Community > Posts By > thekre8tv1

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:39 PM

Regardless of what you know, you don't live here so chill already.

ohhhhhh so freedom of speech only applies to American?

it would all be good if you just didn't have to be so condescending and subtly nasty to anyone who doesn't agree with you

I am referring to her comments about what she knows in relation to where SHE lives... I could not care less. So I'd rather her not continue on with the "but I am this and I am that..." its just her being on the defense for my bringing to light the fatc that she is not living and voting in America, and doesn't know enough about day-to-day American life to justify any possible knowledge about racial issues in our country.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:35 PM

I am not alone with the way I feel about politics nor how racism is affecting this election.

I agree

you have the rest of the 5% on your side

I really REALLY wish you were right. But unfortunately you are mistaken. Just because you made up your little breakdown of "thinkers vs fanatics" does not make it so. If you were right, then 95% of Americans would be living in oblivion. And THANKFULLY that is not so.

funny, still with the put downs

I said 90% of the Americans are pretty moderate (which in your world translates to oblivious)

the other 5% are the crazy Republicans (who actually sound just like you, just the other way)

because YOU say so.

yes I do

but of course free speech only applies to people who agree with you, right?

you can say anything you want - free speech is welcomed, I thought that was already clear - ? Where did I ever say you were not entitled to your opinion or voicing such? The only one here getting all huffy and stating something so silly like "how dare you say...?" was your Canadian friend...

I love freedom of speech, and I love a good political bout. What do you thin I came to this forum for anyway...?!? To talk about dating?

seems like so you could put down everyone who doesnt agree with your vision for America

I have an answer for everything.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:34 PM

umm you DID say that anyone that didn't vote for Obama was a racist

I'm inclined to think that anyone who votes for him because he is black is also a racist

No I didn't, dear - YOU did. I said that there ARE people who will NOT vote for him BECAUSE he is Black, even as die-hard democrats.

there was also this quote of yours:

If Barack Obama does not win the election, sadly - it will be because of racism, not his qualifications. This is a fact.

meaning if people do not vote for him they must be racist.

or did it mean something else?

Now you are just pulling pieces apart from the picture. You clearly have no concept of how much the color of his skin impacts whether or not he gets into the Oval Office.

What I said - is what I meant. I stated a fact. There was no hidden meaning. RACE is a huge factor in this election. PERIOD. It just is. It is unfortunate, but TRUE. MEANING THAT: Obmama IS qualified to be president. He has a HUGE following. There are people (white democrats) that will NOT vote for him BECAUSE OF THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN. And no, of course not everyone who doesn't vote for him is a racist. Some of them are just republicans that will not bend any of their traditional conservative "political ethics" (for lack of a better word). But there are people who's votes will be racially driven against him DESPITE that they agree what he stands for becase they cannot accept the concept of a black man being the President of our country. IT IS A FACT!!! He is qualified, and should win - at this point in time, the only thing he has truly going against him is the color of his skin.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:26 PM

my comment is that it isn't, or shouldn't be, about the colour (or lack of colour) of a person's skin as to whether or not they are elected.

i think that if a person votes for a person based ONLY on the colour of their skin, and no other considerations, then i would label them racist.

obviously you have only read bits and pieces of what I am ranting about here.

The race card IS a part of our election. FACT. It is unfortunate, but true.

MY vote is going to the man who I see as the most qualifed. Anyone who casts a racially biased vote should not have the right to vote - BUT THEY DO.

Regardless of what you know, you don't live here so chill already.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:17 PM

Thus there even being a problem here as to why you think this election is "just another election". Many white people who do not consider themselves racists seem to think that this is smaller than it is.

so you're saying that anyone who doesn't suport Obama is a racist? THAT sounds pretty racist to me

um... that was your post: "so you're saying that anyone who doesn't suport Obama is a racist? THAT sounds pretty racist to me"

Ok - here's to correcting my bad grammar, and clearing up my lack of realizing you were not taking what you were responding to for what it was:
Many white people (meaning a good majority of white America), who do not consider themselves racists, (so as far as they are concerned, they have nothing against voting for a black man becasue they do not see color lines) seem to think that this is smaller than it is. (meaning the racial factor in the election)

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:11 PM

I am not alone with the way I feel about politics nor how racism is affecting this election.

