Who exactly is "Will"...
Who exactly is "Will"...
Ohhh,that big oh NOSE it goes,sniff,sniff?
Who exactly is "Will"...
Free Will!!!
Time Forgotten
The warmth of March,
Sun upon my body,flower before May. Leaves come,an flowers bloom, I feel the warmth. Turn so fast,to heat i felt, sand so hot,it burns. A clock in Time... |
Summer Ode
Grass of green meadows sway back and forth,to and fro wind whistled and blown upon dirt brown landscapes in Summer Leaves fall withered and brown limbs sagging to touch the ground roots gripped firmly in the turf imprisoning water, its lifes stash in Summer Solar colourings of skin commence red for some with a hint of peel golden bronze the lucky few bottled colours of instant tan in Summer Water holes are body lined instant relief in that sheer second out to dry relax and enjoy repeated often through the day in Summer Sweated nights of laying awake Crickets serenade in meadows deep toss and turn, sheet on and off to begin once again when tomorrow comes in Summer... Very Nice write of how the heat of summer feels |
Summer Ode
agrant333...New Zealand...Melbourne would be hotter at times... T... at the double post...I also liked your add on as well... |
Summer Ode
Edited by
Wed 02/10/10 10:24 PM
Grass of green meadows sway back and forth,to and fro wind whistled and blown upon dirt brown landscapes in Summer Leaves fall withered and brown limbs sagging to touch the ground roots gripped firmly in the turf imprisoning water, its lifes stash in Summer Solar colourings of skin commence red for some with a hint of peel golden bronze the lucky few bottled colours of instant tan in Summer Water holes are body lined instant relief in that sheer second out to dry relax and enjoy repeated often through the day in Summer Sweated nights of laying awake Crickets serenade in meadows deep toss and turn, sheet on and off to begin once again when tomorrow comes in Summer... Melbourne...Talked to a Teacher of music.An he said it gets very hot there. |
Who exactly is "Will"...
and why should we fire at him If wanting |
28/m/westland Michigan
looking for a girl that will treat me right and will always be there to support me iam a college student going for crimial justic if you are interested write me back or if u want to know more about me feel free to ask i will answer anything Do you have crimial record? |
OnLine Dating
I will always fight to defend my rights (and anyone else's) to believe and practice the religion they feel is right for them. But, I will not attack or tear down another's beliefs. It is up to each individual to seek their own truth. how do we live in an "individual world" if there is MORE THAN ONE??? the only thing that could say such, is one that want no one challenging it's own belief, so this then make one decide it is good to do this all other's outside of itself??? can not challenging belief's, or having them scrutinized, or debated, or challenged, ever create common good for all??? IMPOSSIBLE!!! IN ALL CASES AT ALL TIMES!!! what if the president say something is good, what itself believe will make good for all??? it should not be challenged??? what if the boos says what it believe's, will create common good for all employee's??? should it not be challenged??? what if dad say to child, sex with children is of god??? should it not be challenged??? what if husband tell wife she is to be submissive unto him??? should it not be challenged??? well, the wise wife would say no problem, as lkong as you are submissive to me as well, lol.... for what be a wise leader, that insist another do, what itself be not willing to do??? the president holds the fate and life of many in his hands??? is it good to not challenge??? such has been taught, and is easily accpeted, by anythuing that wants itself not challenged??? can one not see, this will create total chaos??? total tyrnanny run free??? total corruption to run free, with no accountability, FOR THERE IS NOTHING TO STOP IT!!!??? AND NOTHING WANTS TO STOP IT, "IF" IT DOES NOT WANT IT'S OWN PERSONAL GREED, OR OWN ACTIONS, HELD AGAINST ITSELF??? WHAT WILL THIS HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CREATE WITHIN ANY SOCIETY??? turn a blind eye, to all that is less than good, for self to proucre what itself alone most want, which be no accountabiltiy unto it's fellow man, all fellow man, not just what agree's with self??? and what propogate such INTENSELY??? first the notion taught, that self live in a specific way now, to attain a reward for itself in the afterlife??? this in itself, teach absolutely no accountability for one's actions now, or any essence of undoing what self did to have negative