Community > Posts By > classickiss

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 03:07 PM

blah! i hate religion... and how it thinks it has a part in everyones life... and everything on this planet

I'll bet you're spiritual in some sort of way...without being religious...right ?...come on young can confess to Father Anthony...LOL

im not. seriously. i live my life that i think makes me happy... and i hope my daughter will do the same... wither it be religion or if she was a lesbian... i dont care as long as she does it with no regrets

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:48 PM
blah! i hate religion... and how it thinks it has a part in everyones life... and everything on this planet

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:35 PM
Edited by classickiss on Wed 11/05/08 02:35 PM

it's called being grounded in my beliefs..and...principles...I was born and raised in a strict Catholic upbringing...I just can't change the way I was brought up...

so was i... but its called havin an open mind... and to not discrimate against those who r diff... god also says to love thy neighbor

being grounded in my beliefs, and about standing firm in what I believe to be... a behavior that is's not about the human face in my case...its about the behavior...what you believe is your beliefs and you're not changing...right ?...I'm not trying to change anyone...the way I was raised...can never be changed...

my point is that it can be... i was raised in a catholic house... went to privite skools and my folks still go to church... but i took a step back when i was old ebough to think for myself... and now feel that sayin one person havin love for another person of the same sex should be allowed in any house... be it home or the lord

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:33 PM

See this is the deal for me and me alone....Whatever the heck you people want to believe is totally up to you...

First off to say separate church and state...Is so really truly putting your head in the sand....God is all over everything...There is not one thing on this planet that he doesn't know about. And in the end the government is going to mean jack diddly anyway....Because when Christ comes back he will be in charge. HE WILL BE THE GOVERNING HEAD OF THIS PLANET.

From the beginning of time God had a part in bringing the great men into the government....Read Kings....Godly men are in every aspect of our government...take it out and do it your way......This is what I hear over and over....Well God will love me anyway....And this is true....Always God loves you.....the sinner which we all are....But not the Sin....never ever....and to think that your the exception to this just never going to make it so. God has standards for us to live don't and pay the price. And not a scare tactic just a fact.

Again don't believe do as you wish, think that because you love a woman and are a woman it's ok....same for a man and a man....But everything in life has a consequence so says the Lord.

Look at the history of the United States of America and see how much God has always been part of it. Take him out and what then........Well we will see.....We will see.....and please read my piece in the thread HOPE......

if there was a god... y did he allow us to have soo many diff religions?!?! if there was god and he said love thy neighbor y did he put us to war? if there was a god y did has it come to this? tearing people apart just cuz one person wants to love the same sex and show it to him too with his love in there hearts?

If there was a God.....correction There is God....Man made religion not God. God didn't put us at did that. next.....This love is why the Lord gave us freewill...He doesn't want you if it's not of your own freewill....And people can love who they wish....but if it is a sin to God...please know that they will pay for the consequences of their choices.....again free will.

ur belief if to have someone uve never seen and believe in a book that was supposedly writtin by his people... who by the way shunned a non believer (judus) so we as people of minoritys like gays and lesbians should feel the same? if god didnt want what we have now, a socity wanting to grow... we would still be in dark ages

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:29 PM

I am going to get hell for this....but what else is new.

I believe that every human being has the right to love who they want. I also believe that each individual has a right to medical and all other benefits of married couples. Do it in the court house......or wherever...

But in a church no way jose. It is a sin whether people want to close their eyes to it or not. God says and therefore that is it. If man was intended to be with man and woman with woman then by golly that is how it would of been. In the eyes of the Lord or in a church same sex marriage.....NEVER

I voted YES

And I believe it with every fiber of my being....And I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends...I love the sinner not the sin...And they all know exactly where I stand on this.

this is y we r seperated by church and state for a reason!

Do people not will never separate church and state...God has his hands everywhere love...and nothing is done without his complete knowledge and he knows exactly what is going to happen with it all.

sweetie read my one about if there was a god

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:28 PM

it's called being grounded in my beliefs..and...principles...I was born and raised in a strict Catholic upbringing...I just can't change the way I was brought up...

so was i... but its called havin an open mind... and to not discrimate against those who r diff... god also says to love thy neighbor

Like I said doll Love the sinner hate the sin......

i wasnt quoting u

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:25 PM
sorry i have soo many in a row ha ha ha i was at lunch =) im glad my topic has sparked everyone... near and far =)

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:24 PM

See this is the deal for me and me alone....Whatever the heck you people want to believe is totally up to you...

First off to say separate church and state...Is so really truly putting your head in the sand....God is all over everything...There is not one thing on this planet that he doesn't know about. And in the end the government is going to mean jack diddly anyway....Because when Christ comes back he will be in charge. HE WILL BE THE GOVERNING HEAD OF THIS PLANET.

From the beginning of time God had a part in bringing the great men into the government....Read Kings....Godly men are in every aspect of our government...take it out and do it your way......This is what I hear over and over....Well God will love me anyway....And this is true....Always God loves you.....the sinner which we all are....But not the Sin....never ever....and to think that your the exception to this just never going to make it so. God has standards for us to live don't and pay the price. And not a scare tactic just a fact.

Again don't believe do as you wish, think that because you love a woman and are a woman it's ok....same for a man and a man....But everything in life has a consequence so says the Lord.

