Community > Posts By > AdverseTheory

AdverseTheory's photo
Fri 11/14/08 02:24 AM
Einstein said that energy is never created nor destroyed and everything we are is pure energy, meaning every atom in our body is positively and negatively charged. Our brain is a network of electro-chemical impulses. Our heart beats our muscles move because of electricity. Imagine for a moment a theoretical glass full of water. The water will stay contained in the glass. Now if you were to break that glass the water flows outward in a pool, it doesn’t just disappear. Our body and the energy it contains is the same. Everything that makes us, us is due to energy. Our memories are imprints of varying electric frequencies ,on the positive and negative side of the scale, on biological hard drives in our brains. When we die, this energy, which is our memories, personality, and who we are doesn’t just vanish, it can’t. As recent studies of the levitating frog show, objects once thought to have no magnetic properties can become magnetized and the magnetism is at the atomic level. Now, knowing that the very atoms we are made of can be controlled by magnetism is important because the earth is a very large magnet, with a positive and negative pole. Understanding those links can lead to many interesting ideas.

I’m going to leave this open ended I would like to see what questions or theories might arise from this idea.

This to think about:

When the heart of a fetus beats for the very first time, where does the energy come from to make it first pump. Or what turns on the brain of a fetus and jump starts those electric impulses?

If our electric energy can not be destroyed where does it go?

If the release of this energy could be measured when a person dies, and a scientific theory be created to show that this energy could be placed back into a person I.E. a fetus or other new life form, animal what have you. Would it show that a form of reincarnation is possible?

Einstein was a brilliant person with the most luminous intellect yet to be matched..