effect on it's neighbor's??? one is on earth to learn how to get what it wants, as long as it does not come at the expense of it's own fellow man being taken from to enrich self, or with no regard for the consequence, which simply be effect, of self on another in all ways, and for what one buys or sells to enrich itself??? a total recipe for hypocrisy to have to exist, for hypocisy be created, for one wanting NO ACCOUNTABILITY unto fellow man, over what itself do to procure for itself most??? such apathy, and indulgment of belief, any belief, create lawlessness and fighting and bickering in a beginning, which each day then increase the purported need for more laws, until a people's that wanted self singular want indulged, actually themself create an environment where there is no self indulgment actually left to be had for all, by not seeing such is NOT EVER OF COMMON GOOD.... and such embraced create and allow an environment where the most powerful, set the standard of freedom of indulgment, based upon the power entities belief of what good indulgment is for itself, which will always create TOTAL SOCIAL ECONOMIC DIVIDE, in time so great, that nothing can jump the divide, as the circles of power, will maintain the hoops needed to be jumped thru, for anything to invade it's own circle of power??? and such things are not to be challenged??? please.... all such things stem and are first created, by the belief, and the belief in centered in the principal's of the belief, that suite what one wants, so, they are believed in to get what "oneself ultimatley wants"??? or see's as good for itself, and the worst case, seen as what one wants in the afterlife, which is incredulous to even begin to surmize, since self has no idea what such life will be like, if such is deemed to exsit, since it has not yet arrived there to decide, lol.... challenge not belief??? for indeed, the followers of the good ole book, most follow a man or percieved god called "jesus', which ****ing challenged every belief that existed, and would seem the very essence in the story of why he was killed, if such human actually is believed to ahve existed in reality??? so either way, in all cases, to not challenge belief, is for sheer ignorance to run amock.... perhaps we should not have challenged the earth as flat either, for that was a firm belief??? perhaps we should not have challenged a belief, that endorsed the burning of purported witches??? perhaps we should not have challenged or SPOKE BAD ABOUT THEM??? PERHAPS WE SHOULD NOT "SPEAK BAD" ABOUT SUICIDE BOMBER'S, WHOM KILL PEOPLE??? PERHAPS WE SHOULD NOT "SPEAK OR OUT DOWN" THE KKK, WHO MURDERED AND BURNED MANY OF ONE'S OWN FELLOW MAN??? PLEASE, SUCH IS TOTAL SELF APATHY, FOR THE SAKE OF NOT HAVING TO TAKE A STAND, HOPING AS THE OLD SAYING GOES, EVBERYTHING WILL TURN OUT ALRIGHT, IT ALWAYS DOES??? ********, WE CREATE WHAT EXIST ON THE PLANET, and if bad happen, then IT IS UP TO WHAT IS NOT COWARDLY, OR JUST THINKS OF WHAT ITSELF WANT MOST, THAT KEEP SUCH FROM HAPPENING AGAIN??? perhaps we should not have challenged hitler??? perhaps no "bad speak", BELIEVED IN, IS WHAT FIRST CREATED, A MENTAILITY, THAT ALLOWED HITLER TO AQUIRE POWER TO DESTROY!!!??? such cannot create common peace ever, and is simply the minds way of making itself justified, and to believe itself is a good person, and a loving person.... as indeed, such belief that such is most good, only exist when and if one itself wants no "bad speak" about itself, which indeed, show a total inclination, and even hate, for anything that speak about somehting not most good about the self entity, showing no true caring about other's, or there would be a want to see and know one's effect if "negative", which if there is not, totally show no true wanted accountability to it's own fellow man, for if one does not wish to hear how itself effect it's fellow man, then this first create the insideous notion that "bad speak" is bad, or somehow that this is not of good??? what that care can care, if it wish not to hear how itself does not care??? impossible, but the belief and religions foster these motives within the human brain, compelling it to all to easily, somehow think itself saved, or better, or righteouss, even when it's own fellow man constantly show and tell how self actions and words are no0t of true caring, lol.... how does such not create the notion that one answer's to a higher power, that no one can see, and not to it's own fellow man, as this indeed, is what led the great inquistions, in their genocide of millions of their own fellow man??? and we say, do not challenge belief??? and we say, speak nothing