some_what_pushover's photo
Mon 06/14/21 04:41 PM

The last time my heart fluttered was when I realised I’d lost my bank card! I panicked so much that it made my heart flutter rapidly.

For a bank card? That should be of no concern. I don’t know about your bank but mine has same day cards and I can stop their ability to function from my phone. In fact the only reason I get nervous losing my phone is because I have to go on errand to replace everything. Mainly the dmv.

some_what_pushover's photo
Mon 06/14/21 04:38 PM

Intelligent , compassionate men make my heart flutter all the time smitten waving

I’m as smart as a turtle and twice as compassionate! I must be rocking your world!

some_what_pushover's photo
Mon 06/14/21 04:36 PM

not long term material

Interesting word choice...

What makes your heart “skip a beat”? (Not so much literally as you should see a doctor about that)


So has this happened to anyone else?

Very likely

Well I was with some new friends and there was this moment where I was listening to one of them talk and my heart sort of jump as I got lost looking at her. It was a wonderful feeling that I had not experienced in some time. (The girl is gorgeous and smart but not long term material)
So has this happened to anyone else?
What makes your heart “skip a beat”? (Not so much literally as you should see a doctor about that))

Many meaningful relationships start like this.

This woman is obviously intelligent enough to capture your attention and beautiful enough to hold it.
Since, by your own admission, you do not know her well as the person she actually is, how can you know if she is or isn't "long-term material"?
Are you defining her according to your own expectations or are you allowing her to define herself?

I mean she said somethings that I know would not work for me long term. Like if your date told you they were into polygamy, then that’s not something that would work for some people despite how you feel about them. Wonderful lady though

some_what_pushover's photo
Sun 06/13/21 02:25 AM
Well I was with some new friends and there was this moment where I was listening to one of them talk and my heart sort of jump as I got lost looking at her. It was a wonderful feeling that I had not experienced in some time. (The girl is gorgeous and smart but not long term material)
So has this happened to anyone else?
What makes your heart “skip a beat”? (Not so much literally as you should see a doctor about that))

some_what_pushover's photo
Wed 06/09/21 01:21 AM

It can be a pain separating the wheat from the chaff.
Especially, when the same chaff keeps showing up.

Getting back into dating, should be done at your pace.
It's your game plan to make.

It almost feels like groundhogs day. Sitting across a table listening to someone thinking man I’ve think I’ve met you already. I’ll get back to it when I can. I don’t want to be rude but I’m thinking about long term relationships. I know when certain things won’t work and I refuse to waste any woman’s time simply because there is a physical attraction.

some_what_pushover's photo
Wed 06/09/21 01:15 AM

I hate dating and the idea of dating. It just not a fun experience for me. However I have to get back out there. So how do I do it?

I’m not good at it. I never know when I’m seen as a friend or more. Women I’m not interested in give me attention but the women I’m into aren’t interested in me. The dating games/rules are difficult. Like people will ghost you when I’m more direct. Getting used for dates. I’m not able to deal with women and kids right now and so far it’s like every women I meet around my age has kids. Is this something I should just settle with?

I don’t even know where to go to meet other women ALL of my friends are home busy bodies so going out with others won’t work.
Two of my ex’s found out I am single and are trying to get back together. Because of my feelings towards dating I’ve actually been considering it. But excuse my German, That’s ****ing stupid!

Has anyone ever had negative feelings towards dating? How do I make them positive?

I believe in meeting someone you first met online as soon as possible, more of a meet and greet than a first date, but it maybe better for you to spend a little more time in messaging before meeting each other. That way you will discover more about them first, and if you both really do want to meet up, and if and when you do meet they will not feel quite the stranger. Good luck in your search.

Good advice. But I think I’m done with the online dating stuff in general. I’ll focus on trying to do things live for a while before I become a hermit in the Alaskan mountains. I’ll make passionate love to the trees and polar bears such is the way of our world.

some_what_pushover's photo
Mon 06/07/21 02:43 PM

I've never been a fan of dating unless I've already found someone with potential. THEN I enjoy it.
It does help if you change the way the deal with it. For instance start seeing it as meeting someone new and having a nice time over cappuccinos. Don't make a first date (meet & greet) too long. An hour to see if there's potential is enough. And a non-alcoholic beverage is enough too, no need for more for a meet & greet.
A meet & greet shouldn't cost much, not financially and not in time & energy.

Also... a man calling himself a pushover is not attractive.
People that have self-confidence & carry themselves well are. If you have problems here then work on it.
Women want a strong man by their side, not a pushover. And strong means having self-confidence, knowing your worth, yet being sensitive and caring.

And when going on a meet & greet, remember you don't owe anything. It's 30 - 60 mins in and then out. It's only testing the waters, chatting a bit, and if there is potential a real date, if not, polite & friendly goodbyes.

Same. If I know someone then it’s different. Dating a stranger is difficult but that where I am right now.

And don’t worry about the pushover stuff. I’m not meeting anyone on here. That’s why my stuff isn’t updated. My pic is from like 2008. (Mostly spam bots here). Don’t worry I’m very confident I really couldn’t say that 10 plus years ago.

