Community > Posts By > soapybubbles
Oh I love LOST....don't get me wrong but they have pulled the characters so far away from what they started as that it is hard to see how he is going ot bring it back full circle and wrap it up with an ending that is great. I know they say they have it all figured out but I am skeptical at times. I can really see them pulling some really goofy cheesy ending like that they are all still on the plane and the whole thing is the imaginings of some writer on the plane who is looking around the cabin and getting inspiration from the people aboard. If they manage to pull it all together and it is cohesive and has an overridning theme and message then it will be the greatest show ever. If they just tack some stupid ending on it then it will have sucked and I will feel cheated out of countless hours. As for Fringe. It isn't quite in LOSTs realm but it is a good show. I don't think it is going to survive though. It doesn't so what LOST does on a "no way way I am missing a minute" level. I got burned totally when it came to the x-files. I dedicated 6 seasons to a show that completely let me down... so I'm with you. If LOST ends cheesey... I will be SO dissapointed. (and that's why I haven't bought the DVD's But at this point I'm so hooked that I'd watch the show go down in flames (much like Battlestar is doing now :( ) even if it does. And I'm glad they have been able to introduce new blood, because 5 years of the same character's flashbacks would become reduntant and boring. Guess we'll just have to have some faith, huh? LOL And I do agree that fringe won't make it. I want it to, I think it will deserve a second season to see how things shape up, but I don't think it will carry the veiwership to a second season. And these days if a show isn't an overnight success... it's pulled. I don't know that that is fair, but neither is life eh? |
And can you believe it! 5-2!! Should really be 6-1 but I digress.
And I'm not going to run around and say that Jim Zorn is god... but I will say campbell has finally found a grove, and this skins this year are WAY down on penalties. Now they really didn't play that well this past sunday, and the missed field goal pissed me off. But at the end of the day, go cooley, go moss, you the man portis, and i'm finally thinking this team will be able to put up a decent season. Even though campbell will never be the quaterback to take the skins to the bowl. |
They either are editing out the training with Mir to fit in more "junie time" OR Mir just isn't a very good coach. Mir reminds me of Forrest. Same coaching style, more laid back and hands off. But in his defense, this is a show where the producers are capatalizing on frakin Junie and his childness. People have been tossed from the UFC for less than what Junie has done, AND in my opinion, the glass throwing was enough. Toss him. He takes the professionalism out of the sport and is such a winey baby. I hope he goes down hard in the first round of his fight. He strikes me as the kind of guy who's mouth is WAY bigger than his ability to fight. I can't even bare to listen to him anymore.
When the coaches were first announced, I first thought that Noguiera had this fight in the bag. I mean since Mir's accident, his return to the UFC wasn't very successful. But his last few fights, he's looking like the Mir before the accident. His fighting is smarter and tighter (he's really been working on his ground game) and he's in much better shape. I think it's gonna be a better fight than I had hoped for. |
Survivor anyone?
There's actually a part of me that wants to see sugar win.... I mean, she found the idol, she seems really genuine and sweet, but also really daft and air-heady so her chances are pretty slim.
As for the rest of the gang, I can't say really that anyone stands out to me as being deserving of winning just yet. And the teams are still so mis-matched EVEN after the shake up. |
Any UFC Fans out there??
And if so.... do you really think that Broc deserves a shot at the title? And do you secretly hope that Junie get's his butt handed to him? He's such a winey little b*tch!!
So what is the story with the son? Is he part of the Dad's old experiments? And why haven't we met the old lab partner yet? Is Massive Dynamic part of the good guys or are they bad guys? Cool show. Hope they don't get cancelled like Jericho or drag on too long like LOST. I am so ready for them to get to the point on Lost! I don't think the son had been experimented upon. It seemed that back in the day when the day was messing with people, it was under the disguise of a company who was giving money in order to do tests on people....and I don't think they have showed us anything yet to think that the son himself was experimented upon. I think the son is there as a partner to the chic, and sarcastic comedic relief. And I do find him funny. I also think we are not going to see the partner guy for a while, he is the owner operator of massive dynamic (which I think is gonna be on the fence of good/bad... maybe a bit of both) and since the massive dyanmic thing is part of the's probably gonna be a while til we get a glimpse of that guy. If you're not a fan of the speed of which LOST unfolds.... you probably should just stay away from JJ Abrams shows. He believes in mystery, suspense, and really telling the story in his own time. Since fringe is another Abrams show, I would suggest preparing to be patient!!! And LOST by the way is my all-time favorite show ever. |
Pushing Daisies
I really love this show! I hear the rating sadly are down... but it's just so witty and original.... I can't get enough of it! This year's circus episode was awesome!
I hope more people will watch so that it stays around for another season! |
True Blood?
I've seen it. I maybe expected more, but I can't really get into it. The episode two weeks ago was pretty decent, thought it was picking up.... but then this past week seemed dreadfully slow. I don't mind character development (hell dexter is one of my fav shows to date) but this was slower than slow.
And the Jason character just annoys me. I don't like him at all, and i'm almost to the point where I skip through his scenes..... Still, i'm trying to give it a little longer. |
Hello, hello!!
Bring on the new buds!! ![]() |