bad about anyone??? this could only ever work, if there was nothing except total peace and harmony in the world, and all can see, that is not the case??? and even if there was total peace and harmmony in the world, then the ONLY THING THAT COULD "KEEP IT", would be speaking up about what would steal it??? no freedom can be maintained or created by governing entities, IF THERE IS NO CHALLENGE OF BELIEF, as such create a motive within the people itself, to follow to get what self want, that make all power to willing to envoke any laws to create and perpetuate a need for power itself to exist, SO AGAIN, TO NOT CHALLENGE, IS THE ESSENCE OF LOSING ONE'S OWN FREEDOM??? peoples become all to willing to embrace anything, if in return, they are GIVEN SINGULAR WANT, or the freedom they see individually as freedom, but indeed, freedom of environment, be first freedom of mind, which come first from a belief that know how to create the most freedom for all, which cannot exist with many religions, do what most??? trying to lead mankind??? such has to be a motive created, if one say belief is to be protected, as BELIEF IS ALL ONE THINK IS TRUE, NOT JUST SOME RELIGION, and what is not most true, cannot be protected, or there is no truth at all in due time even recognized to exist??? religions or doctines or dogma do not even first begin to care about common good for all, as each is motivated to only want what itself believes, to be ENDORSED BY THE MAINSTREAM, OR TO MAKE ALL CONVERTS TO IT'S OWN CAUSES, NO MATTER HOW SUCH CAUSE EFFECT ALL OTHER'S EQUALLY??? this in itself, CAN NEVER ALLOW PEACE, AS WILL THIS NOT CREATE CONSTANT FIGHTING ABOUT WHICH BELIEF IS BEST, AND MOST GOOD??? so how can not challenging belief, or not speaking bad about it, to increase the insight of all, about what is most good for all, EVER MAKE PEACE!!!??? it leaves all that created no peace, STILL IN PLAY, IF THE GREAT WAR OF BELIEF'S??? so the belief, has to be challenged, if it is seen how such will create less than best for who??? for all??? the monetary gain, that laws based upon religious notions, first created and bring into the coffers of the religious ruling entities, is a ulterior motive in the beginning, and such was used to establish the governing of governments, therefore controlling the pocketbooks of governments??? this be one of the most insideous motivations that once established entire governments, so again, to not challenge, IN ALL CASES, MAKES BAD HISTORY ABLE TO HAPPEN AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN??? there is not way, to truly found peace, unless there is COMMON AND TOTAL AGREEMENT ABOUT WHAT IS "COMMON GOOD"??? what religions even believe in such??? they are not willing to give up any belief, based on agreement of ALL, not just their own sect, and even oin the good book, it say to find agreement of all, to create what will not fail??? we don't even hear about "common good", BECAUSE IT IS NOT OF ANY COMMON CONCERN??? leaders speak of "american's" suffering, AND THE FACT THAT IT IS NEVER "WE ARE SUFFERING", show there is no inclusion of the self into and with the people, so no insight within, or motive within, of all as one, or sight of common good for all??? it is not all as one, AND NEVER HAS BEEN, and this in itself recognized, be the first step in changing such things, for what that actually think as such, speak as such, will create common good for all, instead of for it's own family most, or it's own group most, or for it's own economic group most, or it's own BELIEF group most??? again, why BELIEF'S MUST BE CHALLENGED, OR WE STAY IN THE DARK AGES, WHERE ALL BAD HAPPEN AGAIN??? SHEER DEBAUCHERY UNTO INFINITY, is the only thing that can be created with such motive's at play, THAT ALL BELIEF HAS TO CREATE, and left unchallenged, leave the world as we know it increase all that is less than desired for all.... religion fosters most, to the most maximum degree, a creating of apathy, even apathy for unsanity, as if the mind "believe's" it does not have to be accocuntable to ANYTHING, that is tangible, like it's fellow man, than it is LEFT FREE TO BELIEVE WHAT ITSELF MOST WANT IS TRUE, WHICH IS TO BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT IS WISHED, WITH NO LOGICAL DEDUCTION EVEN USED, TO SEE WHAT IT WILL CREATE BY BELIEVING IT, NOT HAVING TO FACE HOW SUCH COULD OR WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO OTHER'S WITHIN SOCIETY.... THIS IN ITSELF, ALL EVIDENCE, OR SCIENCE, SHOW'S AND TELL'S, HOW SUCH HATH NO OTHER CHOICE, BUT TO CREATE A TOTAL STATE OF SELF DELUSION IN DUE TIME, that leads to just what exist now, no sight of why **** is happening