I’m good on that aspect of dating. It’s the starting fresh, people not being direct, time wasting, dishonesty and disappointing personalities.

some_what_pushover's photo
Sun 06/06/21 11:15 PM
I hate dating and the idea of dating. It just not a fun experience for me. However I have to get back out there. So how do I do it?

I’m not good at it. I never know when I’m seen as a friend or more. Women I’m not interested in give me attention but the women I’m into aren’t interested in me. The dating games/rules are difficult. Like people will ghost you when I’m more direct. Getting used for dates. I’m not able to deal with women and kids right now and so far it’s like every women I meet around my age has kids. Is this something I should just settle with?

I don’t even know where to go to meet other women ALL of my friends are home busy bodies so going out with others won’t work.
Two of my ex’s found out I am single and are trying to get back together. Because of my feelings towards dating I’ve actually been considering it. But excuse my German, That’s ****ing stupid!

Has anyone ever had negative feelings towards dating? How do I make them positive?

some_what_pushover's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:55 AM

A day at the spa for herself..

I wanted to do this but I wasn’t sure how to.
Go with her pay and leave.
Do together.
Gift certificate or gift card.

That is a nice idea, but... isn't that a bit much for a woman you're not really in relationship with? Basically you said you were just friends. Personally I feel that's overdoing it. That's more something you'd give your partner as a real treat or birthday pressie or something.

Fortunately things have progressed some. We had a long chat. Still not “together” but I’m willing to give it more time.

Also I buy presents for everybody all the time! I don’t exaggerate but I’ll buy a gift for about two people a week. Many times it’s family but still. So its not unusual for me

That's okay, but still I'd be careful not to overdo things. Gift-giving is best and most appreciated when it's unexpected and it doesn't always have to be as costly as a day at a spa. It's especially the small things, small gestures, that are appreciated.
And also, if it becomes routine it becomes predictable and that always gets boring, sometimes even annoying.

Good thinking. I’ll chill out on the gifts. I gotta chill out. Dating is not good for me. Makes me overthink too much. After this girl, whether it works out or not, I think I’m done with dating.

Really? So you're placing all your bets on this woman now? That's an awful lot of power to give away.
You know, you seem like a nice guy, why not change your perspective a little and see it as "I'm getting the hang of this." Just enjoy it a bit, get out of your thinking as that's never good.
That's a much better perspective than "I got to get this right otherwise I give up/I have failed."

To be honest, I think the problem is that you're trying to make a round out of a square. And that is hard work, and it won't work either in the end.
In other words: If you were dating the right woman for you things would flow naturally. You wouldn't have to jump through hoops.
Dating can and should make you happy, it should evolve rather smoothly in a way that is pleasurable.
From what you've posted this isn't. This is hard work. Maybe the only thing you should stop is trying to make it work with someone who's not a good match for you. But don't put all your dreams and your future on such a person!

You are absolutely right! I know I am a good guy and I think its about time that I start dating like one. I have been dating this women for almost 8 months and she is still not ready for a commitment. I felt that it was the right thing to do, to be patient and supportive. You know grow with her and be a part of the healing process. The other day she said she was ready but then came up with another hoop for me to jump through and this is the first time I started thinking “**** This”.

For me dating is generally ****. It’s a time where I have to prove through consistency that I am a good guy. It’s a costly experience where sometimes you go out with just internally unattractive people nd feel as if you have wasted your time. I have done dating enough! I am tired of it and don’t want to tr again. So after her I think I’m done. For a very long time at least.

I’m going to sleep on what I am going to do. Tomorrow one way or the other me and her are going to have a talk:( I hope everything works out.

some_what_pushover's photo
Mon 07/08/19 11:34 PM

A day at the spa for herself..

I wanted to do this but I wasn’t sure how to.
Go with her pay and leave.
Do together.
Gift certificate or gift card.

That is a nice idea, but... isn't that a bit much for a woman you're not really in relationship with? Basically you said you were just friends. Personally I feel that's overdoing it. That's more something you'd give your partner as a real treat or birthday pressie or something.

Fortunately things have progressed some. We had a long chat. Still not “together” but I’m willing to give it more time.

Also I buy presents for everybody all the time! I don’t exaggerate but I’ll buy a gift for about two people a week. Many times it’s family but still. So its not unusual for me

That's okay, but still I'd be careful not to overdo things. Gift-giving is best and most appreciated when it's unexpected and it doesn't always have to be as costly as a day at a spa. It's especially the small things, small gestures, that are appreciated.
And also, if it becomes routine it becomes predictable and that always gets boring, sometimes even annoying.

Good thinking. I’ll chill out on the gifts. I gotta chill out. Dating is not good for me. Makes me overthink too much. After this girl, whether it works out or not, I think I’m done with dating.

some_what_pushover's photo
Mon 07/08/19 03:06 AM

A day at the spa for herself..

I wanted to do this but I wasn’t sure how to.
Go with her pay and leave.
Do together.
Gift certificate or gift card.

That is a nice idea, but... isn't that a bit much for a woman you're not really in relationship with? Basically you said you were just friends. Personally I feel that's overdoing it. That's more something you'd give your partner as a real treat or birthday pressie or something.

