Community > Posts By > rebelgeek

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 04:54 PM

Morality has nothing to do with religion...I'm an atheist but I know what is right or wrong....You may disagree with me about fwb but in the end what I say is right.....

If one of can tell me the success rate of these so called fake relationships then I will stfu......rofl rofl

Ok, I told you of a successful FWB relationship in one of my previous posts. My friend just finished a FWB that lasted several months. They mutually decided to have a FWB situation between them that would last until one of them started to date someone else or otherwise decided to end it. Their sexual relationship has stopped, but their friendship continues.

The success of the relationship is defined by the people involved. These two set up the perimeters of the relationship at the beginning. They would be FWB's until they no longer wanted to and then part as friends. And that is exactly what they did. How many people in romantic relationships can say the same?

If your definition of "success" is a relationship that lasts forever, then aren't we all "failures" here? Those of us who are single, and here, among other reasons, to meet someone to date? Tell me the success rate of any of our past relationships, and if you define success as never having broken up, then we are all losers.

But if you define it is a journey in which we learn what we can, and in which some people are meant to stay for long periods of time, and others not so long, but whichever it is we can improve ourselves, and find happiness in each moment while we have it, then FWB's, romantic relationships, friendships, acquaintances, etc...they can all be a success.

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 04:46 PM
Edited by rebelgeek on Sun 06/29/14 04:48 PM

Some women took this topic very personal to the point of sending me hate mail. Hey look its just a guys perspective on life from his own experiences.

I would never send hatemail, but the fact is, that you have said that no real man would date a woman with kids, that single women with children are trying to trap men into being a parent, that you should go to any extent necessary, including dating very young women to avoid dating a single mom, among many other things. You started this thread in a way that seemed to be inviting people's personal preferences and then proceeded to use insulting language against single moms and anyone who would date them. You do not now get to be all, "Hey man, this is just one guy's opinion, I'm innocent here, just speaking my mind." There are ways to speak your beliefs without stomping on the beliefs of others, but that is not how you have interacted here.

Clearly, dating single moms is not for you, and that's fine. But to say someone isn't a real man (or woman) if they date a single mom? That is a generalization, and an offensive one. You are one man. You do not get to decide what the billions of real men and women do.

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 04:15 PM

Hmmmm... The Bible was put together by man... The books of the New Testament were put together by man.... A lot of books were discarded and kept locked up tight for people not to see.....

The whole crusade for premarital sex being unchristian, was a great attempt at mass birth-control!

I would say that it succeeded and probably sustained life on earth for a little longer before we (humans) self destruct the planet..

Thank goodness, that people were given free will and came up with things such as condoms, birth-control pills, etc ...

So, do I think it is an Christian, NO.. I think sex is one of the more natural acts that we can possibly do as humans. If it wasn't natural, I guess woman wouldn't ovulate on a regular basis..

These are just my opinions before anyone decides to go kill themselves or something... rofl

If I could kiss this post, I totally would.

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 03:47 PM
Sure, you can come up with lots of Biblical based support for not having pre-marital sex. But the books in which they talk about it (mostly in the old testament) also say for slaves to respect their masters, that it's okay for men to have have multiple wives, that men should not cut their hair, and that it's a sin to eat shellfish.

There has been talk in the thread that came before this about FWB about hypocrisy and the idea that you are not truly a christian, or the right kind of christian if you do not follow every literal point the Bible makes about sex. And you are free to follow those points, but I hope that if you are pointing fingers at us "hypocrites", you are following all of these Biblical ideals as well.

As for me, I follow the words that Jesus spoke, which are mostly about love and forgiveness. I will continue to be opposed to slavery in any form, cut my sons' hair, eat shrimp scampi, and have pre-marital sex with girls, and still feel confident that Jesus and I are 100% cool.

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 03:30 PM
Nope, but my fingers are crossed that I'm in the middle of something like that right now.

Ever drunk dial/text and tell someone something you should have said a long time ago?

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 01:41 PM
Tequila puts me in the "I love you, man" zone.

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 11:11 AM
Has a speech impediment in which every time she tries to say the word "the", she says "pattycake" instead.

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 11:08 AM
Lol, happy Sunday, No1.


rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 11:05 AM
I'm always in the friend zone too, and it has made it so that I feel I have to show interest as soon as I have those feelings so that I don't end up there permanently. Showing interest doesn't have to be aggressive or disrespectful.

