You know what?
Have I heard them where?
You know what?
cuz i told the comb that he was making my head ache
You know what?
Uh-Oh, sthe meds bring Dread! ![]() bring Dread WHERE?! Where's comin' there, wthe Dread... To the salon, got a GREAT stylist, named Grand! ...are you sure hes not in a band? |
You know what?
When ever I said that i was going to sleep over someones house infront of my Grandfather, he would reply.. Why would you want to sleep on the roof?
hardy har har har... |
You know what?
Uh-Oh, sthe meds bring Dread! ![]() bring Dread WHERE?! |
You know what?
Then Ill call the feds..
You know what?
right, we said to sew your bed.
You know what?
This thread is hurting my head. Mabye its time you went to bed. |
You know what?
With out a doubt? They left with out a doubt, that's strange. It's mine!! They took my doubt! How will you ever do without? |
You know what?
..that i want a turtle too
You know what?
Then what about them???? Them? On the way... But I didnt say |
You know what?
They went with out.
You know what?
There, then
You know what?
There, then
You know what?
Edited by
Fri 02/06/09 03:52 PM
what is what?
A thought began to occur to me as I have began reflecting on my participation in dating sites like Mingle. What are people really looking for? What are the standards they have when looking for someone to date? What qualities rule people out as an option? Like i said in a previous blog concerning euegenics I have began to get the impression that these standards people have may be something of shallow in nature. My question to you all is what is acceptable when ruling people out as a potential match? Age? Race? Height? Weight? Education? Health? Employment? Seriously now, what in your opinion allows us as far as standards go to have the right to still say we are a civilized decent society and people? Or is it really as simple as natural selection, where the strongest and "best" are the only ones fit for selection? Just curious if I am wasting my time? To me its like selecting the right canidate for a job. You have a list of core requirements, desired requirements, and then thier role as a partner to you. And with all of that information, you then narrow down the list of potential canidates. I believe that having individual standards makes us a civilized and decent society. My core requirements(aka needs) for a partner are to a)Have a job b)Have a mode of transportation other than me c)Not be into drugs d)have similar values to mine e)I have to be physicaly attracted to you (i have no set standard on this, i either am or am not) My desired requirements(aka wants) are geared more twords my quirks and what makes me me. Those are what I look for as I get to know someone and change frequently. You cant love something that you dont want, so why waste your time? To me, that would be uncivilized. This is also a form of natural selection, Why would anyone want to make more lazy bums (assuming that its hereditary)? And a lazy bum would not be the best choice to help raise prosperous offspring. |
work out for about an hour and see how much energy you really yeah sex is not a bad idea as long as it gives you that good ol' workout you need! ![]() Thats why I said regular basis!! Your body will get used to the energy levels from working out and boost your levels even when your not working out. I dont know about you, but I can't sleep right after a good workout, but I can sleep after sex, I think it has something to do with all the chemicals involved with the sex..haha its kinda like after eating turkey on thanksgiving! ![]() |
sometimes i think this too lol!! When I try to leave room,keep my comment open, for someone else to comment back, then it usually keeps going.
Hopefuly you get my meaning ![]() |