Why Date Foreigners?
which continents your highness?
:) |
Why Date Foreigners?
Edited by
Wed 02/05/14 01:52 PM
California being one of the largest economies in the world and a major port of entry for the entire country/continent if you excluded the foreign professionals you would deplete the pool by roughly 60%. If you knocked out non resident dual resident-Californian's well it would be over 80%. Sacramento is the state government capital and medical mecca for the world in several fields to mention only a couple of reasons. Do I, or most American women, actively seek men in third world countries? That is a hilarious fantasy on I am not sure who's part but I assure you it is not true. If anything I actively discourage non-citizen's from even remotely thinking I would ever take residency or marry anyone who would not be a accepted as a citizen on their own standing. Since USA citizenship is so highly prized you would be amazed at the number of foreign nationals that seek dual citizenship or American citizenship. Sometimes at major expense and effort. 'Nice, beautiful America!' poor me am satisfied with Africa and the deadliest mistake I can never ever make is to seek citizenship. we have striving economies yes third world Ms/Mrs but you know what? I am so happy here. as I am typing this right now, I am peacefully under a mosquito net outside my house at night. Am not afraid of who is coming with a gun to arm me. I have peace and am so damn happy even if am 'seen' as 'poor!' I am by no means poor because I am happy. that is one of my biggest achievements in life. :* |
Why Date Foreigners?
Why is it that most w/men want to date foreigners and not from their own country: what is it that your/our w/men do not have which foreign w/men can give you/us? Depends what you're looking for, a passport maybe yeah look for a passport and join me in the jungle LOL *just joking but distance should not be an issue anyway it is all about that strong emotional attachment :) |
Why Date Foreigners?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() that was a good one thanks gorgeous ![]() |
Have your say American #Men
Why is it that American most men would rather marry a foreigner than an American lady? #a quick survey shows that very few American, US ladies to be specific can make good wives. Once they get married, they easily divorce so that the guy can be 'bootleaked' off his money. Have you any experience on this issue? I asked this question to a friend of mine who is an American soldier I asked him why is it that US men Marry women from different cultures /country and he told me it's because they will do things for their man that American women would never dream of doing such as waiting on them. when they come home from work taking their shoes off rubbing their feet ..... ![]() ![]() Then they must be looking for slaves not wives. There is a difference between the two. hahaha! Removing shoes and waiting till he comes home? Come on that is extreme LOL |
Edited by
Wed 02/05/14 08:35 AM
Any awesome lady there out there ready to settle down?
Whatsapp me. *hug ;) |
Have your say American #Men
I myself have never been married, but my father was married and divorced twice. Both times he lost the house, and his money plus he had to pay alimony. He only got to see his kids once every other weekend. Both his ex wives went to school while he worked, then divorced him when they started making money. My mother has also been divorced twice, both times she took his house, and his car in the second case plus half his money. ![]() has that affected your perception of marriage brotherman? I am sure you will definitely find a good wife...I wish you good luck brother. |
Have your say American #Men
Why is it that American most men would rather marry a foreigner than an American lady? #a quick survey shows that very few American, US ladies to be specific can make good wives. Once they get married, they easily divorce so that the guy can be 'bootleaked' off his money. Have you any experience on this issue? I think that people take marriage too lightly these days... its suppose to be a promise before God that you will love that person until the day u die. I don't think it's fair to just single out the ladies cause men are just as guilty... You're right lady. |
Have your say American #Men
Hmmmm ... This guy seems to be on a "Bash American Women" campaign!!! ![]() Well isn't she lucky. ![]() Definitely she is LOL |
Have your say American #Men
Hmmmm ... This guy seems to be on a "Bash American Women" campaign!!! ![]() |
Have your say American #Men
Why is it that American most men would rather marry a foreigner than an American lady?
#a quick survey shows that very few American, US ladies to be specific can make good wives. Once they get married, they easily divorce so that the guy can be 'bootleaked' off his money. Have you any experience on this issue? |
Foreign Relationships
Why is it that most 'we' want to date foreigners and
not from 'our' locals: what is it that 'our' local folks do not have which foreign w/men can give 'us?' |
Why Date Foreigners?
Edited by
Tue 02/04/14 05:11 AM
Why is it that most w/men want to date foreigners and not from their own country: what is it that your/our w/men do not have which foreign w/men can give you/us?
I wish he could understand how sweet it feels to be attached to someone, love them and be loved back. I mean you tried but they didn't see a reason for that. maybe family was a hindrance to making money and self-gratification? or otherwise :)
My view for a successful marriage in the 21st Century is that it should be based on #real Love and #respect. The Bible says we should love our partners as we love our bodies. Surely is I love my wife why should I do all negative things to her like beat her, sleep around with other women... It also talks about respect. For us to gain respect, surely we should show it unto others regardless of our differences.
One of our folks (msharmony) here slightly touched the issue of "social norms" and this will try to answer why marriages are failling. I think our generation is parting from this 'norm' thing! We are seeing families that have no definite norms in their homes: the husband does not know the roles he plays nor the wife, the children have no direction and have no real parental guidance to orient them into the society and are neglected to a new 'good and entertaining parent, television (tel-a-vision), internet & caretakers/babysitters (sitting on your baby's rights). we have concentrated much on stardom, fortune and fame neglecting the roles we need play in the homes for the sake of those children 'we' say 'we love.' how about paying much time to our family by simply designing new rules and roles that the husband and the wife should play in bringing up a good family with well defined social norms? Today, if we look at the lifestyle of most of 'us' the issues of morality 'is failing us' because of the damaged social institution, a home. ..... I would love to have a wife who is hard working as is the description in the book of proverbs not one who puts her family second. :) *not edited #big hugs |
Hey folks, has anybody here read the book Freedom to Learn by Carl Rogers?
I would love you to share what crises he saw in Education and how they were to be addressed. thanks! |
Why is it that the institution of marriage is falling in the 21st Century? Who is to blame is it man or woman?
Serious Relationship
Edited by
Sat 02/01/14 12:17 PM
Any Christian out there who is 'not down to earth' but rather down to Christ ready for a serious relationship?
Must a least have a trade (skill) in either cooking or management and most of all, love children and willing to re-locate to Africa. thanks! |