Fortunately things have progressed some. We had a long chat. Still not “together” but I’m willing to give it more time.

Also I buy presents for everybody all the time! I don’t exaggerate but I’ll buy a gift for about two people a week. Many times it’s family but still. So its not unusual for me

some_what_pushover's photo
Fri 07/05/19 03:42 PM

A day at the spa for herself..

I wanted to do this but I wasn’t sure how to.
Go with her pay and leave.
Do together.
Gift certificate or gift card.

some_what_pushover's photo
Fri 07/05/19 11:13 AM

A cute cuddly bear, can even be a small one, it's the thought that counts.

A keychain with something that's personal

I've gotten a golden lotus flower (metal) and I loved it. I think it was to be a t-light holder, but I'm not using it that way

Just anything that you know she likes, that matches her interests. And again, it doesn't have to be big/expensive.
Pay attention when you're out and about to what she likes. Go to a promenade with nice shops and take mental notes.

Great ideas! Bear, Symbolic chain, different type of flower.
She mentions restaurants and then on the next date ill take her to one of the places she mentions. So this is good though.

some_what_pushover's photo
Fri 07/05/19 04:34 AM
Need some romantic ideas for a nice lady.

Flowers and candy
Car rides
Walks in the park
Family gathering

All done

What else can i do or give (looking more for gift ideas) nothing perverted, sexual or anything that involves alcohol.

What do you think would be nice?

some_what_pushover's photo
Wed 06/19/19 12:02 AM

how do I come to terms with or suppress my sexual desire to remain in pursuit of this woman because it is going to be a long time?

Talk to her about it?
You understand this is part of your "relationship" growth?
Being open and honest about what's really going on with you mentally and emotionally? How you're handling relationship stress and changes and demands?

That it's an especially bad idea to ask a bunch of strangers who don't know you, or her, what you "should" do in your relationship? Where it can easily lead to an unrealistic idea that you work up in your head, come to conclusions, make decisions, and then kind of "ambush" her with something you've already worked on, or they find out in hindsight you've done something that affects them but they were never told about?

What do I do when the sexual desire increases and I’m still just waiting?

Do you understand that if you seriously consider it "waiting" then you don't really respect or possibly understand her reasons, you're just arbitrarily putting in time because you think you'll get what you want?

I don’t think this has much to do with her. Finding a way to alleviate sexual desire can be for any woman. I just want to know how others do it.

I think that by not pressuring her for sex is a great sign of respect. What I want is not her body but her.

some_what_pushover's photo
Fri 06/14/19 11:06 PM

I can understand why two people would refrain from having sex until marriage, but not to show a natural affection for one another by kissing seems a bit strange, I hope you at least hold hands. If you have waited months already I am sure you can wait until your wedding day.

She has her religious reasons and thing from the past.

Yeah I’m okay now but what if I’m not okay later on like say a year down the line? What do I do when the sexual desire increases and I’m still just waiting?

That's up to you to decide. I think people have been pretty clear about what they would do, and think you should do.
What you decide is up to you.
Are you willing to spend more time on a woman to possibly find out there's nothing in the end, or that you are not a match, or not?
Personally I wouldn't date this person exclusively. You don't owe her nothing, like you say, you're just friends.
Think of this: Had she been a male friend, would you then sacrifice your future of finding love and a normal, healthy relationship for that friend?
Cos that's what you're doing right now: wasting you life and time on this while you want a normal relationship with a woman.

I have never dated a woman like her. So I don’t if I’m missing out on experiences or whether or not this is right for me. I’m not super into sex but i love cuddling and kissing. So i guess I’m waiting to get there. Just figuring what to do in the meantime.

some_what_pushover's photo
Fri 06/14/19 11:03 PM

Keep it in your pants until the wedding night.
I'm a 34 year old virgin, it's easier avoiding sex than it is getting a girl into it.

So how do you do that? How are you a 34 year old virgin? What drives you to remain abstinent?

some_what_pushover's photo
Tue 06/11/19 08:07 PM

Pushover, you are only friends with your lady.

We are just friends right now.
We are dating like i mentioned in my original post. So to her that means we are friends getting to know each other. Becoming boyfriend/ girlfriend comes later.

some_what_pushover's photo
Tue 06/11/19 08:05 PM

I can understand why two people would refrain from having sex until marriage, but not to show a natural affection for one another by kissing seems a bit strange, I hope you at least hold hands. If you have waited months already I am sure you can wait until your wedding day.

She has her religious reasons and thing from the past.

Yeah I’m okay now but what if I’m not okay later on like say a year down the line? What do I do when the sexual desire increases and I’m still just waiting?

some_what_pushover's photo
Mon 06/10/19 11:29 PM
Easier said than done.

Okay so previously I thought that not having sex until marriage was dumb. I thought why not? Be responsible and if no single parents arise from this then everything should be fine.

However recently I met this amazing women and she is all about this notion. We’ve been dating for about 6-7 months now. I have been patient with her and want to continue to do so. At this point there is no intimacy at all, not even a kiss.

So my question is, how do I come to terms with or suppress my sexual desire to remain in pursuit of this woman because it is going to be a long time?