yellow paper
oh no parshanto1
words dont destroy lives the right words can sometime make you cry that is why I write poems to make people smile or laugh or cry oh couldnt you just try the words dont havt to rythm or stay in line say it from your heart and you will make new friends and you will never part |
panty hose
delicious lips
xray for your eyes
hey mingle friends
i know it summer and soon it will becoming to a end but I need a poem a short on will do oh dont tell me you stop on this game i hope im not to blame |
Change one letter
jumper cabels
I saw a star tonight
I saw a star tonight it was glowing and ever so bright it guided me home all the way it made me happy I must saw the star cant talk I clearly know that but it just hung around in the sky for me it seem to just of sat the moon was only half so it was really dark out but as I drove my car home that bright star seem to know that I know in my heart the star was God he may not alway seem to be there but God clearly lights are way until we get home safely to stay so the next time in your life if you feel all alone just look up at the sky God will guide you and in your life help you get by |
complaining is one of those useless things just visualize the extra problems it brings It is like an offpitch vocalist that cant sing it is heard but no one is really listening |
what can i say about today
what can I say about this day
it has not been the best this dating site I feel I need to give it a rest Iv met a few men on line and I try to be pleasant and chat and I feel I give them my best But it always ends up the same we play this Im not sure I like you--this name game the men I really like they politely say I feel for me - your not just right and the men I met I dont really care for I havt to break there hearts and it tears me apart so what can I say about this day and maybe some of you Im sure you all at times to time this this you to, have been through? Its tuff in meeting new people on line and sometimes it even ruff but in the end we are all human and God made us to what and need a mate and if we dont fine love sometimes we get lonely and sad and even very mad but I feel God in control he placed us all in this world like in a big fishing bowl throw your line in try to catch a few but in the end it all up to me and you, so what can I say about this day as long as God in control Im sure he will lead a good christain man my way,,,,,,, |
his comb
vicks vapor rub