Community > Posts By > sammywutanda44

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Fri 02/07/14 12:47 PM
All the people that r sayn long distant relationships are a waste of time are clearly not letting in a chance to be honest to themselves and wasting their time on a site like this one. We often confine ourselves to believing we can only love within our bounderies....thats a good place to start but have you experienced any other boundery? I live in Zambia...central southern africa and i have challenged my love life by saying....any man willing to travel a 1000 miles to prove he wants to be with me no matter when he decides is an honest love worth waiting for. Yes i have been deceived a billion times but the chats end within a week because all the man looks forward to is a distance he can easily come and have sex then leave....
I seek a man that values a love he can dedicate to even before he see it in person........respect to everyone dating at a distance...