Men will be Men
![]() ![]() Thank God, i drink, i sleep. |
The Devil's hand
"Nature, and Nature's laws lay hid in night: God said: 'Let Newton be !' and all was light." — Alexander Pope (1688—1744), British poet. "It did not last: the Devil howling 'Ho ! Let Einstein be !' restored the status quo." John Collings Squire (1884—1958), British journalist. |
closets answer:
"If the Earth is the size of a pea in New York, then the Sun is a beachball 50m away, Pluto is 4km away, and the next nearest star is in Tokyo. Now shrink Pluto's orbit into a coffee cup; then our Milky Way Galaxy fills North America." — Wayne Hayes. so it can't be endless; just a matter of scaling. |
Learn Chinese in 5 mins
"It's a good thing the guy in charge of naming galaxies was into chocolate bars and not Chinese food. Otherwise, the Milky Way might have been named Moo Goo Gui Pan, and who wants to have to learn about that?" — Paul Paternoster. |
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened." — Buy at Amazon.comDouglas Adams (1952—2001). i think Douglas visited India. |
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Sat 01/23/16 05:53 AM
"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." — Douglas Adams (1952—2001), British writer. Buy at Amazon.comThe Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Introduction. So if the universe is endless, there was no beginning, no creation, eh? then i come across.. "We are still too close to the birth of the universe to be certain about its death." — Buy at Amazon.comJ. D. Bernal. takes the sting out. |
"Last night as I lay in bed looking at the stars I thought 'Where the hell is the ceiling ?'" |
Philosophical stagnation
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Sat 01/23/16 01:55 AM
As the Lady vanishes
leaving us holding the theme 'Philosophy Stag..' here's my take.. Philosophy? An abstraction from actions and reactions generated after delving and digesting living enigmas Like: "History Repeats" “If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe...” Poetry? An abstraction from emotional needs Like: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" Philosophy as presented in poetry? I suppose this is what Lady meant by 'stagnation'. This, i agree is a rare mix, like: “The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..” "We build too many walls and not enough bridges." But 'philosophy stagnating'? this would have started an avalanche in the science forum Now if the Lady were to return from her hiatus and clarify what she meant, or else.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I guess we will be missing her; yeah. |
Philosophical stagnation
A light just went out..
she deactivated |
Astronomer "Carl Sagan"
I got to know him in a letter. Our school in California was sending letters to the scientists of Nasa. I was one of the winner's of a science fair. So me and the runner ups were given the opportunity. I adressed my letter to the leader of the Mars Viking Lander program. Had asked questions of what types of experiments would be run, once the viking probe landed on Mars. Asked if they believed life had existed on Mars. The letter that returned 2 weeks later was penned by Astro physicist Dr. Carl Sagan. Our teacher made me read it before the class. He congratulated me on asking excellent questions about the program to land on Mars with this robot. Told me of the experiments and exorted me to continue in a scientific career. He said " one day you too might work in the hallowed halls of Nasa". Still have the letter. I took up Computer Science Degree. Love the movie that he inspired, Contact with Jodi Foster. His answer to the question of life on Mars was "We shall see". ![]() ![]() ![]() In a sense, Astronomy remains a magical field. Does not matter who we are but asks where we all could be. From what you say, Dr. Sagan, your teacher, and add to this our own few members who present us with latest insights, colorful details with solid figures to back it all up: all uh.., respect that. |
UK in Denial?
Mr. Donald Trump may or may not be elected President but he is sending the strongest possible message to Muslim communities across the world; something no world leader had mustered till date. But in UK, terror stricken MPs held a debate yesterday (18th) to 'bar Mr. Trump from entering UK'. Yes, that's right. On one hand David Cameron wants UK’s Muslim women to learn English which is a 'better late than never' drive and on the other hand, the MPs and UK's media choose to focus on Mr. Trump’s 'Ban on Muslims' in most inappropriate language. Unfortunate that some of India’s media, associated with the West are aping similar comments effectively diluting Mr. Trump's message. UK has presently 2.6 million Muslims constituting 5% of the population and half of them live in London. ![]() |
Astronomer "Carl Sagan"
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Mon 01/18/16 06:44 AM
V. Rohit, a 26 year old research scholar in Hyderabad was found dead in his hostel room yesterday. He had been recently suspended by the authorities; and the suspension was finally revoked.
