Community > Posts By > thePatriot

thePatriot's photo
Fri 11/28/08 10:38 AM

you celebrate Christmas or not however you want and I won't interfere. And god help you if you try to interfere with mine

i am talking about not celebrating it not a new type of celebration

thePatriot's photo
Fri 11/28/08 09:54 AM

:smile: I heard that X-Giving is a pagan holiday.:smile:


thePatriot's photo
Fri 11/28/08 09:51 AM
lol i got a new pic

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:12 PM

Jesus is the reason for the season..but i'm sure he wouldnt mind if u put up xmas lights, opinon anyways..makes it fun for the kids too and so pretty to look at..i have a real nice, lighted manger i put out..i put baby jesus in it on xmas day..everyone loves it..:wink: flowerforyou

well i get that i think thats pretty cool and all but, i dunno if teaching our children to have a attachment to material things like toys is so good i know it didnt effect me well its taken me until now to learn that i wont die if i dont keep everything i have, knowing i wont die with out my computer or tv or games...

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:10 PM

my point is its totally pegan, i think that we shouldnt have to have a holiday to honor jesus or spend time with our family we should have ruinions and just follow jesus to honor him.

The holidays are celebrations.

ya i kinda get that your point?

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:07 PM
my point is its totally pegan, i think that we shouldnt have to have a holiday to honor jesus or spend time with our family we should have ruinions and just follow jesus to honor him.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 12:48 PM
i mean think about it where in the bible dose it say to us that we should paint eggs and put up a tree with lights in honor of Jesus

i dunno if i feel right celebrating this stuff any more do you??

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 04:44 AM

I'd say you're just maturing more in life...I started to hit that reality at about 23...people are just people...we're all alike but different in ways mostly on the outside. Now I'm gonna look at your profile to see how old you are :-D

cool hehe

btw like your tat

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 03:29 AM
Recently in the past year i feel like my mind has been undergoing some changes, i have been learning that all men and women can be just as sinnacle,as good,as devious,and happy and or as sad as one another. i am seeing there is no reason to label people as anyhting more than human no matter what they have done or no matter what they look like they are, like saying oh that persons trash. i am seeing things from multiple sides now i see that any one of us may be in the same situation as the other.

i dont know what this is or why it has happened, i can say that i know forgiveness is something that we must all practice to ever live in a peaceful merciful world,we must also give eachother freedom because we need it for good or bad to be practiced.
maybe this is all coming from a combination of studying the bible, my countries history, watching videos on from multiple people with very different points of view on the world,religion,people,and conspiracy.

i dont know why i felt like i am compelled to share this but there it is.

also some thing i found odd i looked up what a Freemason is about and the way i have been feeling is kinda the same the page i read basically states that they realize that we are all just as good or bad as each other but it says they come together despite there differences. now i am not sure if Freemasons are what they say they are about but i just had to say.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:48 AM

Quit whining

If people spent as much time working for real change as they did pissing and moaning they might have real choices.

Just a thought

well its not that its pissin and moanin we are working for change by trying to educate the sheeple and talking and disscussing issues u think geroge washington was silent?

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:45 AM
ill be your friend you sound cool. you should post a picture of your self girls that play games are all ways cool.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:43 AM
hey good to meet ya, wats some of the other sites btw?
this site haseent been workin for me.

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/26/08 01:42 AM

Again, Barack Obama ran a smart, disciplined and nearly flawless campaign. Though I did not support him in his run, it worked out well in that he most assuredly did not need my vote. The country has spoken and so he will be my President.

His election was remarkably historic but in itself that was just one of a few things that struck me. What I really thought interesting was the fact that we can still transfer power in this nation without a bloody coup d’état. This sort of fractures the idea that we were (prior to yesterday) being run by a massively powerful fascist regime. Even a cursory study of fascism makes it beyond clear that fascist states do not allow themselves to be rendered powerless by way of a free election. This is because freedom to choose is anathema to fascism--in every possible way.

All of that stated, Barack Obama raised more than 600 million dollars during his run for the Oval and that means that he has a number of favors to repay. I worry that when some of those favors are called in (as they always are) a number of people (both for and against President Obama) will be disappointed.

He'll be given a honeymoon period and he'll no doubt try to take advantage of that by trying to get through bills that are more risky. Time will tell how crafty and savvy he is once he is sworn in but it would appear that like most elected officials the massive reality and complex nature of Beltway politics is a tough ice to navigate around.


Ahhh...but alot of that money came from the little people in the form of donations. His campaign sends out emails. People send in $5, $10 and more through the emails.

