Community > Posts By > ranjam123

ranjam123's photo
Sat 01/04/14 07:52 PM
Some people throw compliments and promises around like confetti. You just have to learn each person you deal with, and know how much faith to put in them and their promises.
Typically, it's not the end of the world when someone breaks a promise, so just know in the back of your mind that their promises may not come to fruition. C'est la vie. If the promise was THAT important to you, and they knew it, and STILL broke it, then you need to move on and not trust that person to that same extent. You have different levels of trust, and that person is now demoted a rung or three on your ladder of trust. Make no apologies for demoting them, because they won't know. And it wouldn't matter to them if they knew anyway, if they callously broke a promise. Now if they apologize all over the place and ask for forgiveness......................

ranjam123's photo
Mon 12/30/13 03:44 PM

I believe in them I just don't believe in them.

Awesome. What I DON'T believe in is lazy people who start a thought with 'Why do WOMEN.....' or 'Why do MEN.....'. Sorry. We're all just people, with unique flaws and virtues. But none are gender based. It's Liberal Social Engineering that puts 'male' and 'female' tags onto everything. Just be 'you', not how a 'boy' should be, and don't expect 'girls' to behave a certain way, and it'll all be OK. Believe.

ranjam123's photo
Mon 12/30/13 03:30 PM
No one else is choosing golf? Where else can you legally drink and drive? I mean get fresh air, some exercise, and enjoy the peace and quiet whilst chatting with friends? Yep, that's what I meant to say. Thank you, and now back to our regularly scheduled program........