In his suicidal note he mentions Carl Sagan!! This is a part from his one page letter; strangely, makes sense. Good morning, I would not be around when you read this letter. Don’t get angry on me. I know some of you truly cared for me, loved me and treated me very well. I have no complaints on anyone. It was always with myself I had problems. I feel a growing gap between my soul and my body. And I have become a monster. I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan. At last, this is the only letter I am getting to write. I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like Carl Sagan. I loved Science, Stars, Nature, but then I loved people without knowing that people have long since divorced from nature. Our feelings are second handed. Our love is constructed. Our beliefs colored. Our originality valid through artificial art. It has become truly difficult to love without getting hurt. The value of a man was reduced to his immediate identity and nearest possibility. To a vote. To a number. To a thing. Never was a man treated as a mind. As a glorious thing made up of star dust. In very field, in studies, in streets, in politics, and in dying and living. Rohit writes a bit more about his sense of 'empty-ness' and gives that as his justification to discontinue living and so on. The phrase 'our love is constructed'; from a scientific point of view seems correct. Unfortunately written in such a note. |
a lesson in English
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Sun 01/17/16 02:39 AM
You boys have no idea what royally fxxxxd means. and you claim inventing it(?) while it's happening all around you(?) ![]() ![]() watch this.. (if u can get past the advt.) sure, you can always teach me English but don;t bother about the f word, buddy. |
... That and leaving on so many lights for security. I sometimes wonder if having it so easy for burglars to snoop around outside when I am sleeping is better than if I didn't just string a little shock wire. Lol At least if they contacted that they would pay a price for their thievery. My citrus trees were all but stripped again this year. It is frustrating to water and keep something growing to give to the food bank then know some thief swipes them and sells them. I do love the smell of the orange blossoms. Those citrus swiping regulars are probably keeping the heavy lifters away; ![]() |
Learn Chinese in 5 mins
Chinese to English (literal translations):
Long time no see Brainwashing No can do Maybe another day |
Learn Chinese in 5 mins
I'm realy doubt about it yes even I'm a Chinese ![]() sybol.. u Chinese, wei china frm china town? |
You're NOT a monk
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Wed 01/13/16 07:36 AM
![]() yeah, no u-turn once a monk. |
Animals in depression ?!!?
| Pilot whales (small sized whales) were dragged back to sea; and they return back to the beach (???) A week ago, there was another photo story of a lion jumping off to the sea. link: But this was probably cause people had gathered to watch and the lion could see no-way to get through. Was tranquilized and hoisted off to some zoo. But I've seen 2 feet long turtles on the shores close to my place. May be they came to the wrong beach ?!!? |
Learn Chinese in 5 mins
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Tue 01/12/16 04:49 AM
Additional reading....the Mark on the Great Who Flung Dung.. ISIS Lei Ying Lo Ha |
First I am going to try to break this down into paragraphs so I dont miss something. Paragraphs can be a good friend to you. I do get that you are emotionally charged with this post but for us readers please do them next time. Okay..Where to start.. You both married when you were kids... Honestly there is no way you can possibly know what you are going to want 10 years down the road people change etc... I am going to take sex out of the equation since that is just a small part of the problem as I see it. I Honestly see two people that were young and dumb and went into the blaming game when the honeymoon period was over and has been playing games ever since. I am not saying that to be mean I am saying it honestly I have seen this way to many times. I also believe you both at times gave it your all. Now you both are at the stage of "Now what" The extra marital affairs on both sides equal out sorry that is the way I see it. You moved out and yet you still had sex with her... So you were cheating either on her or on the new one. She then cheats on you...Doesn't matter the time table in reality.. So IMO both wipes the slate clean. Also I have to tell you I really believe that when a relationship fails even if cheating is involved both are at fault. Has either one of you realized that many use cheating as the worst way to hurt someone. As far as sexual toys some couples have enhanced their relationship with them others haven't totally a personal choice. My Advice is no one on this site can tell you what to do. What I would tell you is if you love this woman and you are inclined to try to work things out..Don't walk but run to the nearest Relationship therapist you can find. The one thing I have to stress is that you both have to want it and have to do some growing up in life. In therapy you both will hear things that you will not want to hear. You will feel at times as if you have a dull knife carving your guts up. I have seen couple that have parted and I have seen couples that have grown stronger. I think you are more hurt and angry that she chose to leave the home with the kids etc... Ask yourself do you really want her or do you want the security of the relationship and you love your kids. I can tell you even if you divorce you can be a great father if you choose to be. My son is doing it and his daughters and him are close. Is it easy nope but he is doing it. Best wishes in what ever you choose. \\\\\\\\from my experience one can be compassionate to parents, kids, even neighbors and even stupid enemies but for some strange reasons, a negative feeling kicks in wherever Ex's are concerned; may be cause Ex's are so part of the home that we knew or something. Don't walk but run to the nearest Relationship therapist you can find. The one thing I have to stress is that you both have to want it and have to do some growing up in life. I agree with don't walk, run; but what's wrong if they run to her parents and seek their help / viewpoint, whatever? After all her parents are stakeholders to the grandchildren. Yeah, the man may get the third degree from his in-laws before reality kicks in all around. For children's sale, why not? |