Winx, have you actually reviewed (I have) those people and businesses (yes, even those evil corporations) that donated to President-elect Obama? You might want to check it out.



I know quite a few people that have donated. I assume ALL politicians receive corporate donations. He had a massive emailing project going on that collected $5.00 and up donations. I received his organization's emails. That's how my friends donated., I haven't reviewed the list.

i seriously doubt all of them got donations from corps.
probly the zionist pigs only, like hilliary and mcbama.

Big business endorsed Obama, Hilary, and McCain. But the good ones got ignored. I don't know too many politically educated people that would choose any one of these people in the primaries...

We were screwed in our choices. And Big business favored Obama over McCain... there is not much debating that.

Agreed 110%

thePatriot's photo
Mon 11/24/08 01:40 PM

Again, Barack Obama ran a smart, disciplined and nearly flawless campaign. Though I did not support him in his run, it worked out well in that he most assuredly did not need my vote. The country has spoken and so he will be my President.

His election was remarkably historic but in itself that was just one of a few things that struck me. What I really thought interesting was the fact that we can still transfer power in this nation without a bloody coup d’état. This sort of fractures the idea that we were (prior to yesterday) being run by a massively powerful fascist regime. Even a cursory study of fascism makes it beyond clear that fascist states do not allow themselves to be rendered powerless by way of a free election. This is because freedom to choose is anathema to fascism--in every possible way.

All of that stated, Barack Obama raised more than 600 million dollars during his run for the Oval and that means that he has a number of favors to repay. I worry that when some of those favors are called in (as they always are) a number of people (both for and against President Obama) will be disappointed.

He'll be given a honeymoon period and he'll no doubt try to take advantage of that by trying to get through bills that are more risky. Time will tell how crafty and savvy he is once he is sworn in but it would appear that like most elected officials the massive reality and complex nature of Beltway politics is a tough ice to navigate around.


Ahhh...but alot of that money came from the little people in the form of donations. His campaign sends out emails. People send in $5, $10 and more through the emails.

Winx, have you actually reviewed (I have) those people and businesses (yes, even those evil corporations) that donated to President-elect Obama? You might want to check it out.



I know quite a few people that have donated. I assume ALL politicians receive corporate donations. He had a massive emailing project going on that collected $5.00 and up donations. I received his organization's emails. That's how my friends donated., I haven't reviewed the list.

i seriously doubt all of them got donations from corps.
probly the zionist pigs only, like hilliary and mcbama.

thePatriot's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:44 PM

Just make sure you dont dance like this.

gimme some of what they had please lol

thePatriot's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:22 PM

1) get in car
2) find club
3) go inside
4) listen

1)cant legally drive right now
2) have no clue of one other than old ass ppl club across the street
3)not old enough to drink so how could i have fun?

thePatriot's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:19 PM
well any ideas?

thePatriot's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:14 PM

Again, Barack Obama ran a smart, disciplined and nearly flawless campaign. Though I did not support him in his run, it worked out well in that he most assuredly did not need my vote. The country has spoken and so he will be my President.

His election was remarkably historic but in itself that was just one of a few things that struck me. What I really thought interesting was the fact that we can still transfer power in this nation without a bloody coup d’état. This sort of fractures the idea that we were (prior to yesterday) being run by a massively powerful fascist regime. Even a cursory study of fascism makes it beyond clear that fascist states do not allow themselves to be rendered powerless by way of a free election. This is because freedom to choose is anathema to fascism--in every possible way.

All of that stated, Barack Obama raised more than 600 million dollars during his run for the Oval and that means that he has a number of favors to repay. I worry that when some of those favors are called in (as they always are) a number of people (both for and against President Obama) will be disappointed.

He'll be given a honeymoon period and he'll no doubt try to take advantage of that by trying to get through bills that are more risky. Time will tell how crafty and savvy he is once he is sworn in but it would appear that like most elected officials the massive reality and complex nature of Beltway politics is a tough ice to navigate around.


Ahhh...but alot of that money came from the little people in the form of donations. His campaign sends out emails. People send in $5, $10 and more through the emails.

got proof?

I know many people who donated money that way for his campaign.

thats called here say not proof.

thePatriot's photo
Mon 11/10/08 03:41 PM
wat u got?

thePatriot's photo
Wed 11/05/08 11:54 PM

no more Bush, isn't that sweet?
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

drinker drinker drinker drinker

awww yeah!! :banana: :banana: drinker drinker :banana: :banana:

no because this is goin to suck just as bad, this is allso a puppet for the corporations

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