the best love
Real loveis not based on romance, candle light dinner and walks along d beach. In fact is based on respect, compromise, care nd trust. Anothr world; Evrybdy knws how to love but few ppl knws how to stay in love with one person forevr. Take note, friendship isn't abt whom you hv known the longest...... It's abt who came, and nevr left your side. Lastly, love is nt who you can see yourself with. It is who you can't see yourself without.
Any serious widowed man
hi, am in serch of a lovin carering nd homely wif to be, aage is nt a barrers. Pls u can cal; 08068917378 |
Any serious widowed man
hi pls, am looking for sugar mummy who wil care nd provid for my needs, am a nice nd carering young guy tanx 08068917378