/14 12:54 PM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Tue 12/16/14 01:01 PM
Our hearts are rotten to the core. Sure, we can act righteous from time to time but it is never sustainable. In many cases, we can be 'good' for a while but if it isn't based on the right things, it eventually runs out of steam and we come back to our true state of sinfulness and wickedness. This is why humans can't obey God's will for their lives on their own strength. Our righteousness is like filthy rags. Practically speaking, we have no righteousness of our own. But thanks to God's grace, the indwelling Holy Spirit changes us continuously so our thoughts, our speech, and our actions change in accordance to God's will.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 12/09/14 07:56 AM
We are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love (Eph. 4:14-16).

JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sun 12/07/14 05:50 AM
The resurrection of Christ is the most important truth of Christianity. Our faith is not based on a series of rules and regulations. Our lives are not changed because Jesus was a good person or a great teacher. Our lives are changed because Jesus Christ did not stay dead. After three days in the tomb, He walked out of the grave and proclaimed to the world that He is God. Since that day, the world has never been the same. When Jesus died and rose again, He was setting into motion our future; a future found in resurrection.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sat 12/06/14 10:38 PM
You have a reservoir of power in your life. If you're a Christian, the Holy Spirit works in your life. You can tap into His power and live your life with resurrection power. The Holy Spirit will empower you to live life on a greater level, but you've got to tap into His power source just like a farmer needs to drill for oil. The Bible says to "be filled with the Spirit" (Ephesians 5:18) and to "live by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16). People are searching for the power to change their lives when in fact, the power is already dwelling within them in the form of God's Holy Spirit. Tap into His reservoir.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sat 12/06/14 10:43 AM
The first demon had it all figured out. "Let's tell all the Christians that there is no heaven. If we take away the reward incentive, their movement will collapse." The second demon responded with, "No, I have a better idea. Let's tell all of the Christians that there really is no hell. If we take away their fear of punishment, their movement will collapse." The third demon offered, "Both of those are great ideas, but there is a better way. Let's tell all the Christians that there is no hurry." The other demons applauded in delight! "That's it!" they said. "Our best weapon of all is procrastination." (ref: James 4:17)


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Fri 12/05/14 06:50 AM
People who live by selfish emotions find themselves empty and alone most of the time. Their bitterness causes them to curse their life, their friends, their God. Finally, they find it nearly impossible to utter any kind words at all. Those people will not find blessing in their own lives, because they refuse to bring it to others' lives. It is a fact that the blessing we share is the blessing that comes back to us. Likewise, the curse we impart comes back on us.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Wed 12/03/14 11:50 AM
What are you settling for? A dating relationship with someone you know is not right for you? A job you tolerate because you don't believe God has something better out there for you? A diagnosis that appears untreatable? A marriage that is just ok, but not truly glorifying God? Don't fall into the mind-set of saying "I don't believe God can or will give me any more" or "I don't deserve more than what I already have." Instead, remember that God can do anything and he loves to bless his children. Don't be reluctant to pour out your heart to him. Rather than settle for the least in your life, surrender to his best and allow for the possibility that God may want to do "immeasurably more than all (you) ask or imagine". (Ephesians 3:20)


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Thu 11/20/14 11:24 AM
Life sometimes feels like a football game. We've got the ball, and everybody else is out to flatten us. In that case, we want to have the best blocker in front of us that we can. God will assume that role for us, if we ask Him to. God sticks with us in the midst of trouble. He picks us up when we fall, He reaches out to help us along when we get bogged down, and He clears our way to deal with problems rather than let us be beaten by them. Nothing can harm us so long as God is on our side.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Sat 11/15/14 05:08 PM
There is nothing inherently wrong with having hopes and dreams for the future, with developing your potential, with growing your business, with saving for your future. But, the most important issue is this: are you rich towards God? Apart from this, all other things amount to nothing. Personal achievements and personal kingdoms never last. Be humble before God. Invite His participation and partnership in your life. Seek to develop your relationship with Him. Give Him the rightful place as Lord in your life. If you do this, you'll be in a secure place--with treasures stored for eternity--that no one or no thing, not even death, can take away.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Wed 11/12/14 03:14 AM
By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. (Psalm 137:1-2)

We all come up against situations where there just doesn't seem to be any good solution. The Hebrew people grew discouraged in their trek to the promised land. They hung up their harps and stopped singing, for the joy and enthusiasm had left them. Their answer was God. He lifted their spirits and filled their hearts with joy. He became their reason for going on, and He can become our reason, too. When we are discouraged, we need to turn to God. He will lift us up and give us the courage we need to continue.


JohnsonCityGuy4LTR's photo
Tue 11/11/14 08:49 AM
Edited by JohnsonCityGuy4LTR on Tue 11/11/14 08:51 AM
We have to face that human beings are fallen. According to the book of Jeremiah, our hearts are so depraved that we really are not capable of loving others. We are all selfish. All we care about is our own good; and in many cases, by focusing on our own selfishness, we basically ensure our destruction. When we believe in Jesus Christ and when we choose Him as our personal Savior, His love enters our lives. That is when for the first time in our lives we have real love, and we are called to share that love with others not just with the people that treat us well, not just to the people we are related to, and not just to the people we like, but throughout all the world. As Jesus said, a bright light should not be covered by a bushel, but put on a lamp stand so that the whole world can see. When you put a light on a lamp stand, it means that you do not care who sees the light. It means that you do not discriminate. Whether gay, straight, different races, disabled people, or non-Christians - does not matter. God'�s love reaches out to everybody and invites everybody, and so should the love Jesus puts in your heart.
