Community > Posts By > TengomuchoAmor
Shalom,I am a man who has "discovered" the Love Infinite of the Eternal Yahweh and Yehosh�a,the Son. I need to find a woman,a rightous one to marry,for life.I prefer one who lives in Yerusalayim because i am going to move there eventurally,being it the Kadosh City,the pious one. I am convinced,the Ruach Hakodesh has convinced me ,that we are in Meshianic times,that the Meshiah is very very soon to be with us,if he is not with us already through the Ruach Hakodeh... I ask you,if you will marry me,Will you keep the Mitsvats of HaSHEM,will you be a dedicated woman how would enhance the love of her LOVING HUSBAND,and always keep betwseen ourselves the Ruach to counsel us and make us strong? I think you are being blessed already if you are living in such a special place. So,if you are serious and want to meet me,get to know me,write me.I will latter give you my personal mail,wahts up and what have you. MELEK SHEMAYIM YERUSALAYIM. 3 times. SHELOMITH SHALOM! TO YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES. U``BRAJ�. I feel I am starting to love you some, yet I, dont know you well.Please write. Luis.Soon Note.You dont have to be Yewish by birth or religion.All I require is a contgrite spirit willing to listen to me and the Lord YAHWEH. |
Maybe both conditions are twins.Is that what you are saying?
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Thu 03/27/14 12:13 PM
Topic reads:
I will like to have rated,revised and commented my PROFILE from a variety of helpful women here so I can have a better IMAGE and imporve mysef. Any nice,easygoing, intelligent ,kindwomen here who want VOLUNTEER? |
Without any exageration,I have dedicated my life to search and work for knowledge,36 years member of the ACADEMY FOR FUTURE SCIENCE,USA and worldwide,so,not exagerating a bit,I HAVE THE REIGHT ANSWERS.
My textbook and reference book for many years has been: THE BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE--KEYS OF ENOCH.Published by Dr. J.J. with its 64 Keys of knowlegde in fields streaming up from the biophisical to the astrophisical reality of this universe.It encompasses science,religion,philosophy and spirituallity. My work and effort has been in linking in the True Realities and teachings of most Sacred and Ancient-Modern Traditions of the World into ONENESS...The word been EHAD in hebrew. Note that social network pages,as inocent as they could appear,they are actually not.Often there are osbcure agendas by their creators where they capture most your habits,custums,likes and dislikes,and that information is sold to others.So the rule is:Write me ,show interest,and I will get back to you by a venue I deem appropiate. Peace and Truth be onto you. Luis Yosh |
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Thu 03/27/14 11:31 AM
If you are kidding its ok. But no,no for having sex as "charity",What should be removed is the facade of sexual puritanism,perversity and other stigma sex and the SEXUAL ACT has be labeled by some and ours society of hipocrites.
Come-on.We all want it. Who doesnt like to have good sex? (men of women).Men or women who are always thinking about is is because THEY ARE NOT REALLY HAVING IT PLENTIFULLY. Women who use sex toys do it ON LACK OF FINDING A GOOD MAN WHO CAN GIVE HER GOOD PLENTITUDE ORGASMS. LOL! |
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Thu 03/27/14 11:18 AM
you are kidding. Its a joke,is it not? Are you speaking serious?
I would like you nice ladies RATE MY PROFILE.I dont like profiles very much,hardly ever use them or read them,...unless...I chat with someone first,look at her pick and like here very much.
But to improve one`s profile and be truthful I think is a very good thing. I want to improve my profile.Not only for having dates or friendships but for improving WHO I REALLY AM and why we exsit,for my own good. So you,nice,intelligent,(and if beautiful much the better)Ladies out there! WILL YOU PLEASE COMENT ON MY PROFILE? T Y Luis,human scientist,Mexico. |
I see that yu do a lot of thinking.