over and over??? to repeat the same action's, expecting a different result??? unsanity??? certainly apathy and appeasment of "believe whatver you want", i am of peace, i won't question you, is most not of true peace??? Many words? You find Peace within,nothing else will change it... For you are who you shall be,an you can only teach if you carry peace from within If you believe ,then don't paste an copy... Speak,an defend in your own words! That is what make us Human,a man. If i counted on the bible. Eve came from the rib of Adam? It words just written. I i have my own belief,who knows if it is correct, But it is mine,i'm not going into great detail about it,or push it onto another,it mine.An that is the way i believe,an to this point!!! What have i clarifid about my belief system,Nothing? But as i see,who really care,for it is my own thoughts,an not to be overpowered with Quotes from Another... Like: Take your A$$ an bend over an smell the Flowers,cause someday they will bending over to smell the flowers on your grave site Life is a B*tch,an you just deal with it!!! |
I will always fight to defend my rights (and anyone else's) to believe and practice the religion they feel is right for them. But, I will not attack or tear down another's beliefs. It is up to each individual to seek their own truth. how do we live in an "individual world" if there is MORE THAN ONE??? the only thing that could say such, is one that want no one challenging it's own belief, so this then make one decide it is good to do this all other's outside of itself??? can not challenging belief's, or having them scrutinized, or debated, or challenged, ever create common good for all??? IMPOSSIBLE!!! IN ALL CASES AT ALL TIMES!!! what if the president say something is good, what itself believe will make good for all??? it should not be challenged??? what if the boos says what it believe's, will create common good for all employee's??? should it not be challenged??? what if dad say to child, sex with children is of god??? should it not be challenged??? what if husband tell wife she is to be submissive unto him??? should it not be challenged??? well, the wise wife would say no problem, as lkong as you are submissive to me as well, lol.... for what be a wise leader, that insist another do, what itself be not willing to do??? the president holds the fate and life of many in his hands??? is it good to not challenge??? such has been taught, and is easily accpeted, by anythuing that wants itself not challenged??? can one not see, this will create total chaos??? total tyrnanny run free??? total corruption to run free, with no accountability, FOR THERE IS NOTHING TO STOP IT!!!??? AND NOTHING WANTS TO STOP IT, "IF" IT DOES NOT WANT IT'S OWN PERSONAL GREED, OR OWN ACTIONS, HELD AGAINST ITSELF??? WHAT WILL THIS HAVE NO OTHER CHOICE BUT TO CREATE WITHIN ANY SOCIETY??? turn a blind eye, to all that is less than good, for self to proucre what itself alone most want, which be no accountabiltiy unto it's fellow man, all fellow man, not just what agree's with self??? and what propogate such INTENSELY??? first the notion taught, that self live in a specific way now, to attain a reward for itself in the afterlife??? this in itself, teach absolutely no accountability for one's actions now, or any essence of undoing what self did to have negative effect on it's neighbor's??? one is on earth to learn how to get what it wants, as long as it does not come at the expense of it's own fellow man being taken from to enrich self, or with no regard for the consequence, which simply be effect, of self on another in all ways, and for what one buys or sells to enrich itself??? a total recipe for hypocrisy to have to exist, for hypocisy be created, for one wanting NO ACCOUNTABILITY unto fellow man, over what itself do to procure for itself most??? such apathy, and indulgment of belief, any belief, create lawlessness and fighting and bickering in a beginning, which each day then increase the purported need for more laws, until a people's that wanted self singular want indulged, actually themself create an environment where there is no self indulgment actually left to be had for all, by not seeing such is NOT EVER OF COMMON GOOD.... and such embraced create and allow an environment where the most powerful, set the standard of freedom of indulgment, based upon the power entities belief of what good indulgment is for itself, which will always create TOTAL SOCIAL ECONOMIC DIVIDE, in time so great, that nothing can jump the divide, as the circles of power, will maintain the hoops needed to be jumped thru, for anything to invade it's own circle of