yaimtheone_ad_2_YM's photo
Thu 01/01/09 12:56 AM
Edited by yaimtheone_ad_2_YM on Thu 01/01/09 12:57 AM
It dont matter... just dont hurt no one when you drink and its all good.

After all life is an illusion, your controlled by something which maggots eat once you die, and our bodies are like easter egg shells all painted up, which maggots eat also.

I hope i get closer to me this year...its so hard to see your real self huh ..... i mean
HAVE A BEER !!! for me, i SWORE it off this year ! Love life - aint no dress rehersal huh?

May 2009 be the Best for all of you !!

yaimtheone_ad_2_YM's photo
Thu 01/01/09 12:39 AM
2008 ... pertaining to this site, I went out with someone on a date. Didn't join untill dec. Anyhow on the way to the date I hit some black ice slid into a wall bounced into another guy he hit a wall ... geez im in texas wtf ice..CRAZY. Well I found out i totaled the company truck, so im carless and i was almost to the date so i went out with her ..... she wasn't the girl in the picture !!!! dammit! did she think i wouldnt notice. She was very nice i gave her a pointsetta and bottl o wine... was dyin to smoke the dubie in my pocket.
Well lets just see what this year holds... I'm gona try to be straight fo this year ... (cry's).
broke my bong ouch! threw it all away, turned down drinks sat alone to watch the ball drop. Dam why do i feel like some sort of looser?
Is it bad to keep young or act it?
This will be the year i become Arnold !! That attracts wemon right? we will see ...rambling..lack of alcohol, and herb.
I think im gona volunteer weekly somewhere so i appreciate everything i have.. err once i get a car.... hahaa chit!

Happy New Year!!!!

yaimtheone_ad_2_YM's photo
Wed 12/10/08 11:18 PM
HAHA i had same problem before when i drank allot, like a keg once a week with about 5 friends helping. worked at a bar got good deals, had a fridge and co2 to store it.

Anyhow my advice is, well i emptied mine took 2-3 hours, i used a hairdryer on cold to refill it with air to help find the leak. well it blows up diff with air. almost like a square ball. since it was 5am an ui had to wake up in 2 hrs. i decided to try to sleep on top of the square ball. there i was about 4 ft off the ground sound asleap - what a suprise whn i got smaked in the head and was all dizzy and still dunk and realized i had fallen hmm not outa bed but off the cube ... alcohol, making smart people do dumb things for 100's of years huh!
so dont do what i did ok lol.

yaimtheone_ad_2_YM's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:59 PM
HAHA BUAETY manflesh, thats my lure, do it work? well its hidden under all dem clothes hehe. at my age im proud that im not some fat azz guy. hell i can beat u in a race, and thats if ur in ur car bwahaa
u see engineers know that if you dont maintain things they break down prematuruly!

Peace! thats what the kool kids say lol


yaimtheone_ad_2_YM's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:53 PM
Edited by yaimtheone_ad_2_YM on Wed 12/10/08 10:54 PM
hi hockeygirl thanks! good smile u look happy!



yaimtheone_ad_2_YM's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:52 PM
Edited by yaimtheone_ad_2_YM on Wed 12/10/08 10:55 PM
lol no prob. RANDOM TANDOM lol du u have a split personality or sumthin hehe A TANDEM IS 2 LOL.

I am the one i just havent found for who yet. :) thats why im here, i been waiting in my house for a few years now and no ones knocked on my door and asked me out, so im tryin sumthin new. ya i dont spell rite intentionally, writing is jus comunication so as long as u kno wat i mean its kool. Im really not like anyone else, maybe my life events have shaped all dat. but i do have all the earthly questions answered and workin on me nxt life at present. the key is WE ARE ALL THE SAME PERSON -remeber that! you wouldnt step on your own foot would u?

Thx for ur time - its valuable ! Have fun, Smile, Shine, make others envy your smile and great attitude. ignore drama!

Latr, Mark

yaimtheone_ad_2_YM's photo
Wed 12/10/08 10:23 PM
Hmm how mi sposed to know. nuthin to compare to? I think its good, especially the last pic of me cat :)
Thanks for your time - I O U

I only got 1 friend and she my neighbor 83 i dont trust her judgement at chit like this. If you take time to respond ur prob more creditable lol.

Merry Hanuka!! sho long or one of dem words!