Well,maybe, what I do mostly for a woman,is to remind her she is being loved.That her cares and worldly preocupations can be easied out with my constant and consciuos love. In bed,it is important to give than to recieve. I get very high noticing my woman is having plenitude of pleassure while making love,so that she knows for sure that my engagement is real.Knowsing and sensing that from me causes her to be more open and giving. Hipocisy in general makes me sick,so I appreciate a woman that can appreciate me for what I am, a loving man,and doesnt try me to keep in social posses and clich�s. No I didnt read Whatdoyou,asawomandoforaman,and I dont knowhow to get to it.Id be cool I did. |
Okay gentlemen, now that there has been some thought put into these threads about what a woman does for her man, how about we turn the tables for a bit. A lot of the women here on M2 have given you gentlemen some ideas on how they feel about this subject. I am sure many of you have read the What Do You, As A Woman, Do For Your Man? thread by now. I am sure you have some of your own ideas on that subject as well, yet have not chimed in. Here's your chance to speak up. This is your chance to let us know what you like to do for your woman. Please don't be shy and help us understand you, as men, a little more. Do you surprise her with little things? Do you make it a point to let her know you care? Do you lovingly pat her rump as you walk past or touch her hand as you talk to her? Is it a simple look you give her? I challenge all of you men to think about this question. What Do You, As A Man, Do For Your Woman? |
The word sensual has been overrated.One should keep guard SENSUALITY FOR special sensuous moments, mements where its the time to share your giving...grace, and gesture. It has all to do with been tender,compassionate,loving,caring,to your adored loved one.
When the term is overused for comercial$$$ purposes (See Free e-book 666The mark of America) then it "looses its salt and its value", Im Luis Yoshua,from Mexico. |
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 24
i dont understanding you.Are you man or woman? Im confused about you ,Im sorry.
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 24
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Thu 03/27/14 10:24 AM
whAT DO YOU MEaN.i DINDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT YU SAID,SORRY.bE very carfull what you write...if you wawnt to be understoo,that is....
No, It is rather ane electro-chemical reaction.But for me the electricity is the best.
Of course,lfor those of us who are spiritual,it is even more profound than that. Luis Quetzali from Mexico. |
Success Stories
What is JSH? Please reply.
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Thu 03/27/14 10:07 AM
Amigas,me llamo Luis y soy Dr.Soy una persona seria y estudiosa.Pero tambien me gusta bromear y reir,sobre todo si quieres reir conmigo...(suspirando)...
Deseo conocer amigas lindas,hermosas (y no solo fisicamente sino internamente,esto es muy importante..) y se d� lo que el Universo y la Providencia tenga destinado para mi. ESTOY SOLTERITO...y bien bonito je je.Asi que si te interesa conversar conmigo y concernos no lo dejes para ma�ana. Salud y Amor, Luis |
![]() Las prefiero de este pais Mexico,o latinas,porque la etnicidad y costumbres nos unen uno a una. Es ilusorio,fantasioso, aquellas personas que quieren "enamorarse" de alguien establecido en el otro extremo del mundo.�como llegaran a encontrase,fisicamente,una vez que se "enamoren" ?(y a fin de cuentas,esto es lo que importa,amor virtual es solo una fantasia). Y luego,si llegan a verse porque uno viaja a ver al otro,como reajustaran sus vidas para vivir en un solo lugar? Algunos, lo se ,que lo han hecho y lo hsn logrado.Pero pocos son los que tienen exito.VIVIMOS LOS ULTIMOS TIEMPOS.(como quera que alguien lo entienda,...esto es otra historia o t�pico). |
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Acknowleging how others see us,is a good way of interiorizing into knowing ourselves.Not always how we see ourselves or how we intend to proyecto ourselves to others is the Real Truth.
This said,I encourage and will like that,taking the time to read and examine my profile here,you send me some feedback. I thank mingle2 page and teamwork for this opportunity.This is the first really FREE online dating,chating and meeting chat I know, and Im forward for its authenticiy. Thank you,thanks a lot. Luis,from Mexico PD. No abusive,harsh "hateful" language in your comments,please.I am all for Peace,Harmony,and Love.TY |
Your Perfect Kiss
Thats a true,honest,realistic way to put it. Who woldnt like to be kissed that way?
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