I'm always the funny girl too, nothing wrong with slipping a few flirtatious jokes in there, since humor is where you feel comfortable. If they respond, roll with it, if not, they might not be interested, but at least you know.

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 10:46 AM
Oh yeah, with my luck that's when they usually see me, lol.

Ever fake an accent in public and have people compliment you on it?

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 10:39 AM
I'd add more pics and more info about yourself. Good luck!

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 10:21 AM
Yes, if you count going on one date to realize how completely incompatible we were, lol.

Ever written a fan-letter to a celebrity?

rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 09:12 AM

Do you agree with what the title of this thread says?


rebelgeek's photo
Sun 06/29/14 08:38 AM

Ever hooked up with your boss?

rebelgeek's photo
Sat 06/28/14 12:21 AM

@ rebelgeek
Cheers that was wonderful speechdrinker

Cheers! drinker

rebelgeek's photo
Fri 06/27/14 11:56 PM

Here is the issue if you are fwb do you hold any allegiance to anyone other than your body parts...I believe not so you can acquire more fwbs which you can because you have no loyalty to anyone which leads to stds.....I'm not buying that it's a form of choice it's actually a form of lazy people trying to get other people in their team....

Their team? I don't know what you mean by that. But in terms of FWB scenario, the people involved make the rules. For example, one of my best friends just ended a FWB situation in which he and his lady friend were monogamous FWB's. It lasted for several months. They weren't in love, never felt like it would be a situation where they would be in love. But they were friends. They respected each other, had a lot in common, and were attracted to each other. They started having a very fun and healthy sexual relationship. After about four months, they just ended it. She has a guy she's starting to date, and will probably begin a sexual relationship with him eventually. But she and my friend are still friends with no hard feelings.

But the boundaries are made by the people involved. Yes, it could spread STDs, but so can having sex with anyone. Any time you have sex with someone, you are exposed to whomever they were intimate with in the past. Calling someone your boyfriend or girlfriend does not create a latex barrier against chlamydia, syphillus, or HIV.

Clearly we do not agree on this topic. I don't believe that having allegiance to yourself and your own body is a bad thing. In the end, the person we are all guaranteed to live and die with is ourselves. I am a romantic and even at my ripe old 36-year-old age, I have a Pollyanna complex, in which I believe in true love and soulmates and growing old with someone. But I also have seen enough in my own life and in the life of loved ones to feel that there are times when you want companionship, even if true love isn't what you are equipped or able to give or receive.

In my opinion, a FWB situation in which both people are up front and honest about what they are able to offer is better than a relationship that starts under false pretenses.

In the end, your values are your values, and yours alone. You don't get to decide that what works for you is what is good for every other person in the world. As I said before, if having a FWB would make you feel like you were settling or de-valuing yourself, then of course don't do it. But plenty of people do it with full awareness of their mind, body, and soul, and we should all be so fortunate to make positive decisions with all those elements satisfied.

rebelgeek's photo
Fri 06/27/14 11:24 PM

9 out of 10 dentists approve of FWB's. Or is it sex therapists that do? :tongue:

Kind of like dentists with Trident. Hey, does that mean FWB have fresher breath?


rofl rofl Mentos!!!!

The fresh maker!!!


rebelgeek's photo
Fri 06/27/14 11:16 PM
Lol, most people tend to find me some sort of caffeinated, carbonated beverage. Bubbly and energetic and a little too loud and funny for most, like an energy drink. Rockstar and Monster is what comes to mind. Switching to bottled water seems the best option.


rebelgeek's photo
Fri 06/27/14 10:26 PM
Lol, ok, no1. :smile: I always revert to my old school manners, but now we are on a username basis. :wink: And thank you for saying that. He's my step-dad, but he raised me, and he's the only living family I have who knew me as a child. It hurts, I can't lie. It hurts. But I will be me, and those who accept who I am are my family now. Like a lot of gay people, the family I have is the family I choose, and I am beyond blessed to have them. I'm sad tonight, but tomorrow my two sons will wrestle me until I wake up, and the three of us will visit our loved ones and go to the zoo. I live in the best city in mid-western USA for gay folks. I have a strong support system. My children are healthy. Every so often, I mourn those who can't or won't love me as I am, but I am fortunate.

rebelgeek's photo
Fri 06/27/14 10:19 PM

9 out of 10 dentists approve of FWB's. Or is it sex therapists that do? :tongue:

Kind of like dentists with Trident. Hey, does that mean FWB have fresher breath?
