Community > Posts By > mysteriousMAN

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Tue 03/06/07 04:57 PM
so you come to this country to talk sh#T about our President. Even
though you were in YOUR army so YOUR goverment could control the people
of hungary. Please go back.

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 03:07 PM
Gina, By serving in the Army in your country,Hungary. As you said to me
in the letter you sent to me in my mail. That means that you were on the
side that would not allow the people of Hungary to say what they wanted,
and the side that killed those that did. So how can you justify what you
are saying now?

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:51 PM
You still haven't answered the question. What law did Bush break ? On
your non-american subject. You stated that in other Countries you could
be killed for saying some of the things we get away with here. HOW DO

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:31 PM
Gina, Isaked you a question on a subject you started. Whats the matter,
don't you want to answer it?

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 02:01 PM
Your President " Slick Willy " Clinton broke a Military law that would
cause anyone else in the Military an other-then-honorable discharge. Can
you guess which one?

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:18 PM
I don't know. How about you tell us?

no photo
Tue 03/06/07 01:04 PM
I was listening to the radio today and heard about a guy that stabbed
his wife. Then handed the knife to their 2 year old son and said " Here,
now you stab mommy ". Just how sick can people get? Do people like that
try to see who can be the sickest when their story is told on the news?

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:17 PM
there was one kid who had a G.I. Joe doll, But he was court marshaled
for rapping his sister's Barbie doll !!!!!!

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 09:09 PM
Sorry,But G.I. Joe was a doll!!!!!!!

no photo
Fri 02/23/07 04:58 PM
If Obama has hillary as a running mate then I'll get life insurance on
him. Within the first year I'll be in the money. hillary will arrange to
have him in an accident, like him taking a bath and having the radio
fall in.

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:34 PM
Dose it smell like napalm?

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:11 PM
Right,But what I want to know is WHAT would do about it. IF anything.
Would you just let it happen? Do you want it to happen and why?

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:02 PM
Are you saying you WANT that to happen?

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 10:01 PM
How did you know I was thinking about trying #8?

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 09:52 PM
What would you do if the dollar bill you had in your pocket was
worthless. The only way you could do any business was through your
A.T.M. bank card? Remember NO money of any kind. We can do that right

no photo
Tue 01/16/07 09:40 PM
Why is it that people talk trash about Democrats? Well let me see, 8
years with Slick Willy and the Mrs in Office. Talk about the fact that
you as a legal gun onwer are not a responsible person to keep a gun in
your home because you are more likly to shoot someone in your own family
then an intruder, or someone will break in your home and steal it. {I
know, If someone breaks in your home you shoot them, But I just said
you'll shoot your own family first. According to their experts you
will.} They also wanted to put a 10,000 percent tax on ammo. that meant
a box of 38's or 9 mm. that cost you about $15. for 50 rounds would then
cost you $1,500. Do you remember that? That was all on the news at that
time, And the news was all for them. If Al Gore got in Office he would
have continued their goal. When Kerry ran I heard them say that he was a
hunter so he would not be heard on gun laws. When I heard that I saw
right though that one and knew he would RIP us apart on gun laws.

no photo
Sat 01/13/07 02:39 PM
Well hell, I'll drink to that!!!!!!!!

no photo
Mon 01/08/07 03:39 PM
Also did you know that the V.Nam war was the only war that the Guard was
not in. Because Preds. Johnson did not want to go to Congress.

no photo
Mon 01/08/07 03:35 PM
being in the navy you never learned by putting down the jugement of the
war we're in is the same as telling the seviceman that the job their
doing is wrong even though you say you're for them.

no photo
Mon 01/08/07 03:06 PM
4f,what service were you in?

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