I agree

you have the rest of the 5% on your side

I really REALLY wish you were right. But unfortunately you are mistaken. Just because you made up your little breakdown of "thinkers vs fanatics" does not make it so. If you were right, then 95% of Americans would be living in oblivion. And THANKFULLY that is not so.

funny, still with the put downs

I said 90% of the Americans are pretty moderate (which in your world translates to oblivious)

the other 5% are the crazy Republicans (who actually sound just like you, just the other way)

because YOU say so.

yes I do

but of course free speech only applies to people who agree with you, right?

you can say anything you want - free speech is welcomed, I thought that was already clear - ? Where did I ever say you were not entitled to your opinion or voicing such? The only one here getting all huffy and stating something so silly like "how dare you say...?" was your Canadian friend...

I love freedom of speech, and I love a good political bout. What do you thin I came to this forum for anyway...?!? To talk about dating?

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:08 PM

umm you DID say that anyone that didn't vote for Obama was a racist

I'm inclined to think that anyone who votes for him because he is black is also a racist

anyone who votes for him BECAUSE he's black is an idiot and should not have the right to vote.

he deserves a vote for being QUALIFIED.

McCain's qualifications have expired.

Oh - and as info...
I'm not a Democrat.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:06 PM

umm you DID say that anyone that didn't vote for Obama was a racist

I'm inclined to think that anyone who votes for him because he is black is also a racist

No I didn't, dear - YOU did. I said that there ARE people who will NOT vote for him BECAUSE he is Black, even as die-hard democrats.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:02 PM

I am not alone with the way I feel about politics nor how racism is affecting this election.

I agree

you have the rest of the 5% on your side

I really REALLY wish you were right. But unfortunately you are mistaken. Just because you made up your little breakdown of "thinkers vs fanatics" does not make it so. If you were right, then 95% of Americans would be living in oblivion. And THANKFULLY that is not so.

funny, still with the put downs

I said 90% of the Americans are pretty moderate (which in your world translates to oblivious)

the other 5% are the crazy Republicans (who actually sound just like you, just the other way)

because YOU say so.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 01:01 PM

Your 'venting your opinion' is welcomed. As I vent mine as well - I have nothing against you speaking your mind, but you mistakenly assumed that I am a racist. I retaliated with a fact. A lot of Americans are good, and not racially split, but unfortunately for every civil and educated person who sees no color lines, there is one opposing them. America is still divided. Unless you live here and see it day-to-day. there isn't much way for you to understand it.

Your take on American politics is irrelevant.If you knew more about racism in America, it would be - but you opposed a fact that I mentioned so you clearly don't.

...butya' still won't answer the question.
so this clearly is a mute point.

i called you a racist? where?

ummm, what question would that be? whether i will vote? no, i'm not eligible to vote; but maybe i can register with acorn? laugh

day-to-day huh? so all of the people who live in america every single day are smart and informed?

so then, are you accusing them of being ignorant when they are casting a vote that is dissimilar to yours? that sounds pretty arrogant and assumptive to me.

do you know how often i travel, and stay, in america? right. i thought so.

please stop getting so defensive... traveling into America will not tell you how things are in day-to-day life here across the country from state to state. There are issues that you could not possibly see or know unless you live here. There are also things that local-suburbanites don't know even living here in America becasue they are not immediately impacted by things that go on in our inner cities. I could go on about this, but I don't feel there is any need to drag it out.

You maye have not directly called me a rasicts, but you did make the following comment to insinuate that I am after my stating that there are people who simply will not vote for Obama becasue of the color of his skin: "actually, it's YOU who keeps referring to the colour of his skin and making it an issue "

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:54 PM

I am not alone with the way I feel about politics nor how racism is affecting this election.

I agree

you have the rest of the 5% on your side

I really REALLY wish you were right. But unfortunately you are mistaken. Just because you made up your little breakdown of "thinkers vs fanatics" does not make it so. If you were right, then 95% of Americans would be living in oblivion. And THANKFULLY that is not so.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:51 PM

well, at least Ireland doesn't have any fanatics

uh-oh. you might have just stepped in poo.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:49 PM

hahaha this is getting fun

you say all that and then say this
A woman with an opinion and not a "yessir" girl is not common in your neck of the woods...? Or hers - ?

every post you make ends with some kind of a put down

it's a passive aggresive way of attacking someone and then claiming innocence. It's dishonest and I have no tolerance for it

LMAO!!!!!!!!! ~ now you're a psycho-analyst?

I ask questions that stir-up a little anxiety or tension and that makes me passive-aggressive.