Look at the history of the United States of America and see how much God has always been part of it. Take him out and what then........Well we will see.....We will see.....and please read my piece in the thread HOPE......

if there was a god... y did he allow us to have soo many diff religions?!?! if there was god and he said love thy neighbor y did he put us to war? if there was a god y did has it come to this? tearing people apart just cuz one person wants to love the same sex and show it to him too with his love in there hearts?

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:21 PM

There can be no peace and quite when you are telling someone that they are unatural disgusting or immoral for being who they are.

What is funny here is this . . . .

Most people accept that alcoholism can be handed down via gene expression and environmental factors. What is mental addiction but an urge toward a behavior???? HUH????

So what is sexual orientation, but an urge toward a specific behavior? HUHH????

I am a straight educated man with no bias in this situation and find it disgusting that people can take there religious morals and twist there world view to deny science when its pretty clear that genes and environment together create these urges within some people . . . . . THIS IS NATURAL.

God = Creator of nature right?

I don't believe in god, but does this logic not make sense?

I think believers need to get there heads out of the sand.


""An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way rapidly winning over and converting its opponents; it rarely happens that Saul becomes Paul. What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing generation is familiarized with the idea from the beginning.""

—Max Planck
The Philosophy of Physics, 1936

stands up and gives u a round of applause!!!

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:15 PM

it's called being grounded in my beliefs..and...principles...I was born and raised in a strict Catholic upbringing...I just can't change the way I was brought up...

so was i... but its called havin an open mind... and to not discrimate against those who r diff... god also says to love thy neighbor

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:12 PM

I am going to get hell for this....but what else is new.

I believe that every human being has the right to love who they want. I also believe that each individual has a right to medical and all other benefits of married couples. Do it in the court house......or wherever...

But in a church no way jose. It is a sin whether people want to close their eyes to it or not. God says and therefore that is it. If man was intended to be with man and woman with woman then by golly that is how it would of been. In the eyes of the Lord or in a church same sex marriage.....NEVER

I voted YES

And I believe it with every fiber of my being....And I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends...I love the sinner not the sin...And they all know exactly where I stand on this.

this is y we r seperated by church and state for a reason!

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 02:10 PM

And the "Sanctity of Marriage" BS is pretty funny when the divorce rates in this country show exactly how "Sacred" it really is.

true!!! those who say they r christian/catholic and believed in this prop r dorks! for example my folks! full blown catholics... voted yes! and there gettin a divorce!?!?!?!

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:36 PM

NO. The government cannot get into morality of right and wrong in a victimless situation.


Next you would have them tell you if its morale to wear polyester because the bible says so . . . . idiotic.

*claps hands* nice =)

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:32 PM

is it me or are we the only 3 passionate ones here today????

well this one is goin to lunch now! ha ha ha ill jump back in when i get back

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:29 PM

my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

More people definitely need to be open with their kids about what's going on without them. I'm glad to hear you're doing that!

I can't and should not shelter my kids from what the world is..Face it..There are drug users, rapists, killers, By the way they are a hell of alot more danger to my kids and myself then a gay couple or a group of them...They need to know what is out there so they can prepare themselves...This is real life people...Its not going away

so very true

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:10 PM

my daughter is 13 and she is in the girl stage...She came to me and told me she kissed a girl...Sure i am not going to jump up and down but i told her that I went through the same stage as she did and that it might be a phase or might not...regardless i would love her no matter what...

My son says he wants to marry me when he gets older..Who is going to battle me on that one I dare ya:wink:

ha ha ha ha not ganna battle u just thought it was funny ha ha ha

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:03 PM

Just because it says it under God, does that make it right or wrong? I could tell millions of people over hundreds of years that I am a millionaire goddess and It could be written in books so does that make it real, right or wrong....

By definition "LOVE" means strong affection, beloved person...It says nothing about who you can love ...Why should you give a damn who anybody marries as long as it does not include YOU.... Instead of always going by what is written why dont people go by what is and that is there are same sex relationships and if they want to marry, give birth, play lotto then more power to them....

(((hugs))) im soo happy another mother is open minded to this subect!!! some r scared about the future it holds for our children... but i feel i want my daughter to love whoever she wants! be it man or woman and not have socity judge her!

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 10:17 AM
im sorry u confused me? so they can kiss as long as its in the bedroom????

Sorry hun, I am as "straight" as they come (no puns intended here folks, lol), and I don't like to watch two men kiss, OR two women kiss. It isnt that they make me feel anything, its exactly the opposite. It does nothing for me to see either side of it.

as far as I am concerned, it is good to see two people kissing, no matter what their genders are, as it shows love and respsect for one another.

i think men usually have more of a problem with this subject cuz they r uncomfortable with 2 men kissing... but my argument to them is "so if 2 women were kissing it would be alright?!" and of course every straight mans answer "well yea duh! of course!" y is that?! y would u want to put a double standard on urself when u say that?

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:37 AM
i think men usually have more of a problem with this subject cuz they r uncomfortable with 2 men kissing... but my argument to them is "so if 2 women were kissing it would be alright?!" and of course every straight mans answer "well yea duh! of course!" y is that?! y would u want to put a double standard on urself when u say that?

classickiss's photo
Wed 11/05/08 09:34 AM

Had I been able to vote on this, I would have absolutely voted no.

u should have moved to cali for this then!!! the more people the better!!! ha ha ha

It makes me sad that California wasn't able to pull through on this.

you and me both *sigh*