power??? and such things are not to be challenged??? please.... all such things stem and are first created, by the belief, and the belief in centered in the principal's of the belief, that suite what one wants, so, they are believed in to get what "oneself ultimatley wants"??? or see's as good for itself, and the worst case, seen as what one wants in the afterlife, which is incredulous to even begin to surmize, since self has no idea what such life will be like, if such is deemed to exsit, since it has not yet arrived there to decide, lol.... challenge not belief??? for indeed, the followers of the good ole book, most follow a man or percieved god called "jesus', which ****ing challenged every belief that existed, and would seem the very essence in the story of why he was killed, if such human actually is believed to ahve existed in reality??? so either way, in all cases, to not challenge belief, is for sheer ignorance to run amock.... perhaps we should not have challenged the earth as flat either, for that was a firm belief??? perhaps we should not have challenged a belief, that endorsed the burning of purported witches??? perhaps we should not have challenged or SPOKE BAD ABOUT THEM??? PERHAPS WE SHOULD NOT "SPEAK BAD" ABOUT SUICIDE BOMBER'S, WHOM KILL PEOPLE??? PERHAPS WE SHOULD NOT "SPEAK OR OUT DOWN" THE KKK, WHO MURDERED AND BURNED MANY OF ONE'S OWN FELLOW MAN??? PLEASE, SUCH IS TOTAL SELF APATHY, FOR THE SAKE OF NOT HAVING TO TAKE A STAND, HOPING AS THE OLD SAYING GOES, EVBERYTHING WILL TURN OUT ALRIGHT, IT ALWAYS DOES??? ********, WE CREATE WHAT EXIST ON THE PLANET, and if bad happen, then IT IS UP TO WHAT IS NOT COWARDLY, OR JUST THINKS OF WHAT ITSELF WANT MOST, THAT KEEP SUCH FROM HAPPENING AGAIN??? perhaps we should not have challenged hitler??? perhaps no "bad speak", BELIEVED IN, IS WHAT FIRST CREATED, A MENTAILITY, THAT ALLOWED HITLER TO AQUIRE POWER TO DESTROY!!!??? such cannot create common peace ever, and is simply the minds way of making itself justified, and to believe itself is a good person, and a loving person.... as indeed, such belief that such is most good, only exist when and if one itself wants no "bad speak" about itself, which indeed, show a total inclination, and even hate, for anything that speak about somehting not most good about the self entity, showing no true caring about other's, or there would be a want to see and know one's effect if "negative", which if there is not, totally show no true wanted accountability to it's own fellow man, for if one does not wish to hear how itself effect it's fellow man, then this first create the insideous notion that "bad speak" is bad, or somehow that this is not of good??? what that care can care, if it wish not to hear how itself does not care??? impossible, but the belief and religions foster these motives within the human brain, compelling it to all to easily, somehow think itself saved, or better, or righteouss, even when it's own fellow man constantly show and tell how self actions and words are no0t of true caring, lol.... how does such not create the notion that one answer's to a higher power, that no one can see, and not to it's own fellow man, as this indeed, is what led the great inquistions, in their genocide of millions of their own fellow man??? and we say, do not challenge belief??? and we say, speak nothing bad about anyone??? this could only ever work, if there was nothing except total peace and harmony in the world, and all can see, that is not the case??? and even if there was total peace and harmmony in the world, then the ONLY THING THAT COULD "KEEP IT", would be speaking up about what would steal it??? no freedom can be maintained or created by governing entities, IF THERE IS NO CHALLENGE OF BELIEF, as such create a motive within the people itself, to follow to get what self want, that make all power to willing to envoke any laws to create and perpetuate a need for power itself to exist, SO AGAIN, TO NOT CHALLENGE, IS THE ESSENCE OF LOSING ONE'S OWN FREEDOM??? peoples become all to willing to embrace anything, if in return, they are GIVEN SINGULAR WANT, or the freedom they see individually as freedom, but indeed, freedom of environment, be first freedom of mind, which come first from a belief that know how to create the most freedom for all, which cannot exist with many religions, do what most??? trying to lead mankind??? such has to be a motive created, if one say belief is to be protected, as BELIEF IS ALL ONE THINK IS TRUE, NOT JUST SOME RELIGION, and what is not most true, cannot be protected, or there is no truth at all in due time even recognized to exist??? religions or doctines