Yeah. ok.

um no, the fact that you subtley attack people and then defend yourself with statements like "I ask questions that stir-up a little anxiety or tension and that makes me passive-aggressive." is what makes you passive agressive

you're still doing it

Doctor of Psychology - ?


are you charging me by the hour?

nope, just quickly losing any shred of respect

I didn't know that I was applying for your respect. I never filled out an application anyway...

BUT - back to the topic...
I am not alone with the way I feel about politics nor how racism is affecting this election. Either way - this election matters. Like it or leave it. If it doesn't matter to you, then don't vote.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:44 PM

Your take on American politics is irrelevant.

as is yours

Wrong again. My vote counts.

only once

which is a civil right. I'll take it.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:42 PM

Your take on American politics is irrelevant.

as is yours

Wrong again. My vote counts.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:40 PM

hahaha this is getting fun

you say all that and then say this
A woman with an opinion and not a "yessir" girl is not common in your neck of the woods...? Or hers - ?

every post you make ends with some kind of a put down

it's a passive aggresive way of attacking someone and then claiming innocence. It's dishonest and I have no tolerance for it

LMAO!!!!!!!!! ~ now you're a psycho-analyst?

I ask questions that stir-up a little anxiety or tension and that makes me passive-aggressive.

Yeah. ok.

um no, the fact that you subtley attack people and then defend yourself with statements like "I ask questions that stir-up a little anxiety or tension and that makes me passive-aggressive." is what makes you passive agressive

you're still doing it

Doctor of Psychology - ?


are you charging me by the hour?

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:39 PM

um - no. I am not making it an issue. It IS an issue, albeit unfortunate. It is. You may not have heard...?!?! You're not even American.

and you know this how?

by the fact that i am currently LIVING in canada, as a canadian CITIZEN?

how do you know where i was born, or where my loyalties lay?

hmmmm, who is making assumptions now?

You live in Canada, yes - ?

Are you voting in the American election on November 4th?

that is not what you said

you said i was not an american

and i want to know how dare you make an assumption about me, while accusing others of same?

If you're not voting and not living in America, then RIGHT NOW, you are not American as far as I am concerned. If you were born here, have become a citizen eslewhere and now have no American rights to vote in this election, then you are "no longer" American. Whatever the case may be. Are you voting or not...? Does your political opinion matter in America or not...? This is what I am asking NOW. And yes, how dare I execute my right to freedom of speech?! I'm only American afterall.

last i checked, i'm free to vent my opinion (political and otherwise) whenever and wherever i like.

what's that expression about 'if you don't like it....'?

thank you, by the way, for clarifying what, exactly, an american is - and isn't. i feel so informed and educated now!

Your 'venting your opinion' is welcomed. As I vent mine as well - I have nothing against you speaking your mind, but you mistakenly assumed that I am a racist. I retaliated with a fact. A lot of Americans are good, and not racially split, but unfortunately for every civil and educated person who sees no color lines, there is one opposing them. America is still divided. Unless you live here and see it day-to-day. there isn't much way for you to understand it.

Your take on American politics is irrelevant.If you knew more about racism in America, it would be - but you opposed a fact that I mentioned so you clearly don't.

...butya' still won't answer the question.
so this clearly is a mute point.

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:32 PM

hahaha this is getting fun

you say all that and then say this
A woman with an opinion and not a "yessir" girl is not common in your neck of the woods...? Or hers - ?

every post you make ends with some kind of a put down

it's a passive aggresive way of attacking someone and then claiming innocence. It's dishonest and I have no tolerance for it

LMAO!!!!!!!!! ~ now you're a psycho-analyst?

I ask questions that stir-up a little anxiety or tension and that makes me passive-aggressive.

Yeah. ok.

um no, the fact that you subtley attack people and then defend yourself with statements like "I ask questions that stir-up a little anxiety or tension and that makes me passive-aggressive." is what makes you passive agressive

you're still doing it

Doctor of Psychology - ?

thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:31 PM
fanatical about potential change.

disgusted by the concept of stagnation.


thekre8tv1's photo
Sun 10/26/08 12:28 PM

hahaha this is getting fun

you say all that and then say this
A woman with an opinion and not a "yessir" girl is not common in your neck of the woods...? Or hers - ?

every post you make ends with some kind of a put down

it's a passive aggresive way of attacking someone and then claiming innocence. It's dishonest and I have no tolerance for it

LMAO!!!!!!!!! ~ now you're a psycho-analyst?

I ask questions that stir-up a little anxiety or tension and that makes me passive-aggressive.

Yeah. ok.