Community > Posts By > Jimmy59

Jimmy59's photo
Tue 10/27/09 11:42 AM
By this time you have been swamped with tons of
people telling you please pick me!

Being that you are looking on this website shows that
you are wanting this sight to work for you.
Let me tell you something that I have found out about
this web sight.
We can find a lot of nice people on here that mean well but they are so afraid to meet the people that they contact that it is a shame.
They do not know what they are missing by not stepping out of
there comfort zone and take the chance to make friends.

They think that if they meet someone in person
that they have to date them and be a couple.
Well I feel that they are a couple of fools for not seeing that
making friends can lead to a lot of fun. So with that
said I'm in hopes that you find the person that you can
connect with.

Yours Truly,

Could be a friend:

P.S. I'm not looking at you.
Unless you can show me something I like !!!

Jimmy59's photo
Mon 10/26/09 02:56 PM
Hold my lover close to my heart this is where She will stay dry. For me as long as she is dry I do not know that I am wet !!!

Jimmy59's photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:10 PM

I love they tones of this, very well done.
This is very well done...flowerforyou

Jimmy59's photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:02 PM
A soul was asleep from all the suffering and pain
locked away inside
to protect it from all of the pain

One day a phantom speaks words oh so deep
that touches the soul
for that soul, the words it will keep

Is the phantom for real for he's awakened her soul
she hopes he's really there
so her heart may one day become whole

Jimmy59's photo
Sun 10/11/09 06:22 PM

Jimmy59's photo
Sun 10/11/09 06:05 PM

((((Jimmy))))...Nice write...Fear and love never go hand in hand...

Jimmy59's photo
Sun 10/11/09 05:58 PM
Columbus drinker

Jimmy59's photo
Sun 10/11/09 05:51 PM

very nice and how true, makes me think "in love, does fear outweigh our selfishness or are they one and the same.....nicely done
Thank you for the likes....:smile:

Jimmy59's photo
Mon 10/05/09 08:46 AM

((((Jimmy))))...Nice write...Fear and love never go hand in hand...
Thank you

Jimmy59's photo
Mon 10/05/09 08:46 AM

Feeling the love for the one in your heart !!

We look for love from all that are near. We look for love even though we fear. We fear the hurt that came from the past. We fear the unknown as we look for this love that will last. We are in fear that the hurt will show up in this love so new. Knowing this fear hides our feelings so true. We must over come the fear and we must not hide. Are you the one that will save me. From the fear that is inside. Because of this fear we do not take a chance. A chance to let them in our life and love them with pride. The pride of love that we so desperately need. We look at them with wonder will they let love plant its seed. Because of this fear we feel left outside. Outside of our heart outside of our soul. Our love for them burns inside us like a hot ember of love cole. We need to love them until we grow old.
We feel we have missed the chance to love them. And to see things perfectly clear. We feel that this is because of this fear. We feel we love them so much that we will not let them near. Where oh where will we be in a year.
Here we sit with a tear in our eye. Wanting to love them until the day we die.....
:tongue: :tongue: love :tongue: :tongue: glasses glasses

Jimmy59's photo
Mon 10/05/09 08:45 AM


Be like you were when you were young...


When you willingly just fell in love...

Love is a ride... first time or last
Oh yes this is so.....

Jimmy59's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:19 PM
Here I sit in wonder of it all fifty I am thats why I stand tall.....pitchfork drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

Jimmy59's photo
Sun 10/04/09 10:12 PM
Feeling the love for the one in your heart !!

We look for love from all that are near. We look for love even though we fear. We fear the hurt that came from the past. We fear the unknown as we look for this love that will last. We are in fear that the hurt will show up in this love so new. Knowing this fear hides our feelings so true. We must over come the fear and we must not hide. Are you the one that will save me. From the fear that is inside. Because of this fear we do not take a chance. A chance to let them in our life and love them with pride. The pride of love that we so desperately need. We look at them with wonder will they let love plant its seed. Because of this fear we feel left outside. Outside of our heart outside of our soul. Our love for them burns inside us like a hot ember of love cole. We need to love them until we grow old.
We feel we have missed the chance to love them. And to see things perfectly clear. We feel that this is because of this fear. We feel we love them so much that we will not let them near. Where oh where will we be in a year.
Here we sit with a tear in our eye. Wanting to love them until the day we die.....

Jimmy59's photo
Sat 09/12/09 05:36 AM
Jimmy Labathe
It seemed so long ago but yet it is still so near. I think of this day because it still so clear. My heart is full of my friends you see. I know that they care for me. This in its self helps my heart to see that time is helping to heal me. We lost her on this day. This day I will aways pray. Because she was the world to me. The hurt is still inside of me. Wish this hurt would go away it holds my soul on this day.
I love her so but she had to go. Into the hands of God don't you know. I miss her on this day every year. The pain of losing her brings on my fear. That all I will see is my tears on this day Hope my Dear. As time go's by my heart has to cry. Because she was all my love in my eye. My soul weeps because I knew till death do us part I vowed to you........Rest in peace Hope my love !!! (9/12/05) "Thank You Family"

Jimmy59's photo
Fri 09/04/09 10:27 AM

very nice
AAAhhh you should not have thankshappy !!!

Jimmy59's photo
Fri 09/04/09 10:25 AM

So sweet, and very good!
Thats so nice for you to say thank you.flowerforyou

Jimmy59's photo
Fri 09/04/09 07:03 AM

Very nicely done.
Thank you Oh so much flowerforyou

Jimmy59's photo
Fri 09/04/09 07:03 AM

Thank you for the flowers:wink:

Jimmy59's photo
Fri 09/04/09 06:48 AM
Edited by Jimmy59 on Fri 09/04/09 07:04 AM

Sweet jimmy!!
Thanks your so kind !!blushing

Jimmy59's photo
Fri 09/04/09 06:41 AM

surprised all i can say is WOW!
Thank you the feeling is in the words that emanate from my soul..smokin glasses smokin glasses :heart: :heart: :heart:

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