Community > Posts By > Unknow

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Sat 08/12/23 06:53 PM
You have to wonder some days, why on earth did I get out of bed
Some days have you wondering what could I do instead
Some days you can’t remember what it was you just said
And there are those days that you just dread
Unless of course she’s there, to send me that smile
And then the whole ****-show becomes totally worthwhile

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Sat 08/12/23 06:51 PM
Box of old, from a life before
Of a life, with life, full of some forgotten
Memories emerge, past of pictures and paper
Children and Parents, those folks
To dive in is to invite the feel
I needed the remind
Not expected, those waves, stirring
Bloody Dust

The old man is there, bloody good bloke
Drops on the keyboard
Of words not spoken, but looks shared
Would it have been so hard, to have the say
To let some flow, to let love show
But he’s gone now, heartbreak in a box
Of words unspoken
Bloody Dust

He taught me how, without the speaking
To make calloused hands, just like his
Shovel and axe, sharp knife for the skinning
Weld for plough, post for fence
Look after Mum
Do your best, to be a good bloke
He left me a lot, before I knew
Bloody Dust

He stays in my keep, helps the days, in his ways
He still makes me laugh, twinkle from his eyes, I remember
Got my own young feller now, bloody good bloke
Got to remember, to have the say
Don’t leave love unspoken
Not to leave the welling unshed
Don’t be afraid,….
of that, Bloody Dust.

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Sat 08/12/23 06:45 PM
Strong Woman
There’s a Diva a talking, just the other day
On the telly squawking, you know, in that way
Of how she’s so powerful, a siren so strong
She’s such icon, In sight and her song
And I thought good onya, congrats to you
What without her, what would we do?

Then I gots to thinking, about some that I’d known
Of women with grit and strengths fully shown
Ladies that proved, they didn’t need no squawking
They just get on with it, no talking, just walking
No role did they ask, nor limelight they seek
Thrust on them, a job that they keep

Nappies changed and bruises better kissed
Hearts broken and loved ones missed
Strong Woman is there, to tuck us all in
And work with no pay, then forgive us our sin
Her love knows no limit, no bounds
She’ll give us a hug on her way rounds

Strong Woman is there, to lead us and believe us
She’ll box our ears, and then she’ll forgive us
In quiet ways, without any drama or lengthy complaint
Brushes her love like canvas and paint
The doctor, the nurse, the advisor and saint
She’s Strong Woman because she had to, less nobody ain’t

And now, that Diva is leaving, in her limousine long
Rakes in more millions, tough journey, shouted in song
I guess I should be grateful for her and her says
But what about the one, who so guided our ways
The one we take granted, we sometimes forget what she has done
Strong Women, the beautiful ones we call Mum......
......and sister, and daughter, and Aunty, and friend, and wife and lover and workmate, and Granny....