or dogma do not even first begin to care about common good for all, as each is motivated to only want what itself believes, to be ENDORSED BY THE MAINSTREAM, OR TO MAKE ALL CONVERTS TO IT'S OWN CAUSES, NO MATTER HOW SUCH CAUSE EFFECT ALL OTHER'S EQUALLY??? this in itself, CAN NEVER ALLOW PEACE, AS WILL THIS NOT CREATE CONSTANT FIGHTING ABOUT WHICH BELIEF IS BEST, AND MOST GOOD??? so how can not challenging belief, or not speaking bad about it, to increase the insight of all, about what is most good for all, EVER MAKE PEACE!!!??? it leaves all that created no peace, STILL IN PLAY, IF THE GREAT WAR OF BELIEF'S??? so the belief, has to be challenged, if it is seen how such will create less than best for who??? for all??? the monetary gain, that laws based upon religious notions, first created and bring into the coffers of the religious ruling entities, is a ulterior motive in the beginning, and such was used to establish the governing of governments, therefore controlling the pocketbooks of governments??? this be one of the most insideous motivations that once established entire governments, so again, to not challenge, IN ALL CASES, MAKES BAD HISTORY ABLE TO HAPPEN AGAIN, AND AGAIN, AND AGAIN??? there is not way, to truly found peace, unless there is COMMON AND TOTAL AGREEMENT ABOUT WHAT IS "COMMON GOOD"??? what religions even believe in such??? they are not willing to give up any belief, based on agreement of ALL, not just their own sect, and even oin the good book, it say to find agreement of all, to create what will not fail??? we don't even hear about "common good", BECAUSE IT IS NOT OF ANY COMMON CONCERN??? leaders speak of "american's" suffering, AND THE FACT THAT IT IS NEVER "WE ARE SUFFERING", show there is no inclusion of the self into and with the people, so no insight within, or motive within, of all as one, or sight of common good for all??? it is not all as one, AND NEVER HAS BEEN, and this in itself recognized, be the first step in changing such things, for what that actually think as such, speak as such, will create common good for all, instead of for it's own family most, or it's own group most, or for it's own economic group most, or it's own BELIEF group most??? again, why BELIEF'S MUST BE CHALLENGED, OR WE STAY IN THE DARK AGES, WHERE ALL BAD HAPPEN AGAIN??? SHEER DEBAUCHERY UNTO INFINITY, is the only thing that can be created with such motive's at play, THAT ALL BELIEF HAS TO CREATE, and left unchallenged, leave the world as we know it increase all that is less than desired for all.... religion fosters most, to the most maximum degree, a creating of apathy, even apathy for unsanity, as if the mind "believe's" it does not have to be accocuntable to ANYTHING, that is tangible, like it's fellow man, than it is LEFT FREE TO BELIEVE WHAT ITSELF MOST WANT IS TRUE, WHICH IS TO BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT IS WISHED, WITH NO LOGICAL DEDUCTION EVEN USED, TO SEE WHAT IT WILL CREATE BY BELIEVING IT, NOT HAVING TO FACE HOW SUCH COULD OR WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO OTHER'S WITHIN SOCIETY.... THIS IN ITSELF, ALL EVIDENCE, OR SCIENCE, SHOW'S AND TELL'S, HOW SUCH HATH NO OTHER CHOICE, BUT TO CREATE A TOTAL STATE OF SELF DELUSION IN DUE TIME, that leads to just what exist now, no sight of why **** is happening over and over??? to repeat the same action's, expecting a different result??? unsanity??? certainly apathy and appeasment of "believe whatver you want", i am of peace, i won't question you, is most not of true peace??? Many words? You find Peace within,nothing else will change it... For you are who you shall be,an you can only teach if you carry peace from within |
Learn how to Live Life as simple as that seems
Who care about one side or the other,this human body i have now,is just a shell that covers my soul! |
One REAL meet
Meet an Greet is the best
The World...
Edited by
Wed 02/10/10 07:39 PM
With angry words we write,
an with confused minds we write. With the ability to write better then some, we write. The words of expression as simple as it might be, we give Heart,as some written words can't. Some written words,seem to say BLAH,BLAH,BLAH? Some like to write more then to read, an some like to read more then to write. To the Expression: to ones own Thought,as they might not be perfect, they are saying something about yourself? I am given a thought an shall i express for i am not perfect, For i LIVE,LOVE,an LAUGH, Just like you... |
Beer Does It!!!!!!
Beer or something else? Does everything for you,an everyone here ???
vaLentine's day
are u going on a date? Do you have the sheilds on??? |
Look under Mutual Match?