Number of licks to center of Tootsie Pop ? I couldn't figure this out, because I didn't understand the question Luck for me Mr 1000111010123 answered Everyone knows that's 3 because you can't resist biting it to get to the chewy center Then I understood that a tootsie pop must be some kind of ice cream or lollipop or something like that lol Yes , I was referencing an old commercial for them, probably a YouTube video of it. Now got me wanting to look |
Love from my perspective
No body loves me but my mother, and she could be jivin ' too
BBKing |
Number of licks to center of Tootsie Pop ?
Christian men
I agree with you, especially these day. However, I strongly believe that if one ignores the whole counsel of God after a while it’s easy to spot it. Yes and what gets me is when a pastor sees this is his congregation and lets it slide. I know being a pastor is a hard and heavy job when done correctly and he wants to build his congregation but at what cost ? |
Christian men
I have trouble finding a real Christian of any kind. People love their watered down scripture. Ignoring certain scriptures is pretty popular as well.
Is There Gonna Be A WWIII
One can only hope for ww3. It'd be a great way to thin the millennial populations down Sad to say. I wish no harm to anyone but you're right they wouldn't make it. It would seem they're programmed that way. Unless they found a good " safe space " Or a sugar mommy 🤣🤣 Sugar Birthing Vessel Yep, the country needs a hard reset. One problem we would have though is even some of the better families have liberals that need cleaning out. Willing to clean your own house ? Good people would have to stop fighting for the rights and lives of bad people no matter who they are. Harsh reality. |
New Experiences
Read the Bible all the way through Folks will probably come up with good answers but this will probably remain the best. I might add pray for understanding before reading and I lean towards OKJ. |
Morality & Legality
Looks like we have a bunch of folks here that fit into 2 Timothy 3:7
World dominance
I haven't read all the back and forths above but in terms of the headline post, sadly I must say I'm not even sure we (USA) deserve the label "Superpower" anymore. This country has become SOOOO freaking weak in almost every way. Our kids are a mess, fat, weak, whiny, and triggered at any little thing. Always a victim, always criticizing those that came before them for their problems. These are the kids (men?) that are going to go up against China? China makes killing machines and we are all about putting trans people in high ranks in our military JUST BECAUSE. We've loosened our standards for fitness in the military just to let in more of our marshmallow young recruits. We put transgender nonsense training for our recruits. The list goes on and on. If it weren't for our wealth and weapons, we wouldn't stand a chance from a pure fighting perspective. Nope, USA as a whole has no business telling anyone how to run a country or act as a people till we clean our own house first. If you can say it's ok to be gay then it's ok to do just about anything. If you celebrate abomination then the door is wide open for whatever. Maybe we need a concentration camp or two. Remove the evil from our midst, then maybe we can reassert ourselves in time. Praise God for He is worthy to be praised. And I ain't talking allah ! |
Toodygirl5 don't waste your breath he lives in a alternate universe where America is the oppressor and China is the world's savior. He's either a wack job or Chinese propagandist Yep, you're throwing pearls before swine |
What is love????
Is unconditional love even real. If it is real wouldn't it be a condition in and of itself. Also what would it look like . Would it be someone taking crap off of their spouse no matter what they did or how sorry they are ? Or would it be stern, like they were going to straighten this person out no matter what it took.
I’m available for fun
Fun fun I'm WAY turned on by pics taken in the crapper ! |
Getting a bit tired of hearing about Palestinians. Hopefully soon will only here about them in a past tense. Certainly hope they don't wind up on our shores selling gasoline, beer, cigarettes and drug parefinalia. Got enough of that foreign infestation as is.
So the Jews were supposed to have done away with the Canaanites per Gods instruction but they disobeyed. If they had done so where would we be now with this conflict ?
Kinda seems everyone has a religion doesn't it .
where is everyone from?
Navasota in Grimes county. Used to be know as the Land of Milk and Honey. We still have bees but sadly the dairies are gone.
Many People don't know what real love is. Reference the Bible if you have one. I Corinthians 13 chapter No truer words ever spoken, thank you and be blessed ! |
The Palestinian Children and elderly are used as human shields by Hamas after they lob rockets indiscriminately at innocent people in Israel. What are the Jewish people suppose to do just accept their bombs. Hamas is the enemy of Palestinians. [/quot Yep, probably keep weapons in schools and hospitals as well |
The Jews aren't perfect. They are like the Palestinian bunch in not being wanted for a reason. Nazis were harsh but not without cause. Many of them are very controlling for evil. Look at how many Jews are in power through money and politics. I can see Jewish hands behind many bad things, probably the Ukraine war. I can see Dr David Dukes point but only so far. But they are still Gods chosen no matter what. They have disobeyed God many times. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the Almighty already pass judgement on this bunch the Jews are fighting now. And weren't the Jews told to kill them all in the Old Testament but neglected to do so. There disobedience is costing them now.
When you have been blessed with the light, don't put it under a bussel basket !