Community > Posts By > heartbreaker123

heartbreaker123's photo
Fri 05/14/10 09:41 AM
flowerforyou yes abuse comes n all form's and i have been through it all and some how with the grace of GOD i surrvived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!it all and it has made me a stronger person.but the emoytional scars will not ever heal.thank's for the poems that have followed mine they r great thank'sflowers and i wish more would read these and may be we can help some one with these cause mine is true,i was close to death.:angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 05/13/10 08:39 PM
Edited by heartbreaker123 on Thu 05/13/10 08:42 PM
I got flowers today. It wasn't my birthday or any other special day. We had our first fight last night. And he said alot of cruel thing's that really hurt me. I know he is sorry and didn't mean the things he said. Because i got flowers today. I got flowers today. It wasnt our anniversary or any other special day. Last night,he threw me into a wall and started to choke me. It seemed like a nightmare.I couldnt believe it was real.I know he mus be sorry Because i got flowers today.I got flowers today and it wasnt Mother's day or any other special day.Last night,he beat me up again.And it was much worse than all the other time's.If i leave him,what will i do?How can I take care of my kid's?What about money?I'm afraid of him and scared to leave.But i know he must be sorry.Because i got flowers today.I got flowers today.Today was a very special day.It was the day of my funreal.Last night he finally killed me.He beat me to death.If only i had gathered Enough strength,I would not have gotten flowers today. :angel: to those who read this could have been me and i hope this might help someone someday u got to get the strength and just do it theres alot of help today when this happened to me there was not much.but i did surrvive,as a singel gma. :angel:

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 05/13/10 08:20 PM
:wink: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes:heart: big hugs BIG T

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 05/13/10 08:14 PM
noway i missed something good?or was it bad? any way welcome

heartbreaker123's photo
Wed 05/12/10 10:01 PM

frustrated frustrated explode i started having the same problem last nt and all day long and no i am not misspelling i have it ckd to remember me so i had to make up this phony person so i can get help cause no one is sending me my password charles said it didnt match my user name and i have not changed it and no one else gets on here so whats up? heartbreaker123 indisguise as halfpint01frustrated rant

We will email you with the specifics, heartbreaker123.
flowerforyou thank u i am having with drawsfrustrated drinks and missing my man
:smile: ii am back as hb123:banana: thanks guys n gals:angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Wed 05/12/10 09:28 PM

Too easy for me an Eagle in order to soar through the sky as you look down upon the streams and beauty below you......

flowerforyou u have the rt idea me as well i want to b free as a eagel:angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Wed 05/12/10 09:24 PM
:banana: i just got my 3rd yesterday and i will get pic's of them and post:angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Sun 05/09/10 08:17 AM

flowerforyou happy mothers day to all the moms out there.bigsmile
:heart: thank u how sweet of u :angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Sat 05/08/10 06:35 PM

All U Moms deserve pampering tomarrow!!!drinker drinker
smooched thank's mikey and just to let u know i started a later thread i am thinking about leaving for awhile,but i got ur # going to go finish watching race thank's again mikey:angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Fri 05/07/10 12:29 PM
:angel: waving i will more than likely b leaving this site for awhile i might come back dunnnno yet.just wanted all my friend's here to know so they dont worry i might leave profile up but wont b getting on,dunno yet i got some thing's going on here at the farm and just not much spare time so thank's to all of u for bein a friend and those of u with my land line call.MAY GOD BLESS EVERY ONE HERE LOVE AND LIGHT waving:heart:

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 05/06/10 07:28 PM

My a$$ has it's own area code whoa
:thumbsup: i like that mine too

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 05/06/10 07:20 PM
:heart: flowers HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL OF U OUT THERE HOPE U HAVE A GREAT ONE,and yes i have a wonderfull mother and i love her with all my heart but i was daddy's hillbilleblushing :angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Wed 05/05/10 03:40 PM
flowerforyou howdy and welcome yes it does work i have met a lot of great folks here and have plans for this summer as well to meet some more so jump n and watch out for us cougars:wink: :angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Tue 05/04/10 08:49 PM
flowers u and all of the folk's down there r n my prayers and i have been praying for ur dad everyday when i pray for everyone else:angel: winking

heartbreaker123's photo
Mon 05/03/10 07:49 PM
flowerforyou howdy rob so ur dad has turned u out n here with all of us cougar's:laughing: welcome and have fun :angel: winking

heartbreaker123's photo
Fri 04/30/10 05:20 PM

Remember, this week it's RIS (Richmond Int'l Speedway) and it's on Saturday this time for Sprint. Go Mark! Win big!shades
drinks :thumbsup: ya i know at least i c u all r faithfull on here,seem's like we get it going and then everyone dissapears and ya i am yelling for mark as well even though i love my jimmie,i allsolove mark so lets yell real loud for him:banana: :angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 04/29/10 07:42 PM

:heart: i want 1 send it to me
smooched :heart: flowers drool :angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Thu 04/29/10 04:54 PM
:heart: i want 1 send it to me

heartbreaker123's photo
Wed 04/28/10 08:45 PM

1 # lean hamburger
one pkg taco seasoning mix
2 cups frenchs' fried onions
1/4 cup fresh cilantro
32 bite size tortilla round chips
3/4 cup sour cream
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese...I always use old

cook hamburger...drain off fat...season with taco seasoning mix....add 1 cup water and 1 cup of the fried onions and the cilantro....simmer five minutes....stirring often...preheat oven to 350 degrees...arrange chips in a single layer on a piece of tin foil on baking with beef mix...sour cream..remaining fried onions and cheese....bake five minutes or til cheese melts.....

tasty bites...

:banana: yummmy my 14 yr old grson i am raising will love them and easy din with spanish rice thanks will try this wek end:angel: waving

heartbreaker123's photo
Wed 04/28/10 08:31 PM
:smile: send me one cod my grandson would love that we lost r's about a yr ago.i guess i could go to shelter huh :angel: winking

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